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Cannon Fodder

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  1. The recaster in question was sticking it in a box with a copy of my instructions with my name all over it, and sell it as a recast of a scale solutions kit, he dose the same with big name manufacturers. And here is the problem cool8or I have more patterns for 1/8000 kits that are never going to be put out as kits, recasters are recasters because they don't have the skill to make patterns, so as people like me pull out of making kits less new kits for you.
  2. My be you should go get an understanding of what makes a creative effort a transformative work and who can make a profit of it. Wayne Pugh Scale Solutions
  3. Kit has been constantly available from me up until the start of this year. If your really sorry your more then welcome to send me AUD$175 or destroy the recast you have. Wayne Pugh Scale Solutions
  4. Its a recast, around in circles we go, Kit Power AKA Kenny Lam sells nothing but recasts, he has started adding some bits like the main gun firing, but the hole top and bottom of the ship are recast from my kit. Link to were it was talked about on these forums before. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35719
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