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Mr Bomber

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Everything posted by Mr Bomber

  1. Ive seen it around 160 - 180
  2. ok i made this with my photo camera, looks way better than my celphone ones. enjoy need to setup the computer and those boxes will be gone wheni figure out where i can store them. some still have the toys on it :S damn square enix and their bulky play arts kai boxes ; ;
  3. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    ordered effects parts on NY
  4. thx slave. muchas gracias amigos! todavia lo estoy preparando apenas pueda saco una mejor foto panoramica, esta se ve medio montado en los extremos.
  5. thx spanner, im pretty happy with them, specially my vf-1s. see spanner? THATS THE WAY OF THE TRUE COLLECTOR. NOW GO AND START GETTING V2s until they release V3s!
  6. my yeti stand on display! i config it for 2 valks but my current display place dont allow me to put more
  7. got this a couple days ago. just got time to show them
  8. Aca en cambio no tengo ese problema. Siempre y cuando venga a traves de correo regular y no pase de 400 ni mas de 4 kilos pago 0 impuestos. Lo malo es que ese limite me encarece ya que a veces todo lo que tengo en el PW de hlj me sale mas barato por fedex por el peso pero si lo hago me revientan los impuestos.
  9. Same here ignacio. I bought a lot from NY before and their ems rate are way too expensive. I use registred airmail with them to me it affordable.
  10. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    Looks awesome.
  11. Well, if everyone is preordering guess ill have to go with it. Guess ill have to hope for a VF0A re release for seconds.
  12. You know spanner you can always get seconds or thirds when going for valks. Focus !
  13. A SoC SDF-1 would be amazing. You gave me a new dream!
  14. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    Probably, but most likely it would be more expensive.
  15. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    Can you guys imagine that with millia release it mark the end of macross hi metal r run?
  16. Damn i was hoping for a discounted bundle to justify getting another valk.
  17. This arrived yesterday along with SRC kurogane great mazinger.
  18. Yeah will do! Guess ill need to tear down my living room to accomodate the valk! XD
  19. just bought this, never new there was one this big!! already cleaning my garage to put it it. XD
  20. I got my YF-30 from mandarake a year ago at a pretty 28k yen which at the time i thought it was kinda pricy. But after that i have seen it going up and up on each site ive seen it (if it is at all) so collector wise id say keep it and buy a 4G which is stilla available, even on this forums ive seen a couple poping arouns at fair prices.
  21. So you literally have money on the roof!Same here, i started with the VF1 anny frok arcadia, which jenius luckily sold to me
  22. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

  23. This arrived yesterday. A nice figure but somehow in kinda dissapointed, i was expexting more. Super robot chogokin steel jeeg
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