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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Yeah, I will end up putting them a separate case if I find myself struggling too much. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I like the idea of the book holding the discs and I'd prefer to keep them in the book. It will encourage me to flip through the book every time I watch!
  2. Cool, this is great to know. Does your technique involve pressing quite hard on the center clip to release the disc, as @Uxi mentioned? I also contacted Crunchyroll and they said they haven't received any support tickets regarding damaged discs/clips. I will place my order today!
  3. Is it true the discs are extremely difficult to remove from the book? I'm on the verge of ordering but the only unboxing video I can find show the guy bending the discs so much it looks like they're about to break! And @Uxi mentions above that they are tricky to remove. https://youtu.be/XxOJqktKs6Q?t=274
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