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Everything posted by Offswitch

  1. I second that! Just started collecting myself and having received my 0D recently, it is one fantastic bird. If you can afford to, definitely pick one up.
  2. Cool, thanks for the insight! I only just started collecting (even tho I've been a fan of Macross for decades now). I only have a VF-25A, YF-30 and the VF-0D right now.... So by default, my least favorite would be the 25A I guess
  3. I'm planning to get the Grace VF-27 also, so that's why I was asking xrentonx about his choice. That's definitely interesting to hear, mechaninac. I hope I'm not too disappointed with the 27 as well.
  4. Whoa.... That's an unexpected answer to hear (at least for me). Aside from the fact that it's far from being a full renewal, what do find so disappointing about it if you don't mind me asking?
  5. So true. Paying for the VF-0D wasn't easy to stomach regardless of how good it is. And I'm sure the 0S and 0A will carry a similarly high price tag. It's really too bad cuz if any valk could use a good re-engineering, it's the SV-51
  6. Haha, I didn't intend to hijack the VF-0 thread so I apologize if this is getting off topic... But I totally agree that I would pick up updated SV-51s in a heartbeat if Arcadia ever decided to release them.
  7. That's true... But the 0D is still a hero valk. It's been mentioned here before that villains don't sell anywhere near as well as the good guys.
  8. With the VF-0D released and this announcement of the 0S and 0A now, do you guys think there'll be any chance the SV-51 will get an update too? I know the concensus is that it's unlikely since it originally didn't sell well at all, but boy I for one would definitely love one to match these shiny new zeros.
  9. Good question. Perhaps they just wanted to get the new toy out first seeing as how there was already a previous Grace 27? In either case, I'm looking forward to this release!
  10. Been a lurker here for a bit but started collecting myself recently after seeing all these great pics here! Like a number of members here, I recently just got the VF-0D... and what a killer valk! Hope to get more and share soon.
  11. Yup, most of the vehicles were 3D CG rendered... But that doesn't necessarily mean they don't still take certain liberties in the modeling and animation. So way way less anime magic than hand drawn of course, but potential possibility of some futzing there still. That said, don't the toys vary from their said scale depending on the valk? (For example, actually 1/55 but is simply rounded to 1/60.)
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