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Everything posted by sixtybucks

  1. I was in the process of checking out and it crapped out. The price was right in my alley
  2. Nice, always giving the joints a good workout!
  3. Nice pics! It would be very interesting to see a 1/60 Bandai VF-1... as others said, there's still room for improvement
  4. Been bitten by the TF bug and I'm trying to keep it under control but it's too much fun! Really dig the difference in size between these two, Optimus is one big mofo! I still feel that his shoulder articulation could have been better... but still awesome! @ChaoticYeti Sweet Devastator! I can hardly wait for TT Devy on december...
  5. Nicely done!
  6. I want a breakdancing GBP from troyness! or whatever he can come up with
  7. Thanks guys! @troyness now I've fulfilled my part of the bargain!
  8. I used an Olympus E-PM2 with a 45mm f1.8 prime (90mm equiv.).
  9. Ok, gentlemen, I give you the "Grenade" Super Fighter. The mechanics could only salvage so many parts from Hikaru's first sortie with the GBP... so they fitted his (refurbished or new?) J with these until the Super parts were ready! Also known in other circles as the "Ghetto" Super Fighter Thanks to my lovely wife for providing the "hand stand"!
  10. I'll try to post something this weekend!
  11. Oh yeah, you would be in deep deep trouble, you know it. But don't worry, I think the chances of something like that happening are pretty much zero... at least from Arcadia.
  12. Signature break dance move: Check! Needs more crazy balancing though haha! And don't forget the GBP, that's the real challenge!
  13. Yeah I know Takara did just that (and the reason I preordered it), I just don't understand why Hasbro felt they couldn't make that one the standard... just manufacture that version. Why have that at all? By looking at TT Dev prices in Japan, it's basically the same price, so it could have even gone for the same $150... so weird
  14. You have a point in that Devastator is not a popular character for kids today as it's not featured in any cartoon right now and things like that drive most of demand (I would assume). So demand from that camp would be non existent. It's people like us and the few kids/parents that get hooked on the toy by itself. Even then, parents with a $150 budget might think twice between this or a huge LEGO set for example... The question then is... if this is the case... why did they constrain themselves to $150? I mean, it's a good price, but you could have stayed below $200 and still could have added a bunch of improvements I think.
  15. No way! Oh man, thought I was the only cool kid from RWC, all is lost!
  16. Sure, maybe they won't know who 1980's Devastator is, but I would bet most kids who see the box and the toy would want to know pretty quickly! I mean, come on, construction vehicles that combine in one giant bad ass robot? the basic concept is already cool as hell! and I'm pretty sure they already know what a Transformer is...
  17. I want to see that too!
  18. Sweet! I'm gonna order one of those and save the stickers. Yes to the kite! Yep, kite is canon for TV and it should be an "S" really to portray the "Booby Duck". Might get one of those eventually to complete my "Hikaru on duty" collection! Oh and yes, went crazy with the stickers on the "J"... I think I used everything I could, went beyond the manual with extra reference materials. Oh and thanks no3ljm!
  19. Haha, yeah, grey parts brought to you by Photoshop magic. I tend to do that, I find it more appealing. Wish I could do that in real life. Right now I'm fighting the idea of putting the stickers on the super parts, they look so naked! argggh, are there any alternatives?
  20. Finally got the TV Super parts! Now I've got all TV add-on for the VF-1. GBP and Super! I don't get why they made the reaction missiles tips yellow when they are red in the TV series...
  21. No problem, what do you mean by "confirmed proper elbows"? are you saying someone said that Hasbro's Devy has elbows on everyone?
  22. I had preordered Hasbro's Devy on Amazon and I just changed it for Takara's. To me the price difference is well worth it and I don't mind waiting for Dec. To me there's a bit more than just elbows, it's also the visor/eyes head, Hook also has improved elbows, the rims are painted, the forearms and hands are better finished in combined mode, the individual guns... I think I would have to be be hunting 3Ps all over the place and the total time, money and shipping for all these would not be worth it. It's a lot of things I don't have to worry when I open the box in Dec. How much is going to be the total price of a fully upgraded CW Devy anyway? Deep down I just know that if I get the Hasbro I would be kicking myself forever for not going for TT's, but that's just me. I love the G1 look combined mode and robot mode have, none of the third parties gave me that vibe, none of them take me back to my childhood. And they are super expensive! Again, just my opinion. And regarding manufacturers, I think Hasbro has done an awesome job here, it's a terrific figure at an excellent price, any kid would go crazy over this. It's a reasonable toy. Any parent can see themselves giving this one to their kids. I hope they sell a ton! Also, sure, robot/alt modes don't look voyager quality but that's fine by me, the box says "Devastator" after all and I understand why certain things had to be done in certain ways to nail the combined look. But I think they have the right balance between the simple cartoon look and some level of realistic detailing. The only one I'm not really happy with is Mixmaster... I'd rather have the cab in the conventional place with double wheels in the front.
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