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Everything posted by Brick_Sash

  1. The left and right engine clusters have been completed. The SDF-1 no longer has to rest on a pillow, at least for now.
  2. Thanks, I appreciate that ! I'll make sure to post more often on Macrossworld.
  3. Just noticed that it's been a while since I've posted an update. I hope to be done by the end of this year. I regularly post updates on the Facebook webpage, which can be found here
  4. I completed the mid section of the ship, I have to hold off working on the legs and ARM carriers until I have enough money together for the next parts order.
  5. Thanks ! Haha, I'm sure he'd love it. It's just a little bit too heavy to be picked up and played with Thanks a lot! I used Lego's PAB and the replacement parts catalog to order the elements I need. Some of the mark ups on Bricklink are just ridiculous. So far, I've spent approx. 550$ on bricks.
  6. I I took a short break and dedicated the last two weekends to my family. But now I'm back on track. I had to change the two antena located at the end of the upper hull. The element that I used in LDD is out of production, there was also a problem with the connection, the 1x1 angular bricks wouldn't snap into place. I can't remember If I mentioned this earlier, the ship is no longer build modular. I was worried that the pegs would loose their tightness over time, due to the weight, something that I have obeserved on bigger LEGO Ultimate Collector Series sets. I know that the gaps would bother me. I modified the frame to be continuous intead of having connections that hold two modules via pegs. I can left the ship up at any part the hull, without having to worry that something will fall off. Thank you very much Mickyg ! As much as possible, I will do my best to see this through. There are many variables in life; family, job, health etc., I guess you know where I'm going with this... Sometimes it can be challenging to see these kind of projects through to the end.
  7. Thanks Mechtech ! The antenna are one of the areas where I had to get along with the limitations of Lego. I was looking for a fin/wing like element that is 1 stud wide and at least 2-4 studs long. But such element does unfortunately not exist. There is a wing element that is 4 studs wide and could be easily be modified and cut down with a dremel. But as I mentioned previously, I want to keep this build clean of modified/ altered pieces. However, should Lego ever release a part that is more suitable, I won't think twice to replace the antenna with a new element. Thanks guys ! I appreciate the kind words !
  8. The grey flat round tile is just a place holder for the radar/sensor dish, I'll replace it with tan or yellow eventually.
  9. Here is the latest update. Thanks ! I think we've been waiting for a re-issue for the longest time. Instead we got a no-scale SDF-1 micro mini, whatever. I'm actually curious about Bandai's SDF-1, wonder if that's ever going to be released. It looked huge, but seemed to be attack mode only.
  10. Hey guys, it's been a while. Here is the latest update. I'll post more in the coming days.
  11. Thank you !
  12. I have started to translate the LDD MOC into real LEGO. All I can say is that this beast is going to be massive.
  13. Thanks ! One of my goals was to stay pure LEGO, that means I won't get to use any metal or aluminium custom parts. I wish though LEGO had technic parts made of metal. You're right about the cost. When I rebricked the collector's series Millennium Falcon, I've spent almost 2 grand on parts. I must have to say that it required a couple of rare elements which drove up the cost, I've spent 90$ just on the radar dish. But it was worth it. Since I've built the MOC modular, I can construct one part at a time, it will also make it easier to transport that monster later on.
  14. Here a picture with the stand(s)
  15. I did my best to reinforce the arms. But attaching the ARMDs would put the arms under some stress. But since this MOC is so massive, I don't think that anyone would pick it up to swoosh it around. I've built two extra stands which would go under the ARMD vessels to help with the weight.
  16. After several months, I've finally completed the MOC in LDD (Lego digital designer). 9315 is the final count of bricks that were used, that includes the 2 ARMD carrier vessels and the stand (which is not in the screenshots) Pretty close to my last estimate, which was around 7000 bricks. Each ARMD carrier consists of approx. 770 bricks, the stand weighs an additional 200+ bricks. Nothing has changed in regards to length, it's massive at 150 studs (1.2 meters or 47.2 inches). I can't tell how much this is going to weigh, but just for comparison, the ultimate collectors series Millennium Falcon weighs 10kg at approx 5700bricks. I will order the necessary parts over the next couple of months, I already got around 2000 of the bricks that I need. I was asked if I could do a TV version, and I might get to it some day. But after building this monster in real bricks I will work on an attack mode version. I wasn't able to make this MOC transformable because I just didn't find the parts and come up with a solution that could carry the weight of certain parts of the SDF-1. I didn't want to have things drooping, nor did I want the MOC to be flimsy and falling apart when lifted up. So I thought I'd go for sturdiness and work on a separate attack mode later on. I will continue to post updates. I'm thinking about selling the LDD file and later on instructions, it would help me with the acquisition of the 7000+ bricks that I still need.
  17. Thanks. LDD is great ! Thanks ! Thank you, I appreciate it ! Two years ago I rebricked Lego's UCS Millennium Falcon, I'd expect to spend around as much as I did back then, the MF is using some rare and unique parts though, which were/ are pretty pricey. As for the weight, you're right, it will definitely be heavy. The side arms and main guns are detachable, that should make it a bit easier to transport around.
  18. I started working on one of the ARMD vessels today. My main concern at the moment are the arms of the SDF-1. Will they be able to carry the weight of the two ARMD vessels ? I'm trying to keep the parts count low to avoid drooping, but I'll probably have to revisit the arms. I hope I'll be able to find some other elements to replace the hinges. And before you guys ask, yes I'll definitely design some stickers for the final product.
  19. Thanks. The main reason why it motivated me to build my own version is that he used a lot of custom parts in his SDF-1. That kinda makes it impossible for anyone to rebrick his build. Yes you are correct, I'm designing it on the computer and will build it once the digital version is completed.
  20. Thank you ! I'll give myself a few months to accumulate all the needed parts. As for the cost, I'm planning to spend some time on Bricklink to hunt down the best prices for parts. My estimate is between 700-1000$. Thanks !
  21. Thank you ! And now some updates. The MOC ("my own creation") is 150 studs long, which is 1.2 meters (1:1000 scale !). I already blew my own limit of 5500 bricks. At this moment it consists of 5600 bricks. My rough estimate is that the completed MOC will consist of around 7000 bricks. Flat tiles make up for most of the parts. For those who messaged me for instructions, I'll prepare proper instructions once the set is completed. Thanks for the interest !
  22. The 1/2000 SDF-1 looks just amazing. I have the 1/3000 toy and a sealed assembly kit. I'd love to mod the toy but am afraid of ruining it.
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