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I don't know if the last battle is a fair judge of what BattleStars can do to BaseStars. The BaseStars were clearly covering the Ressurrection Ship so it could jump and the Galactica/Pegasus had the element of surprise. I think if the two BaseStars were alone, they might have jumped away at the moment of attack. The Cyclons appear to be chasing the fleet to keep them moving, I don't know how it would fit in their long term design to stay toe to toe and potentially kill off humans who are part of the 'plan' From a tactical standpoint, the way the Galactica/Pegasus jumped in real close probably negated the Cylons ability to use nukes on them, again I doubt the toasters would want to inadvertently damage their Ressurrection Ship or themselves that way.
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Dude, I don't even know you. Again, so what are you going to do about it all? Thats right. Nothing. You have exactly zero control in how people participate here at MacrossWorld. But if it makes you feel better to tell strangers on the Internet what they 'should' or 'should not' do to make you feel better, then so be it. Out of respect for the MW Staff and the people who just want to talk about BSG, I'm going to just focus any future replies here about the show. I generally like the people here and enjoy the board so I'm not looking to help get this thread locked down to the detriment of guys who have nothing to do with this. bsu legato, whatever you choose to do or say or not say at this point, is entirely up to you. --------------------- Back to BSG, two gifs of BattleStar/BaseStar combat from the last episode http://syntaxi.net/mark/battlestar/first.gif http://syntaxi.net/mark/battlestar/second.gif
Legitimate spoilers go up and down on movie/tv sites all the time. FX had pictures of 'The Carver' the elusive killer of season 3 Nip/Tuck up by accident. Then it got pulled. Sometimes sites put up real spoilers, sometimes they don't. Doesn't mean its suddenly taboo to talk about potential aspects of the show as long as they are marked and have reference links to give it some credibility. Or what? What exactly are you going to do? Newsflash, tough guy, you can't do anything. You going to reach through your monitor and exit out of mine and smash my laptop with a hammer? You going to track me down, break into my place, and smash my laptop? You going to run to the admins here, tell them how its just so difficult to ignore the posters and the threads and opinions you don't like and they need to do something about it? You going to send me a voodoo curse and stick pins in a doll so I keel over and can't reach my keyboard. And as for making a name for myself, I don't tell people what they 'should' and 'should not' do. How easy is it to 'play nice' with an entitlement complex? Sorry if there might be people here who commit the grand sin of not thinking like you do and don't meet your ingrained ideal of what "Macross Worlders should be" I'm not that arrogant to think I am the final arbiter of whats right and wrong here ( You know I think people who do that are called admins and moderators, and you aren't one of them. I respect the admins and mods here and until they shut me down, what makes you think you can?) If you don't like what I have to say, then you have the choice to read something else,the choice to find threads and discussions that you do enjoy. And if you don't like what I have to say and read it anyway, then doom on you because no one is sticking a gun to your head and disempowering your ability to choose. I love Macross, I love the franchise and everything that comes with me. Crazy for me to think thats the only real qualification needed to be here. And the vaunted 'tell it like it is' attitude just means I don't really see where I have to take your circlejerk 'stranger from the Internet' bullshit when I haven't even started anything with you directly ever. So those are your choices. Deal with your asshurt man-gina because you don't have the common sense to ignore threads and replies you don't like. Or find a way to get me banned off this site. I'm not so arrogant enough to think I'm not expendable and that the board won't go on without me. But I'm confident enough that I contribute enough to this forum where getting me clipped is this boards loss. Is that 'telling it like it is' enough for you?
Really? Its not possible at all that one of the beloved BSG crew is a Cylon? http://img399.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cylonuhoh2wy.jpg Hmmm... bsu legato approves of anyone on this board, the total amazing change in the persons bills because of it is...zero? Conversely if bsu legato disapproves and gives the Big Thumbs Down to anyone on this board, the total catastrophic change in the persons bills is ...zero? Sorry dude, when your opinion and approval actually starts to cost money, then I'll give a rats ass what you think.
Given the big personality shift from pre mission to post mission, there could have been something on the Ressurection Ship itself that snapped him. Assuming the ship held every possible human model of Cylon form, he might have seen something besides Gina/Six, Leoben, Doral, Boomer models. My guess he saw himself in there. Or his brother. Or he saw glimpses of his brother and thought it was himself. He did seem unusually distracted after blowing the FTL, then again he tends to get himself wrecked up alot no matter what. Other guesses are he saw Adama or Starbuck, the only other people he loves. But I think he would have turned them in to Tigh if that really was the case. It kind of fits, if he was oxygen deprived and after the Blackbird blew, he could say to himself what he saw might have been a delusion. Or not. That might drive you more crazy than knowing for sure, if you can't quite be sure if what you saw was real or a hallucination. And if it was himself he saw on the Cylon ship, would he turn himself in for what might be a delusion. Or would he be scared out of his mind that he would snap one day and cap his father like Boomer did. If its Zack, the entire idea of having to see his brother again and having to kill him over and over like the Boomers die would probably drive equally Commander Adama, Starbuck and Apollo to the edge. Apollo seeing himself would be shocking and interesting, but it creates all kinds of story problems that back Moore into a corner, like Roslins cancer. If there is a new Cylon human model, I'm betting on Zack Adama. Again reinforcing the idea that the Cylons have a plan, this has all happened before and the survivors in the fleet weren't random.
"classic" Movies That You Piss On
DeathHammer replied to Agent ONE's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
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"classic" Movies That You Piss On
DeathHammer replied to Agent ONE's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
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"classic" Movies That You Piss On
DeathHammer replied to Agent ONE's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
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- Don Bluth
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Most of the time, I try not to get involved in the personality glitches that happen on this board. But I certainly don't see the admin or moderator stripes on your account that gives you the pull to tell me how to voice my opinion. That just means you are a regular guy here just like me. And all you can do if I don't turn off my TV is bang your keyboard a little harder, play with your nipple hair and lactate a little more. And I definitely don't tell strangers on the Internet what they 'should' or 'should not' do. I'm admittedly blunt and coarse, but even I'm not that arrogant. I'm definitely don't have the plus sized ego to speak for all of 'us'.
Its the continuance of that blatant feminist spin thats saddling down the show. A 'strong' female character doesn't mean Starbuck has to spit out carpet every time she rants about Ensign Ro. Anyone know what Apollo ran into with the Blackbird? I couldn't tell it moved too fast for me to see. The gayness was strong in this episode, it was all over the place. Usually I really dig the episodes but this one really hit off the mark. As said before, the whole thing with Lee seemed kind of pointless unless it was a heavy handed attempt to get an Apollo centric episode. The thing with Dualla seemed forced as well. That Six could escape from a Battlestar after the writers did it in season 1 was kind of a ripoff. Its obvious the writers want to pull her out of the mindgame slurm routine and actually make her a physical character. The whole Adama/Roslin kiss thing just blew in out of nowhere. And the fake parent/child thing between Starbuck and Cain is something you spin out of multiple episodes, not one. I really wished they had play this one straight. Give us 15-20 minutes of balls to the wall combat. Give us a couple of minor character deaths. Have some kind of twist happen, like Apollo hit only one of the FTLs and Hot Dog has to suicide crash into the backup FTL. Have Starbuck pull out her gun to cap Cain, then Six caps Cain out of nowhere and Starbuck shoots Six, have everyone make out Starbuck to be the hero when she could have been the villian. And if they wanted Apollo to eject into nowhere like Frank Poole, have the Cylons launch nukes at the Battlestars and Apollo aims the Blackbird toward a nuke because hes out of ammo and ejects. And screw the single shot to the head. I wanted to see Cain get hosed down and blown out of an airlock. I like my sci fi like I like my porn. There has to be a big money shot and its gotta get someone right between the eyes. This episode was like they took two episodes and condensed it into one. For the first time probably ever I'm pretty disappointed in a BSG episode. In The Hand Of God, you felt like the mission cost the Colonial Fleet, like the Galactica won but it cost them in blood. I didn't feel that way about this one. And if they were going to pull a overwhelming victory angle, then show the massacre. I wanted to see Vipers dogfighting instead of Apollo floating on his back. The only consolation is theres one less femnazi character left to make Apollo look like an even bigger chump.
I agree that its been a long time since theres been a large scale bullet festival and its about due. Looks like we'll get one per season at this rate. (There are only so many Vipers, even with the Pegasus ones, and looks like alot of those will get chewed up in this battle) Some battle things I'd like to see one day - The Colonial Fleet converts some of those smaller cruisers into gunships - I'd like to see a damaged civilian ship who can't jump take a nuke aboard, and while the rest of the fleet jumps out, it detonates itself because it can't jump and takes out a couple of basestars with it. - I'd like to see the show bring back the original Boomer as a flight instructor and show an episode about new pilots/new conscripts into the fleet. Someone minor will have to die in this battle. My money is on Hot Dog or Stinger, the old Pegasus CAG.
^ Theres a huge difference between a commanding officer shooting a subordinate for failing to obey a combat order ( something known and accepted by soldiers throughout the history of war) than having a pilot walk into the Pegasus CIC and gunning down Cain. Even the show says it, theres a level on context to each situation that doesn't fit on paper. On paper, the Galactica Marines shot civilians over COFFEE. Obviously its not that black and white when you look at the entire situation. But on paper to a stranger to the situation, it looks unreasonable. No one knows exactly happened in context to Cain shooting her first XO. No one knows for sure what happened when she ordered the families of those resisting in her fleet to be shot. Her first XO could have been incompetent or a coward. He could have been a Cylon for all we know. The Pegasus could have been on its last legs supply wise or needed new FTLs themselves to survive before they pillaged their fleet. The context isnt clear. The show raises issues and questions that people won't agree on. Fine, we don't agree, its one of the interesting aspects of the show. But if you think Starbucks orders are anything but a suicide mission, then I'd take a guess to say you probably don't have much exposure to the law enforcement/para military/military culture. Not that having it versus not makes your opinion any less or more than anyone elses, I'm just saying what Cain did to her XO in a combat situation and what Adama is asking Starbuck to do to Cain are two whole different ballgames.
How exactly do you think that would go over with the Pegasus crew? Some hotshot rebel pilot caps their funloving lesbian admiral in the head, then assuming the Pegasus Marines all shoot like the Puerto Ricans in Commando, Starbuck survives to get 30 days in the hole. After which shes leading combat missions again and the Pegasus Vipers are expected to back her up and obey her orders? And if Starbuck in a Viper dogfighting with Cylon Raiders, you think a Pegasus Viper who accidently gets her in the crosshairs won't pull the trigger? And if Fisk, the Pegasus XO is on the Galactica as planned, theres no assurance that the Pegasus third in command won't just start shooting at the Galactica because it would be pretty clear Starbuck was told to cap Cain. The Pegasus troops are not retreads and conscripts like the Galacticas. These are top of the line professional soldiers. While a Kat and Hot Dog might shrug off Starbuck shooting an admiral in the head, I have my doubts the dedicated Pegasus crew would do the same. And say what you like about Cain, but shes kept her crew alive thus far and taken the battle to the enemy, there is no reason for her people not to trust her. Starbuck shooting Cain is a suicide run, either short or long term. I'm guess Apollo is sent to ensure Starbuck isn't gunned down on the spot after the deed is done, but if it didn't matter, why doesn't Adama send Lee to do it? Hes on the Pegasus already. He is a Captain, he has access to Cain, hes clearly Starbucks XO now. In You Can't Go Home Again, it was clear - Adama didn't want to leave without Starbuck but he could do it if he had to, he couldn't however leave his son. He sacrifices the child to him that means the least. Cain is living the dream and nightmare of anyone in command. On one hand she has no support assets. No backup until Galactica and no one else to lean on if things go rough. There is no one else to blame if things go wrong. On the other hand, she has complete tactical control. She has the freedom to do what she wants and answer to no one, thats the kind of flexibility that wins you wars. Or do you think the probable bloated political handwringing by the prewar Colonial Fleet had nothing to do with the tenous peace and incompetence that got them all killed in the first place? If Cain was in command of the entire prewar Colonial Fleet, do you think she would have sat back and let a sniveling rat like Baltar corrupt a very lax military network? She would have let the Cylons ignore the Armistice annual peace meetings without response? No Cain would have taken the entire fleet and hunted the toasters down. Its a mistake to think a society or a military doesn't need a person like Cain. Someone always has to do the dirty work, the unpleasant crap that one wants to do but has to be done. Its easy for a young budding politician like Billy or a ruthless reporter like Biers to criticize the dirty work that needs to be done but the very ability to criticize it only comes from the work having been done in the first place. Roslin IS a schoolteacher. Easy for her to trump morality from behind the safety of a desk. But she hasn't been very moral has she? Divided the fleet, left behind the non FTL bearing ships in the miniseries, played her political hand so badly that shes now got a Cylon induced doctor as her VP. Sorry dude, in my opinion, you don't get the point. People like Roslin and Adama AND Cain are necessary for a functioning society. Because they want to kill each other doesn't mean they aren't needed at all, its just that the individuals don't think they need each other. And morality isn't top on the list when you've got less than 50 thousand people left. You definitely don't register on my Cylon Detector, but no offense man, you are making the needle jump on the Liberal Motion Tracker.
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I doubt the show would do it and I doubt the character would do it, but Roslin is the ideal choice. Shes not part of the military apparatus and shes dying anyway. Killing Cain could just be claimed as being delusional from her medication. Frankly, no one would suspect her and she'd probably get Cain to let her guard down, after all shes only a 'school teacher' If shes gunned down/executed later, she would have died anyway at some point. It removes the military conspiracy aspect of it and washes Adamas hands of the blood. It would be the right move, the logical thing. Which is why Roslin wouldn't do it. Which is another reason why I dislike Roslin's character.
Looks to me like Roslin and Adama actually aren't as desperate and accepting of their defeat as Cain. They want to survive. Obviously the circumstances help, Roslin is dying and Adama is swayed by his son and surrogate daughter. It was pretty clear in the miniseries that Adama was going to do what Cain was going to do - bring the fight to the bloody end, the only thing that changed his mind was him thinking Apollo was dead then seeing him alive again. Cain looks like she knows shes going to die. But why not go down swinging? Its hard to blame Cain, the Cylons killed everyone and everything the humans loved and held dear. You think someone with a dead spouse from 9/11 wouldn't jump at the chance to fill a plane full of Iraqi children and nukes and fly it straight into a Saudi hospital? The normal chain of command is gone. People are still reporting to duty because its all they know, all they have to keep their sanity. But what would you do if they quit? Not much really. Adama breeds loyalty because he is the grizzled old man. Hes far too kind and too soft on his crew. But its why they were willing to kill other humans without question at the end of the Pegasus episode. They probably wouldn't do it for Tigh, but they'd do it for Adama. Cain gets loyalty through fear, works just as good. The BSG is an old ship, about to be retired before the attack. Theres a reason why the ship has an old tottering commander, his drunk buddy as XO, a classic talented screwup like Starbuck and young green pilots like Boomer. I doubt anything Galactica has is top of the line. I'd even bet the Galactica assignment prewar was probably a way to shuttle off soon to be retirees and headcases. Given what he has to work with, and knowing the enemy firsthand, he chooses to run. Tactically its not a bad move. Cain isn't wrong though, there has to be a way to kill the Cylons en masse. They are after all machines and networked together somehow. And truth be told, if any kind of truce happens, the Colonial Fleet would need some kind of leverage combat wise to broker a peace. Since it can't be done via attrition, then there will have to be some kind of universal kill switch. After watching the episode again, I doubt the attack plan Starbuck presented was the real attack plan. At least we get to see what they've been saving all their money for this past half year.
RDM says in his podcasts that the conflict between Galactica and Pegasus is somewhat of an homage to Crimson Tide. In Tide, Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington were both right and they were both wrong. Cain is Hackman. The point of being a military vessel is to win battles and destroy the enemy. Adama is Washington. The point of being a military vessel is to protect you society and your way of life at all costs even though you know war is pointless. Cain is right, Adama has become too soft. Too soft with his son, too soft with his crew, too forgiving of the thankless schoolteacher. Shes also right in that protecting her crew comes first, even if you have to get dirty to do it. What? Like any of you wouldn't kill everyone on this board if it meant that was the only way to protect your spouse and children from harm? And Cain did not benefit from constant resupply from a fleet. Adama is right, Cain doesn't see the big picture. Things have changed. The issue is about survival of the species not just the survival of the Colonial Fleet. Adama knows he can't ride people too hard, there is no formal commitment by anyone to stay in the Fleet other than thats all these people know. He knows morale is a tenous thing. But Adama is wrong, the Cyclons killed everyone, he has grown old and mellow with age, hes not ruthless enough anymore to do what needs to be done. Hence his reliance on Col Tigh. I think its a mistake to assume Cain is wrong and the Pegasus crew are a bunch of senseless murdering pirates. The episode doesn't help that conclusion but the rest of the story isn't shown yet. Even though its understandable why Tyrol and Helo killed the rapist, its also easy to understand why Cain doesn't give a rats ass about the whys. It was her man. Just like Adama doesn't care that it was her man, because Tyrol and Helo belong to him. I don't know how many of you out there are in management positions now whereever you are, but therse something to be said about protecting your own, even if you know they are wrong. As for people who don't like the show, I won't get into how detailed some of the arguments have been against the new BSG ( which means some detractors are probably watching the show far more closely than people who like it. Ironic huh?) I would just say there are some guys who didn't like this show 20-30 pages back in this thread and they are still talking about it. It doesn't make alot of sense if they keep disliking the show and will still be talking about it 20-30 pages down the road.
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I clicked the link in Boxers signature, sufficient to say hes probably an old school fan and not keen on the new BSG. http://battlestarfanclub.com/battlestar/bgarticle35.htm ------- Top 55 Reasons/Nitpicks Why Ron Moore's Battlestar Galactica miniseries SUCKS 55) The whole mood of this miniseries is dark, dreadful, boring, and downright depressing. Every single character in this miniseries is either hateful, angry, sad, horny, and/or totally uninteresting. Richard Hatch has even said "lots of cleavage and sex, but no romance". There is no humor in this miniseries WHATSOEVER. If anyone actually liked this miniseries, I'd have to ask them how much Prozac they were on. 54) The opening sequence seems totally unnecessary. The female Cylon and two centurions enter the Armistice Station. The female Cylon asks the Colonial representative if he's human and kisses him. Then a Cylon basestar (which looks like an overgrown starfish) destroys the station. Okay. The basestar needlessly destroyed 3 of it's own Cylons. And no one on the Colonies seemed to notice the destruction of this Armistice Station. What was the purpose of this scene? 53) On this Armistice Station, the Colonial representative is obviously played by young actor with a very amateur make-up job to make him look old. Why not just get an older actor to play him? At least get someone who knows how to do a convincing make-up job. 52) When the 2 centurions and Number Six enter the Armistice Station, a close up of one of their robotic arms shows a gun barrel, which transforms into a robotic hand. If they intend no immediate physical harm to the man, why did they come in with their weapons drawn? Also, these new Cylon centurions have the head of an Imperial Guard from Star Wars and the body of the Maximilian robot in The Black Hole. The sound effect of their roving Cylon eye is the exact sound of a light saber swoosh. Stealing from Star Wars there, Mr. Moore? 51) As this miniseries opens, typed narration explains the history of how the Cylons came to be. Instead of this useless Armistice Station scene, why not actually show what's being described in the typed narration? Actually SHOW scenes of the humans building the Cylons, their uses, and their eventual revolt. Why didn't they do this? I know why: the crappy TV budget they got for this miniseries. 50) The new Battlestar Galactica itself is just laughable. Instead of the gritty texture of the original ship, this reimagined Galactica has a "ribbed" look like a giant condom. The original Galactica was sleek with grace and dimension (and well lit). Also, the original Galactica only needed one gigantic thruster engine at it's aft. For some reason, this Galactica has 4 extra engines, which makes it look like a gigantic cinder block in space. It just looks ridiculous. It's also such a dark and murky special effect that you really can't make out its exact shape. 49) What's the deal with the new uniforms? The command jumpsuits look exactly like the Babylon 5 military uniforms. Also, did the wardrobe department get the pilot undergarments (worn in the Pyramid game) at the Goodwill? Gray and puke-green colors? Gack! Talk about tacky. How about the pilot uniforms, flight jackets, and helmets? Besides the fact that they look like "plastic leather", they also look like they were stolen from the Space: Above & Beyond rack. 48) My thoughts on the new Galactica bridge. Hmm. Let's just say that at least the original series had a much larger budget. 47) The new Colonial Tigh. How shall I put this? Have you ever glanced at a person and knew instantly that you couldn't stand them? This was my first impression when I originally saw a picture of this actor months before the miniseries even premiered. I simply cannot stand both the actor and the character. He is totally unlikable. He's an alcoholic misogynist that none of the crew like. He also pronounces Baltar as "Balter". 46) During the Pyramid card game, one of the pilots is sucking on a sucker. My goodness these people are so advanced. Hard candy with a Tootsie Roll center on a stick. Where does Ron Moore come up with these ideas? Maybe in the new series, we'll see something as scientifically advanced as -- dare I say it?-- a corn dog? 45) Caprica City. My guess is that Ron Moore must have seen Star Wars "Phantom Menace" because the buildings in this city look an awful lot like Coruscant right down to it's miscellaneous flying craft buzzing about the city as well as the government ship that transports Laura Roslin. Brilliant Ron. 44) Laura Roslin's aid "Billy". A guy in a science fiction show named BILLY? That's enough said right there. But why not just call him who this guy really emulates: Jimmy Olson. And what the hell does the Petty Officer Second Dualla girl see in this guy??? Dualla is a highly educated bridge officer. Billy is a lost klutzy dweeb. On earth, would a female brain surgeon date Gilligan? I'm sorry, Ron, but this relationship just doesn't wash by any means. Towards the end, Billy is seen flirting with 3 crew women.� If Moore wants this version to be �more believable�, he should realize that klutzy nerds usually don�t get the girl. Let alone 3 of them! 43) The original Baltar had character and personality. This new Baltar is a skinny wuss who looks and sounds more like Dr. Bashir on DS9. 42) Why does Number Six's spine glow when she's having sex? Her and Baltar have been having sex for 2 years and Baltar's never noticed this before??? He's never caught a glimpse of it in a mirror or window? He's never noticed the room glow red when they've had sex in the dark? 41) The radio transmissions heard in communicating to Vipers and other craft have the same raspy garble sound effect as the X-Wing pilots had in the original Star Wars Death Star attack. Ron Moore again stealing from Star Wars. 40) Flight control keeps track of Vipers by writing on a transparent board with an orange dry erase marker. These people are advanced enough to have space flight capabilities yet they still use magic markers??????????? 39) Why do we need this flight engineer Tyrol? He's so overused and just slows down the whole show. He isn't that bright. And why slow down the plot of this miniseries even more than it already is with the Tyrol/Boomer relationship? Also, could those two be a more unlikely pair? 38) Ron Moore must not like children. First, he has Number Six snap the neck of an infant. Then he has the Cylon Boomer adopt Boxey. Then he has the Cylons destroy the Botanical Cruiser, putting emphasis on the little girl who will get killed. 37) Edward James Olmos is an accomplished actor. However, I, for one, am not terribly impressed. For instance, take the scene where Adama explains to Laura Roslin about not allowing any networked computers on his ship. Olmos speaks slowly and pauses allot as if he forgot his lines or was struggling to read his cue card. Also, the scene where they learn of the Cylon attack, Olmos omits the word "that" as he reads: "This ship received word of a Cylon attack against our home world is underway". Bad grammar there, Ed. Also, towards the end of the miniseries, Adama is talking to the whiskered human Cylon named Leoben on the Ragnar space station. Olmos says "God didn't create the Cylons. Man did. And I'm pretty sure we didn't include a soul in the. . .(pause). . .programming". It looked like he was struggling to remember the word "programming". 36) The rift between Adama & Apollo is nothing but melodramatic boredom as seen in a million over-dramatized military movies. This is such an obvious set up for a predictable "tearful" reunion at the end of the film. Bor-ing!!! 35) This idea to make the Cylons humanoid was obviously done for budgetary reasons. But the way they did it has already been done in millions of science fiction movies and TV shows that have come before it. The idea of the enemy, either alien or machine, taking human form has been done in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the Alien movies, Blade Runner, The Invaders, The Six Million Dollar Man, Star Trek, The Thing, and a list too long to go into here. In fact, the idea for humanoid machines destroying humans in a nuclear attack, then hunting them down, is taken right from the Terminator movies. Also, these humanoid Cylons all claim to be 1 of 12 models. Number Six says she is the 6th of 12 models, which is obviously stolen from the Seven of Nine character in Star Trek: Voyager. Once more proving the "brilliancy" of Ron Moore stealing ideas from prior sci-fi. One more thing. Number Six said she was 6 of 12 models. But what about her model that was destroyed when the basestar destroyed the Armistice station? Wouldn't she now be 6 of 11? 34)) Apparently, there are human Cylons so they can infiltrate the Galactica. Sort of like the McCarthy era where American's were supposed to beware of the "godless communists". That Ron Moore sure is hip, eh? But if there are human Cylons aboard the Galactica, all they'd have to do is go to the bridge, get the coordinates of the fleet, and transmit that to the Cylon Empire. Or, just have Boomer (who is a Cylon) fly her viper to the nearest base star with the information. Then the Cylons simply come and wipe out the fleet. Did you not think this through, Mr. Moore? 33) Let's talk about music for a second. The music in this miniseries (or lack thereof) is mostly composed of bongos, rhythmic drums, chanting, and a few simplistic synthesized music extensions. Nothing at all to suggest this miniseries was done on any epic scale. It's obvious that the lack of music is reflective of the lack of budget in this miniseries. Why didn't they just call this "Bargain Basement Galactica"? Another thing. This is a science fiction series with evil machines against a military ship. Why would a show like that have tribal music???? 32) This miniseries is filmed in a documentary "aim and shoot" style as if you're actually there with a shaky camera, random pans, and spontaneous zooms. I'm so glad I didn't see this in a theater, because myself and the audience would have lost our cookies. Many times during a space battle the camera would haphazardly zoom in to certain elements of the battle where I'd of wished they'd zoom into something that looked more interesting. This is very annoying film making with a look that is less than amateurish. Another suggested title would be "The Battlestar Witch Project".� Moore thinks he�s being unique with this filming style. Hardly, since it�s been done in most dramatic television today. The Shield, NYPD Blue, and other dramas have used this camera style for years. In fact, the sci-fi series Firefly used it as well.�� Not unique, Ron. 31) At one point, Baltar and Number Six are standing in Baltar's house next to a large window when a nuclear shockwave plows right through the house. How did Baltar survive this? Wouldn't the debris of the house falling kill him instantly? Granted, Six stood in front of him, but what good would that do with all the glass and debris falling around him? And even if he did survive, how is it that Number Six didn't? Wouldn't a robot stand more of a chance at surviving the shock and debris more than the human Baltar would??? We know the human models are stronger than human beings because the whiskered Cylon Leoben held up Adama with one hand and broke a pipe in two quite easily. 30) Galactica personnel get allot of their reports from computer printouts. For some reason, the printer paper has slanted corners. Obviously, the art department must have cut corners off of regular printer paper with a scissors because some of the corners are pretty unevenly cut. This is also the type of computer paper with perforated edges and holes. How do they feed new printer paper into their printer if the perforated holes don't cover the length of the paper so the guide reels will take it in? 29) Take a look at the microphone that Adama uses to make his ship wide announcements with. This thing is cube-shaped about the size of a large apple with a coiled cord attached to it. It looks like something straight from WWII. Another example of the lop-sided technology in this society. 28) The new Cylon Raiders look exactly like the Bat-Plane in the Batman movies. Nuff said there. 27) In order for the Cylon Raiders to transmit their virus, a panel in the upper part of the ship opens to reveal a roaming red light. Why not just transmit the signal? Why do we need the little Cylon eye thingy? 26) In this miniseries, it states that the Cylons have not been heard from in 40 years. Then one day they suddenly appear. This concept seems stolen right from the Star Trek: Next Generation episode "The Neutral Zone" where the Romulans come back after several decades. Also, the idea of Cylons achieving conciseness and deciding to kill their masters is not new to science fiction. It was a central theme in the Terminator movies, Blade Runner, and Frankenstein. 25) One of the pilots in the newer model Vipers says that the Cylon Raiders are unmanned and remote controlled. How does he know this? No one has seen a Cylon ship for 40 years. But from the looks of the ship, it looks like the top of the Raider has an extension that could easily be a cockpit. 24) After the Cylon Raiders transmit their computer virus, the newer Vipers loose power and start to drift. But the first thing that happens is their nose scoops drop downwards. With the lack of gravity in space, why would this happen? Wouldn't momentum keep them drifting forward? Also, after they loose power, 2 Cylon Raiders come back and destroy the Vipers. WHY? The Vipers are already without power (even though their helmets still have lights and the pilots can still communicate). The pilots will die anyway when their air runs out. Isn't this a waste of Cylon missiles? 23) Okay. Let's take a look at the technology in this society again. This Kobol society is scientifically advanced enough to have been able to create the Cylons. They have space flight capabilities on a rather large scale. Their ships are even capable of "Hyper Light Jumps". They have anti-gravity ships that buzz about their cities. The Cylons themselves have advanced enough that they have created perfect humanoid Cylons that even have emotions, blood, and vaginal secretions. Yet with all of this advanced technology on both sides, they still use NUCLEAR MISSILES???? Ron Moore didn't want to use lasers because he thought it was too stereotypical for science fiction and something viewers couldn't relate to (even though this is science fiction). Apparently Ron Moore doesn't know that humans on earth 2003 use lasers for surgery, cash register scans, DVD & CD players, gun sights, and yes, we could even use them to destroy nuclear missiles on re-entry. Yes. We can relate to lasers, Ron. 22) Ron Moore said he wanted this society to be something non-science fiction fans could relate to and also to make things seem scientifically plausible. You can't have both at the same time, Ron. Though, we might be able to relate to the wireless radios, the business suits, and the scientific logistics of a soundless space environment, it's NOT scientifically plausible for a machine to have emotions. Plain and simple. 21) This Raptor ship is just pathetically unimaginative. It looks like a Blue Thunder helicopter without blades. Also, this ship has lots of window glass. How does it survive reentry in a planet�s atmosphere without all that glass melting or the pilots being blinded?� 20) The Cylon attack destroys all 12 colony planets and the entire fleet of battlestars. But we don't get to see any of it!!!! They sum up all the death and destruction in a few lines spoken on the bridge. This is ridiculous. At least on the original series, we got to see the actual attack. We saw Caprica fall. Everyone on the bridge was visibly shaken. Athena, Adama, & Tigh were all crying. We got to see the Battlestar Atlantia blow up. We saw all-out space battles. In this miniseries we don't even get to see Caprica destroyed. We see nuke explosions from orbit, but that hardly gives you an idea what's being hit. And the only destroyed battlestar we got to see was a really bad superimposed CGI mat of a crippled battlestar. Yeah Ron. We really get a much better picture of the destruction in this version, don't we? 19) I'm still confused as to how Caprica was destroyed. No one mentioned any Cylon Raiders around the Colonies that launched any missiles. Number Six said she sabotaged the defense computers. But was that so Caprica couldn't defend itself or did she make the missiles just launch and explode? Did she rig them to detonate in their silos? Adama said that a 50 megaton nuke detonated over Caprica City. Did a Raider launch that? Or did Number Six's tampering make Caprica launch the missiles on itself? In fact, why does Caprica even have missiles? The Cylons left the Colonies 4 decades ago, to an unknown destination. So what are these missiles aimed at exactly??? 18) We get to see mushroom clouds on Caprica but they are all in a country field! Yeah. Allot of collateral damage will pile up it you nuke farm houses, eh Ron? Then all these survivors run across this country meadow to meet Boomer & Helo at the Raptor. Presumably these people are from cities since many have suits on. If so, how did they escape if the cities were nuked??? Even if they did escape, how could they have possibly have ran so far out of the city? In fact some of them were in their 60's. How could they have ran so far? 17) Now. This is my favorite stupid nitpick. Okay. Let me paint this picture one more time. A countryside meadow with nuclear bombs and mushroom clouds all around them. About 100 survivors want to be taken aboard the Raptor and Boomer suggests they. . .do a lottery! Okay. Uhm. Nukes are going off all around them. The ones that have already exploded are sending out who-knows-how-much radiation and Boomer wants to start a LOTTERY?????????????????????????????????????????? If your house is on fire, do you run out of the house? Or do you just stand there and ponder it for a while? Boy, its no wonder your fans call you brilliant, Ron. 16) What do the Vipers fire as weapons? From the sound effect, it sounds like bullets. But that would be kind of stupid, wouldn't it? A space ship that shoots bullets??? Wouldn't that also seem a little environmentally wrong to pollute space with all the misfired bullets as well? If a NASA space shuttle had a weapon mounted on it, it sure as hell wouldn't shoot bullets!!! Even our society wouldn't be that stupid or primitive. 15) At one point, Tigh makes a decision that saves the ship but over 100 crew members die as a result. This Tyrol dork was against this decision and keeps pointing out that he just needed 40 seconds. He tells this to Adama later and who knows who else: "Forty seconds". . ."Forty seconds". . ."Forty seconds". . . How many times does he have to say that??? This was such a wasted scene with wasted acting and wasted drama.�� Also, if the fire wasn�t put out, a lot more than 40� people would have died. This Tyrol guy just isn�t too bright. 14) At one point, the Galactica Hyper Jumps to the Ragnar space station to get weapons what are stocked within it. Adama tells the flight crew who will be going aboard (why the flight crew?) to "Get me some bullets". Again, a society of people who have battlestars and Hyper Jump technology still use bullets??? Anyway. Aboard this space station, the flight crew encounters a man at gunpoint named Leoben, who Adama soon learns is a human Cylon.� First off, why does this Cylon have whiskers??? But anyways. They know this guy is a Cylon. Yet they still take the weapons and ammunition that were on the station??? Uhm. Why don't they suspect that Leoben and/or the Cylons might have sabotaged the weapons and ammunition????? 13) Ron Moore said he did this Galactica so he could avoid all of the typical science fiction clich�s. One thing he didn't want to be like is Star Trek (even though he seems to copy from it in endless examples). In Star Trek, Captain Kirk always left the ship to go fight the bad guy. In this Galactica miniseries, Commander Adama personally goes aboard the Ragnar space station to encounter the whiskered Cylon and even has a good old fashioned Captain Kirk duke-out with him. � Also, this Hyper Jump idea has already been done in the original Frank Herbert Dune books as "folding space". Also , the way ships appear and disappear in this Hyper Jump is exactly the same special effect concept that Borg ships travel on Star Trek. Yep Ron. You sure are doing a great job of not being like Star Trek. 12) It was established that no one has seen the Cylons in 40 years. The last time a human saw one, they looked like they did in the original series. The only person that knew the Cylons had taken human form is Gaius Baltar. But when Adama first meets this Leoben guy, he instantly suspects he�s a Cylon. Why would Adama suspect this? 11) Laura Roslin is visiting a Botanical Cruiser and given a tour by the captain of the ship. But why is the captain of the ship wearing an earth cruise boat uniform??? I'll say it again. That Ron Moore is a man of vision. Now he's copying from The Love boat. 10) The little girl that Laura talks to on the Botanical Cruiser pronounces Caprica as "Cap-reek-uh". She also mentions that she's going to eat something called "chicken pie". What are the evolutionary and/or language chances that this society has the same birdlike animal called a chicken? 9) The Botanical Cruiser can't make the Hyper Jump so Colonial One must leave it behind. Over the radio, crew from the Botanical Cruiser plead with Colonial One not to leave them behind. The last transmission is a woman who says "I hope you people rot in hell for this". In fact, many people in this miniseries use the word �hell�. Besides chicken, is it another coincidence that these people's Lords of Kobol religion also has a concept of a Hell like Christian mythology on earth does? I seriously doubt it. The names of the Colonies of the original series, and of the miniseries, are based on the Zodiac. One of which are the Pisceans. The original series logically pronounced this word like the Zodiac word Pisces. However, for some reason, everyone in the miniseries pronounces Pisceans like "pike-ons". 7) In this miniseries, people are always saluting each other to the point of nausea. At least Star Trek was unique in is cultural symbolism with the Vulcan hand sign. The original Galactica had a military structure but they just acknowledged officer's with a mere "yes sir". They didn't go overboard with mindless salutes, which are just too earth-like for a science fiction show. Even if they do salute, you'd think they'd have a more unique salute to their world and their culture than we have on earth's military. Come on, Ron. 6) The Cylon devise located on the bridge. How could no one have seen this before? It was located in eye view of the monitors that all bridge personnel could clearly see by simply looking up at the monitor screens. 5) Number Six somehow implants a chip in Baltar�s head so he can interact with an illusion of Six. This concept has already been done in Farscape with Scorpius in John Crichton�s head. As well as Darla being in Angel�s head on Angel.��� Brilliant, Ron.� Also, if the Number Six that Baltar sees is just an illusion projected by the chip in his head, how is it that she casts shadows on things as she walks past them?� 4) At one point Adama uses the term "clicks" as in kilometers. I guess we can forget about this miniseries using the original terms like centons and microns if they're going to use present day earth metric system measurements. Not to mention using the same slang terms we on earth use like "clicks"? 3) The final battle in the original series pilot was spectacular with great special effects. The final battle in the miniseries is difficult to see. It's just a jumble of fire, sparks, missile smoke trails, and shaky camera nausea. In fact, the final battle in the original series concluded with the spectacular epic explosion of planet Carilon. The last battle on the miniseries just fizzles with Starbuck merely rescuing Apollo by linking both of their Vipers together to tow him in. Wow. I'm so impressed. 2) At one point during the last battle, Lee "Apollo" gives out the order "Broken formation: razzle dazzle". Razzle dazzle???? HUH???!!! 1) In the final scene, it's revealed that Boomer is a Cylon and even says "By your command". You'd think they'd show a close-up of Boomer saying this original Cylon response to even more emphasize her as a Cylon. But no. She dubs it over from a camera mounted on the ceiling for a master shot for some reason. There is a lot of contradiction in this miniseries if they think they are giving the show a new and refreshing look. The cast are mostly young actors. In fact, a more fitting title for this show might be �Galactica: 90210�.�But they are stationed on this old, outdated, and decrepit battlestar that is literally being held together by bubble-gum and duct tape. If they are going to go on a search, crossing great distances in the galaxy to find the lost planet Earth, don�t you think they�d need a better ship to do that with than a decommissioned museum????? On a final note, the senior bridge officer Gaeta says something to Baltar that any person watching this miniseries could say to Glen Larson: "Must be hard for you. Just having something you created, twisted and used like this, must be. . .horrible". So Say We All! (Could Ron Moore have chosen a more annoying phrase?) ---------------- If you are one of the old school guys who doesn't like the new show, more power to you. I liked the original A Team and if Hollywood redid the series I probably wouldn't be too happy either. Just don't be one of the dudes who keeps watching it and keeps saying how much they hate it because its not the original.
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