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Everything posted by Laundro

  1. Here is the opening intro/theme to the series http://redditlurker.com/anime/Post/t3_4e5xl3
  2. Caught the stream. Enjoyed it way more than ep1.
  3. Few very very slight cuts here and there to tighten it up. Those last 4min are very cool though.
  4. Stuck on a train with poor signal. Any Drakens....
  5. I want to know how cheesy ep2 is compared to ep1 on the Cheese-ometer scale
  6. The guys mentioned in the podcast that Ep2 will have a comletely different tone to it. Lets wait and see how that pans out. I guess many fans *myself including* were not expecting it to be so different, Ep1 kinda feels like sailermoon peppered with some Macross just to let us know it's still Macross I just want more Drakens
  7. Watched it, only thing i have to say is im not feeling this at all. Macross F had me excited, this... nope.
  8. Honestly i just want to know if we see any transformed Drakens. Some one wake up Gwynn, chop chop
  9. Whats more NB is Tochiro not giving us a first impression of delta. Help me Tochi-one-kanobi, you're our only help !
  10. When do you guys to see the early screening of ep1?
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