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Mr Bomber

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Everything posted by Mr Bomber

  1. that seems a new sig for No3ljm XD
  2. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    found one with free shipping on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/HiMetal-R-Macross-Vf1J-Super-Valkyrie-Maximilian-Genus-Machine-Action-Figure-/262707426038 expensive, but not too much all things considered. $135
  3. you know deep in your mind, behind you consciousness, there is a spark, you want them, admit it, youll get them, as we all do. XD
  4. only the CF have the exploding triangles, everything else is pretty safe, at least to my knowledge and experience. Check jenius site for additional info. http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=5932
  5. For Spanner: https://youtu.be/NZOrT2NkiuE?t=15m4s the prophecy for V3
  6. Lol spanner. I have some love for the v1 Vf-1. In fighter they look good enough.
  7. Mr Bomber

    Macross figures

    On ebay i get most of my stuff
  8. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    The vf 1j is appearing on and off on many store maybe they will get you a replacement soon enough.
  9. Same here no yellowing, only in 2 v1 VF-1 that i bought with the yellowing.
  10. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    Send it back if its not fixable.
  11. Wow its a beast. I didnt got the size until you compare the size with the vf-0s
  12. Id say thousands. He also sold me my first valk. His reviews are awesome and get me hyped to get stuff i dont own.
  13. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    up in cdjapan, well it isnt now. sorry, was driving when the alert came in.
  14. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    Set an alarm to 5 am, maybe youll catch one.
  15. Thats easily explained. The music goes straight to your mind, not thru tour ears
  16. In my country something similar goes on but beside that 40 bucks you pay like 45% of the value if it goes beyond 400 or 8 lbs when using courier services.
  17. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    I managed to get a second one on amiami, first time im glad i had insomnia, i was awake at 5 am when the figinstock mail came in!
  18. I manage to get a saint myth crown sagitarius seiya for 8900 yen like a year or so. Its long sold out and i got the only one at a stellar price. 1/3 of current market price. Even less than the current myth cloth ex releases.
  19. Mr Bomber

    Hi-Metal R

    Missed max. I wanted a second.
  20. I want that but the shipping cost made it too expensive.
  21. Mr Bomber

    Macross figures

  22. Mr Bomber

    Macross figures

    Thats true. Those macross stands on banpresto takes the same space as a 1/6 stand. Im having second thoughts on some i just bought. Guess ill open a dispute on paypal. XD
  23. take pictures and post them!
  24. yes that is the renewal price. you can still find it in nippon yassan, where i got mine. the price is around the same i think. but i seen it cheaper elsewhere. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/11411-.html https://mykombini.com/en/special-limited-edition/1459-macross-frontier-dx-chogokin-vf-27%CE%B2-lucifer-valkyrie-.html?search_query=macross&results=38
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