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Everything posted by nathans82

  1. I was definitely trying to get one for my collection. I run a Toy Store and was unsure if Bluefin would get them for distribution to small retailers directly. But as soon as they said they could, I got some to help other people who might have missed out on it.
  2. As long as they finish the squads, I'll keep buying them. Still want 1/48 scale VF-1J M&M, just don't know if want to buy the Yammie ones as a placeholder.
  3. Well looking at the way they have been coming out. We got the TV VF-1J Hikaru & VF-1A Max, then DYRL VF-1S Hikaru and VF-1A Hayao, I'm betting we get a TV Release next of either VF-1S Roy or VF-1A Hayao.
  4. I went with MyKombini and Okiniland this go round. Easiest DX Order ever.
  5. Very reliable and highly recommend, used them before for DX Chogokin and other stuff.
  6. It sure is, only Okiniland, MyKombini, Nin-Nin and BiginJapan have it up so far.
  7. Thanks man, got it in a raffle early. There are KOs of the Takara ones, but are nice to have since it includes Ratbat that only came with MP-13B Soundblaster earlier. I will say the joints are looser than the original Takara ones and the Piledrivers don't fit as well on Frenzy & Rumble. The Soundwave is nice as it has a cell shaded chest, and the red visor vs the yellow one.
  8. Got some goodies in this week! Metal Build EVA-01 and EVA-02 was courtesy of @VF-Zer0S and GFFMC Wing Gundam Zero and HG Freedom vs Impulse Gundam Kit from @Kuma Style!
  9. Got my Bandai 1/55s from MWer @sil80jdm and HMR VF-4G Roy Version in from Hobby-Search.
  10. 400 Pages of awesome VF-1 goodness!
  11. I'm in the same boat. I was in the initial preorder and got pushed to April release. I've already bought another set and had it delivered while waiting.
  12. nathans82

    Hi-Metal R

    Just got charged by Hobby Search and Amazon Japan for HMR Roy VF-4G. Now to just wait for it to arrive.
  13. nathans82

    Hi-Metal R

    Yep, just waiting on Hobby-Search to charge me for it. It's my first HMR, so can't wait to see it.
  14. Courtesy of @Kuma Style, @Matt Random and Buyee, got some goodies in the mail today. Thank you so much Kuma & Matt!
  15. You are definitely right! Once that GBP armor is announced, a lot of people will want to have 2 VF-1Js (one for normal and one for GBP mode). For me the VF-1S always had the Armor on, so that is my setup for sure and the VF-1A with the Missile Set.
  16. I agree, the VF-1J has dropped a lot in price due to the VF-1S and VF-1A. Some have actually sold on Buyee for 300 lately.
  17. Guess it's time for me to finally get the VF-0S now to go with this VF-0D and SV-51y.
  18. Amazing work!
  19. My Recent Haul from Anime Jungle & Frank & Son.
  20. If anyone needs a DX Chogkin VF-1S Hikaru, I have an extra.
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