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Mr Bomber

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Everything posted by Mr Bomber

  1. Mr Bomber

    Macross figures

    My thoughts exactly that line would be great.
  2. Mr Bomber

    Macross figures

    I like that figure
  3. I bought the last one couple days ago. 😆
  4. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    I i shopped befor from them, they are quite reasonable in shipping speed. They tend to combine orders that are release in near dates thought, happened to me before.Check your order details on site.
  5. You know what im gonna say spanner XDJokes aside, that lambo looks awesome. How is the detail inside?
  6. Knowing in what you are getting in helps alot. I saw many of jenius videos and reviews of the VF0s and VF171 nightmare plus and took all precautions to avoid damaged legs and exploting triangles. that helped me alot to avoid problems.
  7. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    Maybe those were canceled before, thats why it was on stock. Someone beat you in checkout.
  8. My macross valks are in place finally. Here are on display, some will be set on yeti stands but for the time being this will be stay as is. Oh forgot my incoming arcadia VF 1S
  9. I have delta on queue to watch, but Id love the idea of the more obscure valks. Also all soundforce would be a win. If i have to pick one release to start ill get VF 21/22 advance to pair it with the VF 19 Advance.
  10. Those 3 cars should be 3 HI METAL R VF-1A CF spanner 😎
  11. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    Damn and here i was thinking 3 CF were too much and cancelled one :S
  12. chrono and my cancellations i guess!
  13. i did the same, i rather not having them give me excuses to close my order or worse :S
  14. they do, also they pack a slip inside with the yen value of the merchandize.
  15. spanner, come on dude, we just talked about it, YOU NEED AT LEAST 4. get all you can!
  16. order stop
  17. one can just dream
  18. crap got 3 order confimation :S
  19. i got one just on the place order page, luckily i could do it on the second try.
  20. yessss thx a lot dude, i was missing it!
  21. makes sense, i wont be posting links then. but some are already posted ;S
  22. 8 minutes, no show up
  23. thx spanner, its a work in progress, still need to arrange more valks on it. I ordered a yeti stand couple days ago, hopefuly it will help me arrange the remaining valks better. When its done ill upload full pics of all my stuff, even my non macross collections. (dont worry i dont collect die cars, you wont be envious XD)
  24. just came back home. gonna stick on the pc until PO time.
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