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Everything posted by nathans82

  1. https://www.amazon.co.jp/超時空要塞マクロス-マクシミリアン・ジーナス機-約300mm-ダイキャスト製-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B07QC9VHJC/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=vf-1&qid=1554708552&s=gateway&sr=8-6 Not shipping to US....
  2. I didn't get a chance to reserve at HS.
  3. 212 now, lol
  4. I had ticket 21, but got back in pretty fast.
  5. For the ones who got the VF-1J during the pre-order, how much was shipping?
  6. 30 mins to go
  7. Get them F5 keys ready. Hopefully the rest of the sites put the product page up before 4pm (but I doubt it).
  8. Well, just tried talking to Nippon Yassan chat to see about the pre-order, and that went no where, lol.
  9. You know you'll regret it, if you don't get it.
  10. 2 hours to go!
  11. Hello fellow Californian!
  12. 12 am for us on PST.
  13. It's strange, I can't order it from Nin-Nin, it just says Soon Available.
  14. I'm ready!!
  15. I've seen both 2pm and 4pm. Does anyone know the true time?
  16. Well I'll be checking from 9pm PST until I get one, lol.
  17. Only Nin-Nin has put up a product page for it so far. As far as the countdown timer goes, shouldn't it be set for 2PM vs 4PM?
  18. Can't wait, I need this guy bad!!
  19. Thank you all, looks like Sunday is going to be a late night then.
  20. Just got my VF-1J in. Other than Anime-Export, HLJ, AmiAmi, Amazon Japan, any other sites do you guys recommend for purchasing the DX VF-1A?
  21. SOC GX-71 Voltron Reissue is back up on BBTS: https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/89872
  22. Thank you guys so much for helping dodge the bullet!! Now to get it at a decent price or in a trade. I did put in the wanted threads. I've always had good interactions and purchases with people on here, so I always like to check with you all first.
  23. Hey Guys, I found this site with VF-1J, but have not used them before. It seems fishy as they have 2 version of the VF-1J on their site. One for 149, and another for 249. https://www.jpfigures.com/product/1-48-dx-chogokin-limited-edition-vf-1j-valkyrie-hikaru-ichijyo-type/ https://www.jpfigures.com/product/macross-vf-1j-valkyrie-ichijou-hikaru-machine-dx-chogokin-1-48-bandai/ Can someone tell me if this site is legit? I came late to the game, so it was either Nin-Nin or pay extra through Amazon Japan. But these sites looked too good to pass up on. Thanks.
  24. Anyone want to get rid of theirs?
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