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Everything posted by DeathHammer

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  3. For 600, you could buy a brand new computer. And if you dig around some and find a good deal, it doesn't mean it would be a POS either. And for alot of people, if you look, and not even look that hard, you can find all kinds of PC games, even the newer ones, virtually for free. And PCs do all kinds of other things besides play games. To me, from my perspective, I'd want to know what would be the upside in getting a PS3 over just getting a new PC if I am going to spend that kind of money. The ability to play movie discs in a format that hasn't proven it's longevity yet? Play a few big ticket titles that I can't get on PC?
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  11. Was surfing through AnimeWorld and found an interesting old article about anime and feminism. Its a bit older, and so you have to wonder if anime is the last artistic medium not hammered to death by hardcore feminists. I say this because I can't watch network TV anymore without being bombarded by pro feminist ideals. ------------- http://animeworld.com/essays/feminism.html ---------- Then I wondered if future anime would reflect certain modern day Japanese cultural/social struggles from a male perspective. Or completely spin it around in reverse since some anime is also popular with young girls as well. For example - Then you question if Western ideals and influences are changing Japanese values and subsequently their creativity and arts and subsequently the kind of anime we will see in the future. As such - I have to admit, I'm curious. I've always felt SDF Macross was partly a commentary on war from a Japanese perspective. Western artistic mediums are often used to grind axes about social issues, will that trend or has that trend already happened in Japan? Will it bleed into our anime? Or certain segments of anime in the future? Curious what the guys overseas from Japan on the board have to say about this, if anything at all.
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  16. Honestly, I think most of the women in the Macross universe, outside of Claudia and Lucy from Macross Plus, were all kind of screwed up. Misa had many nice qualities. But she had - lots of angst, lots of unresolved Daddy issues, lots of maintenance quirks. Millia was hot, odd green hair aside, but she couldn't cook and she appeared to lack any type of social grace. That kind of bluntness is refreshing in short controlled bursts but long term exposure is rough. (The only thing I can compare it to is watching several episodes of Six Feet Under in a row. Once a week is ok, the dark brooding nature of the show is interesting in spots. But run through a full DVD in one sitting and you just get tired of well to do white people with their pretentious imaginary problems ) Minmei was a codependent classic. Actually, besides the tentacle rape that came from completely out of nowhere, Urotsukidôji/Legend Of The Overfiend, at least the section about the star basketball player in the beginning, was fairly realistic about women. Much moreso than alot of anime I've seen. It was all about who much fame or money do you have and what can you do for me. The main male character in the series wasn't some lovable Han Solo style rebel with a conscience. He was a loser who couldn't get laid and the chicks ignored him. He only scores because the girl of his dreams has a mental breakdown after being tentacled. Then later main character guy goes to battle, in like the third episode, with some other loser who goes into a wild psychotic break because his parents kick the crap out of him and he can't get laid either. I guess Overfiend showed a little more 'Freaks and Geeks' kind of youth experiences, where things are simply painful and awkward and more people don't fit in than do. I guess in most other animes, the brutal cruelty of the world is focused into a few antagonist characters who seem evil for the sake of being evil because the good guys need somebody to cap every 25 minutes. Rarely, like Overfiend, do you see a world where evil happens simply because its the way the world works (i.e. horrible catastrophic things happen for no reason at all) .
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