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Everything posted by Laundro

  1. Delta is as cookie cutter as it gets, i know the series isnt done but its easily the weakest in the series. Watching 7 was a dredge at times but the music kept bringing me back, This show... i could care less.
  2. How can you be this far along with maybe 4 eps left and only NOW start giving such info. Either there will be a second season which i highly doubt or they will wrap things up in a movie. I care for non of the characters, little to no mecha action and snails pace of a story. D in Delta stands for disappointment
  3. No mention the "great wind" yet in this episode, but Roid according to Redwolf mentions something about
  4. How his character will change/evolve after he has his first kill will be interesting. They also aren't fighting giant bugs this time round, its other humanoids they are fighting. Anyone get a feeling that a 3rd force is doing stuff in the background?
  5. This re-enforces the more serious tone of the episode
  6. Personally i think this is the best episode by far proving that the show does have a more serious side to it, especially with Hayate now realizing that its all fun and well to pilot a valk but there is a war coming,he will have to pull the trigger on that gundop eventually to protect Walkure.
  7. I wish i knew exactly what the guy with the glasses is saying at the end :/
  8. Now this show is starting to grab my attention finally. Cant wait for subs and Tochiro podcast
  9. 3eps in and this show is starting to feel very cheesy :/ The intro theme song is still grating with the electronic bits.
  10. nerd alert!! Seriously though, i love the stuff that goes on in the thread
  11. Not a complete transformation but it sure makes me want a Draken toy badly. Am i the only one not feeling that intro song?
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