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Everything posted by w8kbrder

  1. I see people on here with incredible collections. How do you acquire all of your 1/60s? It took me several months just to track down a Yamato YF-21 1/60. Posting want ads doesn't seem to bring too many options. I"ve looked on Buyee, Jungle, etc. Most of the Macross items posted on Ebay or Amazon are obsurd in price. Maybe everyone is paying insane prices? I'm just fascinated how you guys come across all of your stuff!
  2. Wow that would be great. Yeah its not a huge deal...but I notice it. I've never made an actual part myself so that may be a bit out of my league, but I'd be open to giving someone some money to make a replacement part.
  3. I purchased my Arcadia 1/60 YF-19 off of a member here on the forums. Upon unpacking, I discovered that the small half moon shaped piece that covers the neck when in jet form was missing. The previous owner never mentioned this prior to the purchase and did not have the part. Personally I though it was kinda crappy to sell something like that with a missing key piece and not warn the purchaser. Regardless, does anyone know if Arcadia would sell/provide a replacement part? best regards
  4. Prices seem to be coming down. Market is getting flooded with them. I think everyone knows in the back of thier mind that it will get re-issued and unlike other collectible items, Macross toys see to fetch more money for the updated version while the original goes down in price due to no one wanting it. Funny how that works.
  5. The 21 is what i have my money on. The v.2 yf 21 is pretty incredible as it stands. But some more paint and tweaking would make sense considering they took the time to polish up the 19. MP is a solid series with a huge following.the 21 is probably the most unique flashy iconic designs in the macross family. I love the fact that you look at it and our doesn't look like a robot hidden away like the majority of valks do.
  6. Any idea what to expect for 2016 from Arcadia?
  7. Any chance you could print a black neck piece that covers the YF-19's neck in fighter mode? Mine did not come with one and Id be willing to pay for one of those!
  8. Yep I got it. Great valk in great shape. And I did get the heat shield figured out. Took the pod out first...pulled the bottom heat shield up till it clicked. Agreed. Love it.
  9. But seriously, why the lack of magnet use with super parts...especially leg armor? I'm curious as to why they didn't continue to use that strategy moving forward.
  10. LIke I said...old hat. But passed over it so many times for the "high end models".
  11. Hi all, So I'm super stoked to have the last piece of my Macross Plus puzzle together with my obtaining a VF-11b w/ super parts. Upon initial inspection, I noticed right off that it seems so much smaller than the YF-19 or YF-21. Everything tends to feel a bit more flimsy/smaller/lower quality. Possibly just me as I had the Arcadia 19 first, the 21 second, and now the 11. Of course I know this valk is not the hero of the film...but it is used a lot. Pros: -First off, I LOVE the fact that they used rare earth magnets to keep the super parts on the legs. This is genius and I have no idea why Arcadia has not incorporated this same technique with the 19. They are so easy to install/remove quickly without having to worry about breaking plastic micro-tabs. They shoudl have done this with the 21's leg/belly super parts as well! -Love the cockpit idea...how it drops into the floor, the shield slides out from the body and covers it up all using a clever switch on the bottom of the fuselage. But it needs to be re-worked/tweaked. See cons. -Landing gear bay doors are snug and don't flop open. Had this issue with the 21's front gear. Cons: -Is it me or does it feel like it is not a 1/60 scale? It feels so much smaller and less detailed than the 1/60 19 and 21. I would say its lack of die cast, but the 21 has a lack of die cast and it still feels solid. In the film...the 11 and the 21 seem to be the same size...especially when in gerwalk mode when it carries the 21 on its back. Maybe just me. -Lack of die cast. -Orange cockpit shield....this is super loose. When in battroid mode, I can't even get the lower portion of the shield to stay up. I've tried everything. Was hoping I could use the switch to raise the cockpit up against the shield to keep it from falling down..but that doesn't work. -Really hard to get it to stand on its on in battroid mode without making the legs in some silly looking position. No where near as much articulation as other valks...mainly in the hips. Wish those little plastic tabs were metal. So thats its. I still love this valk. Its some ways its a bummer....but in others, its super easy to transform and mess with. Nothing super difficult. I know this is old hat to most of you...but there still seems to be a lot of people out there that have mentioned wanting to obtain a VF-11 but haven't had the chance. I still think its worth it...especially to have the "trifecta" of MP valks together. Dull grey...yes. But meshes perfetly with the blue 21 and the white 19. The above pic if my abosolute favorite feature of this valk. I know they had issues with the rainbow clear coat...but it looks so cool when you remove the shield and pop up the canopy.
  12. Just arrived today. My MP quest is now complete!
  13. Trying to figure out a good display configuration for my 1/60 Yamato YF21, Arcadia YF19 & Yamato VF-11b. Curious if anyone has all three setup using Yetistand? I'd love to see your configurations. Trying to see what extra parts I need to buy! thanks!
  14. Great thanks!
  15. Hey Yeti, Do you sell an adapter for the Yamato YF-21 in Fighter mode? I have your adapter for Battroid, but didn't see an adapter for fighter on your website.
  16. I wasn't going to transform mine since it was MIB and never opened. But I spent an eternity trying to find it so I said the hell with it and opened it up. Once you transform it, you realize what kind of quality and brainstorming went into the creation of such an elaborate/intricate puzzle. The detail and lines are amazing in battroid form. So much fun! This is one of my fav features of this valk....
  17. Ok you guys are a God send. So I removed one leg and kept messing with the Gerwalk extension. I couldn't get that black dot to dissappear and I didn't want to force it. But after expanding and contracting it finally went all the way in! For the Gerwalk extension on the legs, there are 4 notches. The first 3 are super easy to expand and contract. That 4th is a pain! Overall the transformation is a lot easier than everyone made it out to be....or at least I found it to be not that difficult. You just have to constantly mock it up and make sure there are no doors/etc that will get caught when snapping parts together. Now that i know what to look for, the transformation is easy IMO. Easier than Arcadia's YF-19. Thank you again. You all are great! Great resources here. Wish every forum had these kinds of fans.
  18. So has anyone here had issues with getting it converted back to fighter mode. I can literally get everything back where it goes...except one thing....both knees slightly overlap. This causes one leg to sit higher than the other so the feet are not even in the back. What the heck am I doing wrong! I have disassembled, reassembled, disassembled again. I've watched Scorched Earth's video but for the love of me cannot figure out how he is managing to get a bit of space between the knees when they are folded up into fighter mode. It looks as if the shoulder armor is pushing the legs inward too far once you try locking the back plate down. Leg joints are folded up like they are suppose to. Shoulder armor is folded out into the small recess on the arm joint swing arm. So frustrating! I've spent 2 hours on this and I'm at a loss. Its like there is not enough room between the shoulder armor and the thigh section of the legs. The shoulders end up pushing on the legs causing them to bow inward leaving no room between the knees. Help!
  19. Hah! Yeah thats true. Was messing around on my phone again. Michael "Lens Flare" Bay. Or maybe I'm confusing that with JJ Abram's Star Trek. But the Star Wars trailer teaser looks promising!
  20. Its a great valk. Now officially my fav
  21. So if Arcadia were to re-issue a particular valk and were looking for fan feedback, what improvements would recommend? Yamato 1/60 YF-21 Should this valk ever get re-issued by Arcadia, here are a few issues I'll mention that need improving.... -Rear landing gear need to lock. -Landing gear bay doors need to stay open rather than flap around. There also needs to be slot for your fingernail to open them! -Exhaust trim tabs are way too lose. -Fold down wings should be snugged up. Feels like these are way too lose. -Legs need to provide a bit better support.
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