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RT junkie

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Everything posted by RT junkie

  1. Grayson, If you dropped something like that to get married, I think you may have some serious mental problems! 415819[/snapback] The ol' bait and switch. You marry a hottie with a nice firm body, who knows how to use it. Ten years and a couple kids later, you wake up one day and see your hottie's body is looking more and more like a destroid Spartan . Then again, between the beer and working, I guess we don't all hold up that well either. Luckily for us, it doesn't matter ...... unless the Destroid abandons ship, and we have to try to land a new hottie. Hello BowFlex!
  2. You ain't kiddin' Might want to put her at the top of your post..... after clicking on her pic, I forgot all the other ones you posted!
  3. Where did that VF-1 footage in the beginning come from? I don't remember such high quality images of those planes before......
  4. Nah. I've got a few MPCs if I ever need to fulfill that urge .
  5. I wanted to wait until I had everything unboxed to put pics up, but who knows when that will be........
  6. Well, not much on display at the moment, but we finally moved into our first home - no more apartment living. I brought all my toys / model kits from my childhood to present day out, and will hopefully get to unpack them and set up some cool displays soon. Guess I'm gonna need a few shelves... Not including the stuff in boxes (mostly my 1/48 yammies), and loose stuff, I've got 41 totes packed full of model kits and toys. After seeing what happenned to Gobotfool, I'm going to have to catalog everything and get it on my insurance..... The Macross section: Some finished kits: Some GI Joe stuff in desperate need of cleaning and TLC after spending more than a decade above my parent's garage: Some Star Wars stuff, and a tote choc full of old school transformers and gobots: My other fleet:
  7. Another good source is www.mcmaster.com. (Couldn't get a link to work). Go to page 3522 of their on-line catalog. Pretty good selection and good prices.
  8. So did I. Got all excited for nothing. Probably for the better though..... need some time to build up the toy fund again....
  9. I'm midway down the list, and I've got an uncashed check I've been carrying around for weeks....just waiting for your PM! Hopefully it comes soon before the wife discovers the check . 17 pounds!!!!! That monster is living up to its name I guess.
  10. RT junkie


    Wow, that bad huh? And I was thinking about trying to pick up the game, and a modded PS to play it on. Guess I'll pass on both.
  11. At the top right corner of my forums pages, it has said "-1 New Messages" for a few days now, and it's pretty annoying, especially when there's nothing new in my inbox. Also, I don't recall it ever having a "-" before the number of new meeages I have before. Maybe it has, and I just never noticed. Anyone else run across this, or know how to make it disappear?
  12. I'll sacrifice my bank account!!! ....... oh yeah, I already did that with all the VF-1s .
  13. Keep in mind that the Dragon II was actually sent incomplete by Tanmen, missing the all the gear, wheel well detail, bay doors etc... and underwing stores as well. 409861[/snapback] What, what, what!!!! Alright... I'm in for a recast after one of the master sculptors on here finishes up the original....
  14. I'm in for a dragon recast or 2.
  15. My skills are pretty bad myself. I think Stevie Wonder could do a better paint job than I have on half my stuff. But, I'm still getting one while the gettin's good so I'll have it waiting when my skills do get there.... If you're contemplating it, you might want to get your name on the list. The kit won't be around forever, and the price is a bargain considering the size and detail of it. Always happy to help a fellow MWer justify cleaning out his wallet. But, you'll always make more money. The Monster however will be limited .
  16. I agree with you Vermillion. I started out over there, and then stumbled onto this site, and have been glued to it ever since. Once in awhile, when things are slow at work, I'll drop back in over there, and find absolutely nothing new during the 6 months I hadn't logged on. Over here, with the for sale threads, the custom toys and model threads, and the awesome resin kits, it just stomps all over the other site as far as holding my interest. But as Jenius pointed out, it's probably due in large part to the fact that RT.com is a company run site, and this one is by the fans, for the fans.
  17. That does stink about the cockpit detail. Still I'd like one if they are only $20. It looks like a step up from the Banprestos anyway. Is anyone going there that could snag an extra one (in addition to Dax's) and ship it to a fellow MWer that's on the east coast? I've bought from a bunch of guys here, and have never flaked out on anyone. I'd really appreciate it. If not, I'll just wait until they hit Ebay .
  18. I think they are all the 1/55 Alphas, except for that little guy in the lower right. Maybe 1/72 on him? The Invid/Inbit Scout might get you $5-$10. I've never seen a boxed 1/55 Alpha/Legioss go for much more than $50, so probably not too much loose like that. If they were the 1/35 scale, you'd be sitting on a nice little payday. The smallest one, I can't imagine would be worth more than the Invid. Then again, you might just find 2 green bidders on Ebay, and if your lucky, we might see your auction in the "Great Absurdity" thread! Good luck bro!
  19. Exactly, but span 'em out enough so we can work them into the budget . Maybe it could be like a civil war chess set, where we get a new piece every 2 months or so.
  20. Those vehicles in the middle pic on the left are sweet! Bring on the heavy trucks!
  21. Right. Toynami limited themselves to 15000 of each volume, so the supply has gone down, yet demand seems to still be there. Look at how much the 1/48 LV1 is going for now. When it came out, you could pick one up for $140-$150. Now they're going for 3x that amount. Pretty much the same with that Max you saw.... Roy was going for over $200 before the released the last couple thousand they had. Another good example is the bookends. Look at how much the Roy gets these days. I'll be interested to see what happens after Shadow Chronicles. That might spark a buying spree by old fans of the series who forgot about it, until the new anime renews the interest in the series. That's what happenned to me. I saw Battlecry for XBox, then did a search on Ebay and discovered Yamato, then discovered this site, and my bank account has been reeling ever since.
  22. No kidding.... your boss sounds like a serious a-hole. Time to find a new job. Somewhere you can get some respect. That's just rediculous. Did he apologize for lifting your minvan? Come up with some lame excuse at least? I'd be getting a friend to call his wife anonymously and telling her that he's been seen fooling around with a coworker, or client, then hanging up. Maybe bring in some lipstick, and smudge it on the collar of his jacket when he's not around, or drop an earring on the seat in his car. If they're f'n with you, why not give it back? The sweet taste of revenge .
  23. My sentiment exactly. Definitely interested, but would like to see what the final product and price are before committing 100%.
  24. Not coping very well..... Too many at once... But must have them. Someone needs to start a valk rehab clinic.
  25. Is it too late to get one of these? I thought I could pass it up, but I'm afraid my will isn't strong enough.........
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