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RT junkie

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Everything posted by RT junkie

  1. I think that seller was Gen1autobot on Ebay. He was selling quite a few of the Southern Cross, Macross and Mospeada knock-offs. I picked up 3 or 4 of those Bioroid kits, after picking up one of the L&S (I think) originals, and compared them briefly, but don't remember seeing any noticeable differences...... Then again, it's been awhile, so I could be way off here.
  2. kicka$$
  3. And somebody a few extra $$
  4. 1/72 Phalanx *frowns at avatar in its 1/100 scale puniness*
  5. Okay on a lighter note... if we all banded together and bombarded Yamato with emails and nagged them all at once; maybe they'd listen. The employees who can read mails from guys like me who don't speak Japanese anyway. I'll just end whatever I write with "Oyasumi." (Did I spell that right?) 406512[/snapback] Set a time, date and e-mail addres, and I'm with you. I imagine if they got 50-100 all at once, it would get someone's attention.
  6. Ahhh crap..... another cool thread getting torpedoed .
  7. I dont see why that would affect their sales when it comes to their varients and schemes, people will still buy the "official" releases over customs. I would say the blank scheme would just count as another run, so it would do nothing buy increase sales. 406005[/snapback] I agree with EXO. It would make wanna be customizers like myself actually get one for customizing, as I can't bring myself to hack up a pristine 1/48 in the name of art. So, I'd end up buying the official releases and the blanks...
  8. That's a VF/YF-19 wing right there. Do I win? Do I win a 1/32 YF-19!!! edit: oops, didn't see Anasazi guessed first, damb you decal boy! RT Junky didn't specify which "bird", so he doesn't win... 405852[/snapback] Ahhh, but I'd already confirmed it through PM before posting..... didn't want to ruin the fun for the rest of you . So I'll be getting the free, and first, kit off the production line after all, right Mike ? Mike ? Mike ? Mike ?
  9. Oh man...... I love that bird, and 1/32 scale......... gotta have it!!!!
  10. You are an evil man, teasing the obsessed masses like this.........
  11. I'd like to see some Regults personally. I don't know how big they'd be in 1/60, but since they can milk a couple variants from the base molds, with the large and small missile types (I think the scout might be too different), why not? They don't transform, so they should be cheaper and easier to manufacture. Also, if they made them with opening cockpits, and pilot figures, like the Q Rau, that would kick a$$.
  12. What about Agent One's image of Graham out killing hobos, that was pretty funny. There were a few funny images in the "great moments in Anime done in MSPaint" thread too. 404397[/snapback] Can you post a link to the A1 image of Graham wasting hobos? I've been trying the search function, but have given up after just scrolling through one of the hits that was a 37 pager.
  13. Not to prolong the hijacking of this thread, but how much are those boosters going for?
  14. Where were you when you were writing this??
  15. The top of my computer tower.... need a nicer display case, although the flash is making it look more hazed than it really is.
  16. Holy cow?!? You serious? Can you take a picture of "the collection"? 402051[/snapback] I don't know Kungfu. Everytime you get on one of your "I'm so rich posts", my "crap" detector goes into the red. Never once have you shown proof of any of your riches. The real estate deals, the hedge funds, and on and on. For all we know, you could be living in your parents' basement with a hot plate, stack of porno mags and a computer.
  17. Okay, 2x VF-0A = $300.... 3 months = $100/month = $25/week. Perfect!
  18. Updated my list iwth a couple new additions: 1x Low Vis ver 1 1x GBP 01 1x Monster 1x 1/48 Super Hiki 1J
  19. 386168[/snapback] Godzilla's collection pics is the topic I posted a while back. At the time I only had like 60 1/48s. 401543[/snapback] Holy SH*T! I'm jealous and disgusted at the same time .
  20. Guess I'm a geezer too .... looks like a South Park character to me.
  21. Alright! That'll be 5 down , then only 18 more to go until you get to me .
  22. So when are you taking orders?
  23. Okay, that's cool. I knew about that one, just wanted to make sure there wasn't someone doing mass builds of them somewhere I missed out on....
  24. WHAAAAT?!?!?!?!? I must have missed that one.... Is this the foam job from the R/C thread?
  25. The house I'm renting now had carpets in it that were meant to look like wood flooring when we first got here . Guess the landlord couldn't make up his mind the first time around. Wood in the formal rooms, carpet in the rooms where you actually spend your time. Vinyl in the hobby room!!!
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