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Everything posted by jaimanstone

  1. Yeah, I miss the old days. I was extraordinary passionate about Macross back then. I remember I was listening to Moby's album that had recently come out at the time, so this site and Moby will always be connected in my mind. LOL
  2. Thanks guys, appreciate the warm welcome. I'll be watching the BST threads. These boards were awesome back in the day. Really active and with a bunch of cool guys. I look forward to getting to know you.
  3. Haha, thanks mate.
  4. Hey guys, I was an extremely active member of macrossworld.com when it first came online. I would say I was most active around the 2001-2002. I left for a couple of years and did not have access to a computer due to being away from home. When I returned I remember the site went under some sort of upgrade or server migration or something and all the old profiles/posts etc. were lost. That kind of took the wind out of my sails for the site. Was sitting around today and "macrossworld.com" popped into my head and I remembered what an important site it was to me back then. Decided to stop back by and say hello. So, hello! One of my shining moments that some may remember, was creating a really poor website on geocities (wow I feel old) that announced a "Macross Movie" which I then populated with photos of the characters next to actors that I felt would be believable. The antics of a teenager, ah, those were the days. I also purchased some resin heads on the Macrossworld forums from a customizer (can't remember his name :/) that was, as I remember, the best there was. His customs were selling for $600+ on ebay at the time (15 years agoish). The heads were were custom sculpted/cast for the Bandai/Jetfire figures and I attempted to make a serious custom Valkyrie. I remember I actually did a decent job, even sculpting a new sharp nose on the Jetfire figure. My real mistake was using grey primer as I had to then coat the hell out of it with white paint. Kinda blew that one, but it was a fun learning experience. I noticed the site has a facebook page now and am wondering if there are any good macross/robotech facebook toys trading groups on facebook that would be good to join. I'm feeling like it would be a lot of fun to rebuild my Bandai 1/55 reissue collection. Thanks! Jaimanstone
  5. jaimanstone

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