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Everything posted by DeathHammer

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  5. http://www.riseofkobol.com/ Looks like a mod is going to come out, using the Battlefield 2 engine. Looks promising so far.
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  11. Figures.com reports - Well, you know they'll make a Cylon Centurion from new BSG. My guess on the rest of the new figures would be - Apollo ( flightsuit) - Starbuck ( flightsuit) - Boomer ( flightsuit) - Adama ( dress blues) I figure they can just produce a different head, slap it on the Starbuck figure and you have Boomer. If they shortpack, I'm guessing they'd limit the Starbuck and Centurion. Chick figures always end up the shortpack.
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  15. Spoilers**** Spoilers ******* SPOILERS***** Script Excerpts from future episodes******* -------------------------------------------- Episode 12 - Black Market Shevon (cont'd): I don't understand. Why would they care about us? Lee's face tightens, knowing this was his fault. Lee: Put together whatever you need. I'm taking you and Paya to Galactica. When Shevon hesitates, Lee goes to the dresser and starts pulling out clothes, tossing them on the bed. Shevon: Lee, wait... Lee: It's the only way I can protect you. Shevon: And what are you going to tell them about us? Lee stops, looking over from the dresser. Lee: I'm not fooling myself, Shevon. I know what this is. But I won't let you or Paya get hurt because of me... AS he's looking at Shevon, Lee notices an eerie drift of SMOKE coming under the door. With a sudden, frightening realization, Lee grabs Shevon and throws her away from the door when... THE DOOR EXPLODES INWARD. Blown off it's hinges by a small explosive charge. Three armed men, PHELAN, WELLER, and BEACH, burst into the room. Lee dives headlong into Beach and they both fall back into the dresser, shattering the mirror. Beach pulls out a handgun and Lee grabs his gun-hand, slamming it against the bulkhead. He almost has the gun away from Beach when... Weller cracks Lee across the back of the head with a pistol butt. Lee drops, stunned, and Beach shoves away from him, turning toward Shevon and Paya. Shevon (screaming) : Get away from us! Continued (2) 34. Phelan opens a flip-pocket and pulls out a hypodermic needle, popping off the plastic needle protector and leaning in toward Paya. Shevon (cont'd) : Leave her alone! When Shevon reaches for him, Phelan coldly back hands her, then injects Paya. Phelan: Shut up! FROM LEE'S DAZED, SIDEWAYS POV He can see Phelan injecting Paya, t hen pulling pout a second needle for Shevon. Desperate, Lee fumbles across the floor and finds a piece of glass from the broken mirror. He grabs it and... SLASHES THE SHARD across Weller's calf. As Weller SCREAMS, blood spilling out from the wound. Lee claws at him, determined to help Shevon and Paya, when... Phelan suddenly kneels close, pressing a gun against Lee's temple. Phelan (cont'd): Don't (as Lee) I hear any more talk about Fisk <<<<Pegasus XO I believe>>>> I'll send your whore back to you piece by piece.Then the little girl... Lee tries to move but Phelan presses the muzzle in hard. As Lee notices a faded CRAB-LIKE tattoo on the back of Phelan's other hand, Phelan squeezes the trigger. Lee winces, expecting a shot, then there's a CLICK. Phelan (cont'd): Next time I come loaded. Phelan stands, viciously KICKING LEE across the back of the head. As Lee passes out, the last thing he sees are Shevon and Paya being dragged away by the three men, Shevon's eyes pleading as she fades.... FADE OUT. END ACT TWO 45. ACT FOUR Fade In: INT> Prometheus- Phelan's Quarters. The door opens and two Prometheus Guards drag Lee inside, holding him in front of a large desk. Phelan walks around and takes a seat hehind the desk, reaching for a bottle of Amrosia. TO THE SIDE there's an couch/table area where two of Phelan's black markt ASSOCIATES arechecking through a crate of merchandise. Mear them, a third MAN sits on the floor, head bowed like he's sleeping. Phelan (to Lee) : Drink? Phelan sits at the desk , pouring himself a glass of whiskey. Lee: IS she dead? Phelan shrugs at Lee's determination and gulps the drinks, enjoying the burn. Phelan: Shevon? Of course not. (beat) But I can see why you'd want her back. She's always been one of our best. Lee: What do you mean, one of yours? Phelan:Our trade isn't limited to dry goods. (eyes on Lee) A good "escort" understands that it's about more than sex. They learn to listen, smile.... forgive... INT. CLOUD NINE- SHEVON"S QUARTERS FLASH CUT: Shevon lies next to Lee in bed, caressing his forehead. (Continued) 46. CONTINUED: Shevon: <<<This was crossed out by hand, but maybe just because it didn't concern Phelan>>>> If Gianne was everything you say, she wouldn't want you to blame yourself for what happened... INT. PROMETHEUS- PHELAN'S QUARTERS Still being held by the guards, Lee glares at Phelan. Phelan: Beforeyou know it, you're trusting them with everything. Your secrets... EXT. CAPRICA- LEE"S HOUSE- DAY (FLASHBACK) FLASH CUT: Lee catches Gianne standing profile in front of a window in the house, looking at her dim reflection in the glass, touching her tomach in wonder. Phelan (V.O.): ... your regrets... INT PROMETHEUS- PHELAN'S QUARTERS. Still being held by the guards, Lee glares at Phelan. Lee: How much did she tell you? Shevon steps out form a divider behind the desk, sliding up seductively beside Phelan. The bruises from her eariler beatingstill visible. Shevon: Everything. Enraged at the betrayal, Lee tries to break away from the guards, but they hold him. Phelan: I'm not trying to embarrass you, Lee. You're alive because I could see you through Shevon's eyes. And what I saw seeemed... reasonable. Lee: Like Fisk? Phelan: Fisk was a pig. He tried to force us to renegotiate.<<<< MY guess here is that Tyrol and Helo get pinned for the murder.. maybe all of this started with Lee trying to find out info to clear them>>>> (COntinued) Continued: 47. Lee: So you killed him. Phelan: No. (nods) He did. Phelan indicates the MAN sitting with his head bowed, hands blue withrigor mortis. We suddenly realize that he's dead and has been dead for some time. Phelan (cont'd) (To Lee's Guards): It's okay. Let him go. (As they release him) I can provide you with the murder weapon, fingerprints, whatever it takes so you can legitimately close your books. Lee: Then What? Phelan: Look the other way. (off Lee's doubt) Despite the President's feel-good trade policy, the fleet needs us. When rationing gets too tight or a supply shipment runs late, we're the pressure valve... INT. CLOUD NINE- SHEVON'S QAURTERS (FALSHBACK) FLASH CUT: Reprise fro mthe teaser. Lee finds a medicine bottle on Shevon's dressing stand. The medicine she hadn't been able to get from the infirmary. Phelan: (V.O.) We provide. Without us, people would have nowhere to turn. The fleet would tear itself apart. INT. PROMETHEUS- PHELAN'S QUARTERS Lee shakes his head at Phelan's rationalizations. Lee: And it doesn't hurt taht you get to live like Kings while everyone else starves. (continued) Continued: 48. Phelan: After the Cylon attack, fairness became an abstract concept. I'm talking about survival. Lee locks eyes with Phelan. Lee: Then you never should have killed a command officer. Phelan: Is that a threat? Lee: I came alone, but Galactica tracked me on dradis. They know all about Prometheus by now. Shevon : Oh my Gods. Lee: Remember what I said about commitment? If I know my father, he'll send in a full Marine squad. All they'll need to vent this ship into space is an excuse. Lee turns towards the nearby guard. Nods at the gun the man is aiming at him. Lee (cont'd) So go ahead. Phelan: Wait -- Lee walks up to the guard's gun hand, pressing the gun into his own chest. Lee: Come on. Do it. DO IT! When the guard looks to Phelan for instrustion,Lee suddenly grabs the gun away from him. Everyone in the room tenses. Phelan: I made you a fair offer! Continued (2) 49. Lee: You're right, and maybe I should compromise. See both sides. (Self-loathing) Back off like I've been doing all my life... Phelan: Better decide... Phelan suddenly reaches down, like he's going for a weapon. Lee FIRES, catching Phelan in the chest, the impact throwing him backward off his chair. The others in the room reach for their weapons, but Shevon raises a warning hand. Shevon: No. Don't (Nods toward) He's right. Galactica will come for him. As the men hesitate, still stuned, Shevon checks Phelan's body, then looks up at Lee wit hscorn. Shevon (cont'd) :Son of a bitch. You're such a coward.. you only kept seeing me because of Paya... INT. CLOUD NINE- SHEVON's QUARTERS (FLASHBACK) Lee is sitting up in bed, remembering Gianne. This is a painful memory. Lee: When she said she was pregnant, I... I wasn't ready... INT. PROMETHEUS- PHELAN's QUARTERS Shevon glares at Lee, her dispassionate, dismissive hatred morechilling than a screaming fit. Shevon "Gianne" didn't leave you, you pushed her away. EXT. CAPRICA- LEE'S HOUSE- DAY (FLASHBACK) FLASHCUT: REprise of the scene in the teaser, Gianne running down the porch steps, her back to camera, hand to her face like she's crying. A younger Lee unable to follow.... (continued) ------------------------ Episode 13 22. INT. GALATICA- Adama's Quarters Adama and Tigh look over as ROYAN JAHEE, a tall dignified man, enters with an armed MARINE escort. Jahee: Admiral. I'm Royan Jahee. (nodding at Guard) You have a unique way of welcoming visitors to your ship. Tigh: Visitor my ass. We shoot people like you for treason. Jahee: Colonel, I'm only an interested party, hoping to prevent more bloodshed. I deplore what happened aboard your Vipers. No one offers Jahee a chair, so he just takes one and sits. Adama: How many of these "sympathizers" are out in the fleet? Jahee: If you're looking for an organization to crush, you can stop now. The people in this movement are following an idea, now a leader. Tigh:What the hell do they weant? Jahee: Peace with the Cylons. Adama: You mean surrender. Jahee: Let's not argue semantics. The fleet's engaged in an endless combat with the Cylons, losing people, supplies amd ships. It would be ironic if we survived the destruction of our worlds only to die in an equally senseless conflict. (continued) 23. Continued: Adama: The Cylons attacked us, Mr. Jahee. Jahee: Only after we'd enslaved them. (beat) You're supposed to be military men, strategists. Explain to me how our current course leads us to "victory?" Adama: Our continued survival is victory enough. Jahee: sounds like you and the peace movement aren't so far apart after all. Adama's face sours as he nods toward the Marine Guard. Adama: Far enough. You can play "innocent bystander," but I think you know more than you're telling us. Either way, you're a danger to the fleet. Jahee is incredulous as the Guard grabs hs arm. Jahee: Am I under arrest? Adama: Let's not argue semantics. As the guard takes thestunned Jahee away.... INT. Galactica- Sickbay Lauar's in bed, awake, as Adama enters. She forces a smile. Adama: Madame President. How are you feeling? Laura: Awful. But I'm still here... (studies him) and you're much too busy for a casual beside chat. (continued) Continued (2) 32. As Balatr stares at the board, Billy gopes to Roslin's desk, openinga drawer and taking out an envelope. Billy (cont'd) It's tradition for the outgoing Presidents to leave a letter for their successor. Usually it's opened on the first day of the new term. (hands Baltar envelope) But things are liable to be.... hectic the next few days, so... As Baltar takes the envelope, the phone rings. Billy picks up the hand-set. Billy (cont'd): Yes? (listens then to Baltar) Mr. Vice-President. Baltar puts the envelope in his pocket and takes the handset. Listens, then... Baltar: Yes. YEs, I understand. A little rattled by the call, Baltar hangs up. To Billy: Baltar (cont'd) : There's some... Quorum business I need to tend to Cloud Nine. Won't take long. Would you arrange a flight for me? INT. Galactica- Brig Adama and Tigh stand at Jahee's cell, still fuming over the suicide bomber. Adama: For a group with no roots, your suicide bomber had excellent intelligence. Tigh: She managed to take out our Tylium refiner's FTL drive. Since we can't travel with our fuel supply, we're trapped here until it's repaired. If the Cylons decide to make a play.... (Continued) Continued: 33. Jahee: You may have to negotiate. TIgh: With the Cylons? My Gods, they slaughtered billions. What makes your pacifists think they suddenly got reasonable? Jahee: They're only asking that you try. As Tihg turns away in disgust... Adama: Who supplied the expolsives? Jahee: I told you, I'm not part of this. But I assure you, the Tylium ship's just a taste of what's in store unless someone starts listening. Adama: I've heard enough. If I have to go ship by ship, this is going to end... As Adama turns away.... INT. Raptor Baltar rised in the passenger compartment, once again doodling concentric octagon/hexagon shapes... EXT. Cloud Nine- Establishing THe ship is a blue jewel in space... INT. Cloud Nine- Quarters Prod Note: We will reuse this set in episode #13. <<<<<<I think this got pushed to episode #14 and that his is in fact #13 because Home got split into two parts>>>> Baltar cautiously enters, his geometric drawings in hand. Inside, a dedicated, fierce-looking N.D. WOMAN armed with a handgun watches Baltar's every move. Near her is a bed and a stern stack of "Demand Peace" pamphlets. Baltar: I was told that might find... an old friend here... (Continued) Continued: 46. Her lip tremble, raw emotions on edge. As she finishes her drink, her eyes damp with tears of relief.... INT. Galactica- Sickbay HOURS HAVE PASSED. Sharon is gone. Adama enters, surprised to see Laura sitting up, still weak but imporoving. Laura: Admiral. Adama: MAdame President. You seem... better. Laura almost laughs at Adama's astonisment. Laura: Much. Andeager to get back to work. Are you still holding the spokesman for this new faction in the brig? Adama: YEs. Laura: Would you take me to him please? INT. Galactica- BRig Billy rools Laura, in a wheelchair, into the brig where Jahee is being held. Adama follows but hangs back, watching. Seeing Roslin, JAhee stands, clearly surprised. Jahee: President Roslin... Laura: It's Mr. Jahee, isn't it? I thought it was time we met. (to guard) Would you open the door please? The guard looks to Adama for permission. He gives a nod and the guard opens the brig, allowing Jahee out. JAhee: I'm glad. All these people want is a chance to be heard. (Continued) Continued: 47. Laura: I'll listen. MAybe even act. (moving closer) But if there's another act of violoence in the fleet, negotiations will end. And I will insist Admiral Adama hunt these people down. Jahee raises an eyebrow at Laura's hard-line, but... Jaee" agreed. As the dialog begins... INT. Galactica- Baltar's Lab Savoring Laur's resuce, Baltar opens the box Billy gave him aboard Colonial One, revealing a box of expensive cigars. Number Six: More largess from your abroted Presidency? Baltar: A gift from Commander Fisk and Pegasus (smells one, likes it) Caprican Imperials. Never thought I'd see one of these again. Number Six: You've always been easy to impress (with disdain) You realize that by saving Roslin, you've denied yourself your rightful place of leadership. Baltar finds a lighter and fires up the cigar. Baltar: And saved the life of our child. The president and Admiral Adama have agreed that more study is necessary before any... draconian measures are taken. Wasn't that the point of this exercise? Six moves closer.... (continued) Continued 50. INT. Clud Nine- Gina's Quarters Jahee enters and tosses the case on the bed. GIna's nearby. Jahee: The President has assured me that as long as there are no further acts of violence, she's willing to bring our concerns to the Quorom and Admiral Adama. GIna: (unimpressed) She's trying to buy time. She'll never be open to negotiating with the Cylons. Jahee: I agree. And so does the Vice-President. That piques Gina's interest. Gina: Baltar? Jahee: Just before I left, he told me that regardless of Roslin's promise, he believes Adama will continue to hunt us. HE asks for patience while he works from within, and he offered the contents of this case as proof of his sincerity. (lloks a Gina) HE said you should be the one to open it. Gina leans down and pops the latches, opening the case. Revealing the NUCLEAR DEVICE inside. As Gina smiles darkly at this terrifying development..... Fade OUT End of Episode. ------------------ Episode 14 INT. Cloud Nine - Bar Sesha suddenly STOPS PACING. Girding herself, nodding to the men, she pulls out her gun, turns toward the people in the bar and FIRES TWO SHOTS INTO THE AIR. The reports are deafening as SCREAMS erupt from the frightened people. Sesha: (to Chu) Do it! As people dive for cover, Chu SLAMS the bar's emergency pressure door and LOCKS IT. Chu: Pressure hatch is locked. Vinson whips a machine-pistol from under his coat, scaring the bar patrons even more. INT. Cloud Nine- Bar Bathroom Lee can see Dualla in the crowd, looking desperately for him. Torn, he pulls back from the door as Ellen reacts... Ellen: Were those... gunshots? Lee: I count four of them. Three men, one woman. All armed. (looking around) Is there a handset nearby? Any way to call out? Ellen: No. It's by the bar. Lee: The it looks like we're here for the duration. Ellen: My Gods.. what do you think they want? Lee: Nothing good. As Lee desperately considers his options.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- pg 18 continued: (2) Adama: Thought you were scheduled to join Ellen down on Cloud Nine. Tigh is surprised by the change of subject. Tigh: No, I decided to skip it this time. BEst to let her cat around a little. Makes her feel young. Adama looks up at Tigh. Adama: If you're staying behind because of me, don't. (beat) That'll be all, Colonel. As Tigh registers Adama's irritation... INT. Cloud Nine- Bar While Sesha watches, nervous and looking somewhat out of her league, Vinson and Chu herd everyone toward the bar area. Vinson: Everybody by the bar. Move. Sesha: It's going to be all right. Stay calm and we'll get through this. Anxious, Dualla comes over with several others, standing close to Billy. As he registers her being nearby... INT. Cloud Nine- BAr BAthroom Lee looks around the bathroom, trying to think of something. Thinking, he pries open a wall panel and looking behind it. There's a narrow space between the wall and the metall hull of the ship, studded with conduit and pipes. Not an exit, more like a crawl-space. Ellen : what are you doing? If they catch us.... Lee: Unfortunately, we've been caught. (working through it) (MORE) --------------------------------------------- pg20 CONTINUED: Vinson: Who are you? Ellen: PLease don't shoot! I'm alone! Vinson: Get over here. MOVE! Ellen rushes forward, joining Dualla, Billy and the rest... Sesha: Listen to me. This isn't a robbery and we are not criminals. We're members of the fleet, just like you... Pissed off at the whole situation, Ellen blurts out: Ellen: My husband's XO if Galactica. I don't care who you are, you just made the worst mistake of your life. Surprised by Ellen's revelation, Sesha takes a beat. INT. Galactica - CIC While Tigh and Adama stand across from one another in the CIC, Gaeta recieves a call. He listens. then: Gaeta: Colonel Tigh. Admiral. You need to hear this. Adama: On speaker. INT. Cloud Nine - Bar- Intercut Ellen speaks into the handset, at gunpoint. Ellen: Saul. They forced me to call... As everyone in the CIC reacts, Tigh grabs a handset. Tigh: Ellen? What's wrong? ----------------------------------------------------------------- pg21 Continued: Ellen: They're holding us hostage. Threatening to kill us if you don't... Ellen's voice CUTS OFF. Tigh shouts into the handset. Tigh: Ellen! What the hell is this? As Vinson pulls Ellen away, Sesha speaks into the handset. Sesha: My name is Sesha. Sesha Abinell. I was a cook on the freighter Greenleaf... just trying to live what passes for a normal life.... (focusing) I've seized control of Cloud Nine lounge. Taken the people inside hostage. Tigh looks at Adama in disbelief. What the hell is going on? Sesha: (cont'd) We have only one demand. As Ellen, Dualla, Billy and others react fearfully... Tigh: What do you want? Sesha: To feel my husband in my arms. Just to wake up and know he's there. But the Cylons took that from me, so I'll settle for justice. A life for a life. (beat) You have two hours. Bring me the female Cylon. INT. Galactica - CIC- Resume As Tigh, Adama and the others in the CIC absorb the threat... FADE OUT. END ACT ONE ------------------------------------------------------------------ pg27 Continued: (2) Baltar: Justification enough for whatever you or the Admiral decide. (beat) But at some posint, the arrogance that suggests human beings are superior to the Cylons simply because of our "nature" may prove our undoing. Laura: Why is that? Baltar: Look around you, Madame President. Which of our two species is on the run? As Laura considers the uneasily... Int. Cloud Nine- Bar As the 0-2 sensor continues to climb, Page steps out of the bathroom, Lee behind him, Sesha, Vinson and Chu see them coming; Vinson raises his gun. Vinson: (to Lee) Put your weapon down, now! Lee: Everybody take it easy. (to Page) Tell them. Page: He says he's Captain Adama, from Galactica. He just wants to talk. Lee: Talk. That's all. Sesha looks hard at Lee, like she recognizes him. Intrigued, she puts her hand on Vinson's gun, pushing the muzzle toward the floor. In response, Lee holds out Page's gun and drops it. As Page grabs the gun back... Lee: (cont'd) You know who I am. You also know that I have no love for the Cylons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- pg28 Continued: Lee reaches the other hostages, moving near Dualla. They exchange looks, then... Sesha: Then why is your father keeping this one alive? Lee: She's in a cage. Under constant supervision. On the rare occasion that she's allowed out, she's in chains. It's no life. Sesha: More than it deserves. Lee: If you're worried about fleet security... Sesha: (cuts him off) These...things... murdered my husband. Every breath this one takes is an insult to him... to the entire fleet.... Lee: We've all lost people we care about. And we all have to find a way to live with it. As Sesha turns away, troubled, and Vinson realizes Lee's actually connecting with Sesha... Vinson: We're done talking. Get over there with the others. As the 0-2 sensor creeps toward "red" Lee kneels by Billy and Dualla. Speaking softly as they assess their chances. Dualla: Nice try. Lee: (re: Vinson) I've been watching them. Check out the way he's carrying his weapon. --------------------------------------------------------------------- pg41 Continued: Adama: You're not a soldier. You're not even human. Sharon: It's easier that way, isn't it? (off his silence) I've proven my loyalty to you and this ship again and again, but it's never enough. Adama: You're a Cylon. Don't talk to me about loyalty. Sharon: If giving me to these people is what it takes to convince you I'm telling the truth, then do it. (beat) Because all the sudden, I can't bear the idea of bringing my child into a world like this... As they stare at one another.... INT. Cloud Nine - Bar Dualla kneels over Lee, applying pressure to his wound as he writhes in pain. Billy, near her, watches her, appreciating how much she cares. Billy: How's he doing? Dualla: Not good. I can't stop the bleeding.... Billy: What can I do to help? Dualla looks at Billy, sees the helplessness in him. Dualla: Stay safe. Billy watches Dualla care for Lee. He can see the compassion in her eyes, the worry. He finally looks away, focusing on Chu. NOticing the second gun still ticked behind his back. Vinson paces, agitated. Looks at his watch, then at Sesha. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ pg42 Continued: Vinson: Hour's almost up. Sesha looks across the hostages. Sesha: Guess we all know where we stand with Galactica. One Cylon's worth more than all of our lives combined. (reaches for handset) Put me through to Admiral Adama. INT. Galactica- CIC Adama returns to the CIC as the call comes in. Grabs a handset. Adama:(grabs handset) How's my son? INT. Cloud Nine - Bar Sesha grips the handset tight. Sesha: He's alive. (beat) When this started, he asked me if killing the Cylon was worth risking a single human life. I didn't know the answer then. INT. Cloud Nine- Staging Area Kara sits on the deck, face wracked with guilt. Sesha: (V.O.) But now one of my friends is dead. Two of your Marines. INT. Cloud Nine- Bar Lee is lying on the deck, his shirt red with blood, Dualla struggling to apply enoug hpressure to slow the bleeding. Billy is nearby, watching all this with horror. Sesha: (O.S.) And your son is dying. Until this moment, I didn't know how far I was willing to go... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- pg47. Vinson: (to Sesha and Chu) They're right outside. We open up, they'll give us the Cylon. Sesha: Do it. Vinson hits the pressure hatch control and the door starts to open, revealing the gurney and the MedicalTechs. Sesha motions toward the MedicalTechs... Sesha: (cont'd) BAck Off. As they step away, Sesha approaches the body, pulling back the sheet to reveal. SHARON'S DEAD FACE. Sesha stands over her, staring with cold hatred at the thing she hates. Suddenly, cold, methodical, she raises her gun and FIRES point blank into the corpse. Once, Twice. Her expression barely changes, like she knows it's meaningless. Sesha: (cont'd) It's over. A wave of relief washes over Ellen and the other hostages. As they start toward the entrance, Vinson hesitates, staring at the body. Vinson: Sesha wait. He turns the body's head to one side, revealing an old injury on the cheek. Vinson: (cont'd) This isn't right... Rolls down the sheer. Sees the jagged marks of an autopsy scar on the body's sternum. Vinson: (cont'd) Body's cold. It's been dead for weeks... (beat) Cylon's still alive... Furious, Vinson turns towards the hostages, raising his gun. Seeing his chance, Billy jumps for Chu and grabs his gun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- pg48. Continued: (2) Billy pushes Chu down, turns and fires. The shot catches Vinson in the chest, sends him flying back. Hearing the shot, Sesha blindly FIRES, hitting Billy in the back. As Billy GASPS in shock, falling forward, The "Med TEchs," actually Marines, burst in fully armed. Sesha looks at the gun in her hand, like she can't believe what she's just done, as the "Med Techs" OPEN FIRE Sesha is caught in a spray of gun-fire, sprawling dead across Boomer's long-dead body. As Chu throws his hands up and the MArines surround him, Adama enters, looking for Lee. Seeing him, he winces at the wound. Adama: I need a medic! As real Medical Techs rush in and examine Lee, Adama leans down beside him. He takes a second looks across the nightmarish scene, then toward his son. Adama: (cont'd) Lee. Can you hear me? Adama takes Lee's hand. Lee's eyes flicker and he squeezes back. As the MEDICAL TECHS work to stabilize him.... Dualla looking desperately across the room. Stunned to see Billy lying on the floor, half hidden by an overtuened table gasping for breath. Dualla: Oh no... no... Dualla runs to him. Billy tries to speak, but he can't. As blood bubbles through his lips, he suddenly graps Dualla'a hand with desperate strength. Dualla looks across the room, frantic.... Dualla: (cont'd) Medic! OFF this momnet.... INT. Galactica- Sick Bay Lee's asleep in bed, hooked up an I.V. and assorted monitors. After a moment, he wakes up, woozy, and turns to find Dualla sitting beside him. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 16 - Captain's Hand "The Captain's Hand" page 5 Shot of Pegasus from Space... A Raptor heads into the frame, heading for the Pegasus landing deck. Inside the Pegasus Lee comes into the corridor, duffle bag in hand, starts walking. Kara- (Off Screen) " Welcome aboard, 'Major.'" Lee sees Kara standing to one side. It's tense between them. Lee- " Didn't expect a welcoming committee." Kara- "You know... Happened to be in the neighborhood." She falls in, walking beside him. Kara- "Congrtas on the promotion, by the way. Hope you weren't expecting a salute..." AS they are walking, Cmd. Barry Trammel enters the corridor, approaching them. Lee and Kara both suck it up, respectful. Trammel's demeanor says "cautious authority." Lee- "Commander Trammel." Trammel- "Major Adama. Good to see you. I'm sorry it couldn't be under better circumstances." Lee- "Circumstances?" Lee looks at Kara. She shrugs, not sure what it is all about. Trammel- "Unfortunately we have a bit of a situation on our hands... (To Kara, dismissive) Trammel- I believe you're expected on the hanger deck, Captain. Kara's not used to being put out of the loop, especially when Lee is in it, but she hols back as Lee and Trammel walk away. ----------------------------- Page 6 Inside the Pegasus- CIC As they walk into the CIC, CMd. Trammel fills Lee in on the situation... Trammel- " The Raptors were on a routine scouting mission... Scanning for rocks for resupply, keeping their ears open for Cylon chatter..." (They both approach the Dradis) Trammel- "They're three hours overdue." Lee- "Three hours? Have you notified Galactica?" Trammel- " I... wanted to make sure I'd covered our bases first. (pause) Trammel- "Flight leader's a cowboy... Could be he decided to take his team on a joy ride." Lee- "Hard to imagine both Raptors losing communications at once." Trammel- " Whatever happened, the ships were only fueled and suplied for a forty-eight hour tour." Trammel's eyes drift toward Hoshi, Pegasus' version of Mr. Gaeta,as Hoshi takes a call on a handset.... Trammel- "Mr. Hoshi!" Hoshi- "Sir?" Trammel- " I thought I'd made it clear, I expect to be patched in on all command-level communications." Hoshi- "Sorry sir, you were busy with the Major. I was just clearing Galactica's Raptor for launch..." -------------------------------------------- Page 7. Trammel- (cuts Hoshi off, mad) "I didn't ask for an explanation. I expect you to follow my orders." (Looks at a crewman named Gage) Trammel- "You're relieved. Mr. Gage, take over for the Lieutenant." Gage- "Yes sir." Hoshi, fuming mad, steps away from his desk, replaced by Gage. Lee takes all this in, not quite sure what to think. Trammel notices the look, offers an explanation... Trammel- "Hoshi's been a problem for weeks. Talking back, insibordinate...." Lee- "No explanation necessary, sir." Trammel looks over Lee's face. Trammel- " But you think I'm being harsh." Lee- " Sir, I just arrived. It's not my place to pass judgement." Trammel considers this. Like he expected a judgemental answer and is pleasantly surprised when he didn't get it. Trammel- "I appreciate that, Major. This crew's been through hell, but it's no excuse for poor performance. The missing Raptor's just a syptom of a larger problem. Lack of cohession, poor discipline..." Lee- " Last two commanding officers let them down. Crew's only as good as the man at the helm." Again, Trammel studies Lee's face, like he wonders if he's sincere. Finally he decides he is. Trammel- "I'm glad we see eye to eye." ------------------------------------------------ Page 25. Before Lee can pursue this, Trammel walks into the CIC, angry to see Kara standing there with Lee. Trammel- "What's she doing here?" Lee and Kara are surprised by Trammel's anger and intensity. Lee- "Sir, Captain Thrace has a... theory about the missing Raptors. Trammel- "That's convenient." Kara looks up at Trammel. Kara- "Excuse me?" Trammel- "You're supposed to be "re-training" my pilots, but somehow, on your watch, we manage to lose two ships?" Kara- "On my watch?" (angry) "Sir, do you want to find your people or not?" Trammel- "Don't you think I know what's happening on my own ship? The way you've been talking against me, trying to shift the blame for this off yourself?" Stunned, Kara looks at Lee. Lee- "Sir, I don't think..." Trammel- (interrupts Lee) "Go ahead Major. Ask her about this morning in the pilot's locker." (glares at Kara) "Barely-competent and paranoid." Kara is incredulous.. and busted. --------------------------------------------------------------- Page 26. Kara- "That was... off the record. I was just venting." Trammel- "You're lucky I'm not having you court-martialed..." As this seems to be spiraling of of control.... Lee- "Commander." (Trammel whirls to face Lee) "I'm not defending Captain Thrace's behavior. But if she's got something...." Trammel assesses Lee, then finally backs off. Trammel- "I'm dubious. If you want to pursue it, that's up to you." (to Kara) "Meanwhile Captain, you're restricted to quarters until I can have you shipped back to Galactica." (motions to a MARINE) You're Adama's pet. Let him deal with you. As a Marine moves up to escort Kara out of CIC, she looks hard at Lee, like she's expecting a little back up. But Lee doesn't give it. As she is taken away.... Inside Galactica... There's tension between Baltar and Laura in the wake of their previous disagreements. Laura;s discomfort is magnified by the fact that she needs something from the Vice President. Laura- "I... realize this sort of thing falls outside your area of expertise, Doctor. But I could use your help." Baltar- "NUmbers are numbers, Madame President. My facility with them doesn't edd and flow on the basis of subject matter." --------------------------------------- Page 31. Then more Static. Startle, Duck listens, hoping for more. Voice Wireless- ".... in distress...." As the static rises, totally overpowering the voice.... Inside Pegasus- CIC Trammel enters, like he's been called up by Lee. Lee- "Sir, one of our search Raptors jsut intercepted a signal. Not far from where Pegasus lost communications wit hFreaker's ship." Trammel "And?" Lee- "Could be a distress call." Trammel- "Is it from our missing Raptors?" Lee- " No way to tell. It's also possible it's a different signal. " Trammel- (with disdain) "Captain Thrace's 'Theory.'" (pause) How much time before our Raptors deplete their oxygen supply?" Lee- "Six, Six and a half hours." Trammel- "Then we need to get moving..." Lee- "Sir, this mission requires command coordination. We need to contact Galactica, bring Admiral Adama in on this." Trammel turns to Lee, hurt and surprised... ------------------------------------------- Page 32. Trammel- "You don't think we're up to it?" (accusatory) "Or maybe you don't think I'm up for it?" Lee- " Until this signal's authenticated we have no idea who sent it or why." (pointedly) "We already have two missing Raptors." Trammel looks hard at Lee. Like he thiks his command is being challenged. He lowers his voice... Trammel- "I don't appreciate being second guessed on my own ship, Major. If this call to your father is about undermining my command..." (disgusted) "Thought I could trust you, Lee." Lee- "This isn't about trust, it's about chain of command. The safety of the fleet." Trammel considers his next move then backs off. Trammel- "Very well. Arrange your call." Lee, relieved that he's avoided a confrontation but still rattled by Trammel's accusation, starts away... Trammel- " Just understand, every second we waste on these formalites is less time we have to retrieve our people. We lose these men, Major, it's on your head." As Lee feels the pressure.... ---------------------------------------------------------
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  18. Something that struck me when I watched Macross Plus again was the 4th episode flashback with Guld walking in on Isamu and Myung. I'm a little unclear here. Was this back in their high school era? Were Guld and Myung together and Guld caught Isamu/Myung cheating? Or did Guld just have feelings for Myung and snapped when he lost out and realized she liked someone else? Did Guld rape her? In his twisted memories of that situation, did he delude himself into thinking Isamu raped her and he walked in and saved her? I'm not sure if one of the writers/art books explained it better later and you guys might know. Thanks in advance.
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