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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Can't be anymore expensive than a wife and kids. I'm pretty damn sure that Macross will be cheaper than just the woman......Hell, a heavy coke habit would be cheaper than her...LOL. Thank You! I hope to have fun and will!. Yeah...I need to change my pants after looking @ this picture.
  2. HAHA! Keep it up!.....I'm down for the wallet abuse!. So is the wallet,for now.
  3. LOL.....again, Thank you for all the great information!. My wallet will be clutching its chest very soon. I'm very greatful for all the links and advice!.
  4. Thank You so much!!!!
  5. Hey guys, I'm relativly new to collection Macross/Robotech/Japense Mecha toys. I have been collecting Transformers for about 3 years now (not vintage don't care much for it) and want to now turn my attention and some of my funds to getting some Macross toys. I'm not looking for models yet (though it is something Iwill be considering later down the road),but mecha toys is where I want to begin with and having a steady flow of those coming in. Since I am in the States getting any kind of Robotech/Macross products are pretty hard for me to do and unfortunatley I do not have the friend(s) that share my interest. So what I am asking is is there a few site you guys could turn me to as far as toy release news and what site I can get them from and possibly what podcasts you all listen too as well (BBTS,HLJ,etc...). Any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance for taking the time to read my post and in offering up any kind of advice that may help me on my journey. ---Cheers--- Gojenki
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