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RT junkie

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Everything posted by RT junkie

  1. That vid is the sh#@! Saw it first thing this morning, and just had to check it out again. Great way to start the day .
  2. For me, the anticipation is half the fun . After I have my monster, what will I have left to look forward to ? Maybe building a small hangar to house it!
  3. Just had a thought that might add to the challenge. What if the contest coordinator bought a bunch of the same kit, something readily available, and not too expensive, like a Hase VF-1A for example. I'm sure one of the seller's on MW would give the coordinator a good price break for this. People who want to enter the contest pay an entry fee, which covers the cost of the model, shipping and a little extra for the prizes or whatever. Nobody but the contest coordinator knows what the actual kit will be. This would level the playing field a bit I think. There would be a set date for entries, and once that date is met, the coordinator will ship out all the kits. Contestants will come home one day to see the mailman left a box on the step. We open it to find the model to be built, and then have 3 months to get the finished work submitted. Kind of like an "iron chef" approach to modeling. But, the contestants should be able to do whatever they want to custom the kit... custom paint/decals, scratch built add ons, lighting...... Again, just a thought.
  4. Time to stop typing, and start making then . I know I'd definitely be down for some poster size copies of your work. If you made a collage like the one in that thumbnail, with one main valk in the center, say a Roy, and then all the other variants as a border, as well as some closeups of some sections of interest, like the sensor array in the head, it would definitely be one of the centerpieces gracing the wall in my shrine! It would definitely have to be a copy though, as I'm sure a work like that would be well out of the reach of my wallet for a one time custom job .
  5. edit: typing before thinking it through.... again.
  6. RT junkie

    I Need Help!!!

    If you already know you can get a great deal on option 2, and you'll eventually be buying all of them, why not just get that one now? A bird in the hand......
  7. 1. I suck, but I'd do something anyway just to be a participant. 2. 3 months seems long enough 3. Doesn't matter 4. Vote - but keep entries anonymous 5. I suck, so I think the worst model should get the prize to go buy some lessons. 6. 11m/s or 24mph (European swallow)
  8. It's not like he was distracting or hijacking some real important thread. If you can't go to a forum just to make meaningless conversation with other geeks about a geek hobby, where can you go?
  9. I too am guilty of starting out as a Homotech fan, and unfortunately didn't really know the difference before choosing a user name . Unless you're strapped for cash right now, I'd hold onto them for awhile. The market for them is pretty saturated right now with the release of those last few thousand volume 3 Roys. Before that, they were going up to something crazy like $250-$300 each. Right now you'd be lucky to get $250 for the whole collection. I think you're on the right track with your limited issue point. Eventually they will be worth more, especially if Shadow Chronicles every gets off the ground, and it sparks a renewed interest in the series. Think of them more as an investment, than a collection. If you sell them now, you'll definitely take a loss. I almost sold mine off, but decided to hold onto them until the demand is a little stronger. There are always going to be more "late to the game" collectors, like myself trying to get a damn MIB low viz without taking out a home equity loan. Granted the MPCs are no Yamato, and especially not a 1/48..... Just keep them where they look best, in the display box .
  10. My wife had to have a cat when we got married, so we got one, which was okay. But, then she started letting it sleep on our bed, and now he lays down right between us and just purrs away... It's okay, except that he tends to sleep facing my wife, and more than once, I've felt his tail whipping my face, and cracked an eye open to find his "pink eye" staring back at me. Not a pleasant thing to wake up to..... Luckily he hasn't chewed anything, espacially my models, or he'd be on the shoetip express for sure.
  11. $55K is the book value on it as is. The avionics are what really added to this plane's value. I lucked out in knowing the right people to get it for $36.5K. Right now she's on the ramp at the local state airport for $35/month. A buddy of mine is picking up his plane in the next month or so. I have a long flat field (2000 feet) in front of my house, and we'll be putting in a grass strip there over the summer hopefully, which has already been approved by the zoning board. Then, we'll put up our own hangar. In the winter we'll keep them at the state airport, and a hangar runs $200/month. For miantenance, I've got my airframe and powerplant mechanic license, so can do most of the work on it myself. Also, I have a friend whose an inspector, and can evaluate and signoff on any major work, as well as all the routine inspections that go along with aircraft ownership. I've also got another buddy on the airfield who has his own maintenance hangar, and let's me put her in there whenever I need to tinker on it. If you can't do the work yourself, you're going to pay plenty. Before I took it out of San Diego, I had a shop on the field just change the oil, adjust the pressure in the struts, and go up with me for 1/2 hour to sign me off in it. He charged me $245. My jaw hit the floor, as the oil and gasket are only $50, the struts just used a little nitrogen, and he only spent about 1 hour on it, most of which he was talking instead of working. Bastid! edit: spelling
  12. I used to fly a twin engine in school. A Cessna T303 crusader. It had twin horizontally opposed turbocharged engines pumping out 300HP each. That was a 6 seat rocketship, especially when it was only myself and a copilot in it. Nothing compared to the thrust of a jet, but for a corporate type plane, it was pretty nice. This one booked for over $55K with the avionics package it has, and that fact that the engine only has 100hrs, and the airframe 1400 hours total time. No accident history either, which is always a plus with planes. Once they're bent, they never really fly the same again..... I ended up buying it from an estate for $36.5K, and flew her form San Diego to Vermont without a hiccup. I'll have to get some pics of the bikes when I get them out of winter storage. They're oldies but goodies. They Gixxer, DT and Seca have all been stripped to the frame and gone completely through. The Nighthawk is my next project bike. I'm in the middle of a move, but once I'm in my new place, I'll be stripping her down and giving her the royal treatment. I actually have more fun restoring the bikes than riding them .
  13. I thought I read somewhere that the Alphas were actually 1/48. That Toynami was using the molds from the old Imai kits..... If that's the case, aren't they actually bigger than they should be at 1/55?
  14. Man, when I was a kid, Robotech was it for me. I had gotten the Matchbox 1S for my B-Day, which was okay, but like everyone else, still disappointing. I remember buying up a 4-5 of the Revell kits, Vexar, Axoid and Orbot, as they were 1/72 scale transforming kits. I still remember them being on sale at Zares (I think that was how it was spelled) department store for $2.99 each. I still have them, and recently started trying to disassemble some and repaint them. In moving, I even found an old Axoid kit, with the clear wrap still on it! The height of my collection was at Christmas, when Santa brought me a 1/35 blue Gakken Alpha, and I saved up to get the green and red alpha too. Then came hormones and chics, and my toys ended up in a closet for the next decade or more. It wasn't until I played Robotech Battlecry on my XBox that I regressed to my childhood obsession. I discovered Macross for the first time, then MPlus, M0 and am now hopelessly wrapped up in it. Only now with with $$ to act on it. Several thousand dollars later I've pretty much caught up with all the new Yamatos, Hasegawas (even Toynamis) and all the old original Imai, BanDai, Arii, LS and every other kit I never had as a kid. Especially the 1/100 Factory kit. Best part is that I have 2 kids who have taken quite fondly to Macross, so I have someone to play with now.
  15. 1988 Mustang GT 60K miles, custom viper red paint & 5 stars. 1984 Fiero 85K miles, fresh black paint and 5 stars. Excellent shape, but someday to become the donor for a kitcar hopefully.... 1994 Toyota 'Rolla (daily driver) 1995 Beretta w/Z package (wife's car) 1987 Civic (winter car - road salt is a killer in Vermont) 1988 S-10 Blazer (wife's winter car) 1986 GSXR 1100 bought almost new. Custom paint / powder coat, K&N jet kit, Yoshi race pipe Yamaha Seca 650, KX250, DT400, 650 nighthawk Man, I need to update my fleet, but I get a sentimental attachment to them. The newest addition... Piper Cherokee 180!!!! Okay, it's not technically an automobile, but still a mode of transportation that will hold its value, and is more fun than a car.
  16. Does Hobbyfan cast replacement parts? I've always wondered that, and now seems as good a time as any to ask since they sell that kit...........
  17. Why so glum chum? Just think, this means that it is possible to do this stuff yourself! It's good news! I mean we all know it's way more fun to mod kits than to build 'em straight out of the box. This is just something to shoot for. Let it inspire you not discourage you! Turn that frown upside down! 384821[/snapback] Hey, it worked . Well, at least turned it into a chuckle....
  18. Purely wishful thinking I guess....
  19. Turning 34 in August. 2 Kids, 6 and 3. Been married for 9 years, or 90 years, depending on her mood....... sorry, it's "evil week" in my house .
  20. Sounds to me like the door is open for Macross 0.5 . Obvoiusly there was more to the Anti-UN forces than just Nora and DD.... There's definitely more room in the timeline for another chapter to stitch the 2 anime together a little more closely. They could show Hikaru as a boy in his racer, the final chapter in the UN/anti-UN fighting, Roy going through the test phase of the VF-1, the rebuilding effort of the SDF, and alternately, show some history of the Zentraedi, and the whole backstory to the SDF before it crashed on earth, while it was still in the hands of the alien crew. That's the part of the puzzle I'd like to see. What was the SDF in it's original form.......... This has probably all been hashed out in some other thread, but I typically don't venture into those regions of the forums.
  21. Maybe future releases from Hasegawa ? I certainly hope so....... 'cause they sure is purty.
  22. You're not allowed to use animated avatar's around here. It isn't a GIF so you'll need Flash to make it smaller. 383716[/snapback] rats
  23. Man, I can't stop watching her. Dance baby dance!!!!!!!!!! Someone tell me how to make her my animated avatar. I'm too damn computer illiterate to make it happen.
  24. Ran across this, and thought someone of your talent could modify it to be a little more Minmei-ish . Then I could definitely watch her singing in future episodes.......... Minmei
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