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RT junkie

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Everything posted by RT junkie

  1. Wow, I really hope this guy is just trying to cash in on being first to offer the 21 on Ebay - Ebay YF-21 I had to scoop out my shorts after stumbling over this - and I thought the SV was crazy expensive.
  2. I'm always happy to help out a fellow MWer. I happen to have an LV1 that has already been displayed, and even has some stickers applied!! To alleviate your guilt, I'm willing to, out of the goodness of my heart, and it being the season for sharing, trade you mine for yours!!! .
  3. Enemy mecha Destroids More enemy mecha and destroids!
  4. Try this chart : http://www.sonic.net/~ewilen/Macross/scale...izes/index.html I thought I had seen a more complete chart somewhere else, but I can't seem to dig it up right now.
  5. At least 2 of everything--- damn OCD!
  6. Thanks. The lighting wasn't from the flash, it 's from LEDs I used for the sensor "eye" in the regult and the VF, and I ran optical fibers for the other lights on the top of the pod, and top of the feet on the regult, and the lights in the arms, shoulders and legs on the VF. Unfortunately, the only way the lighting shows up is in the blurry pics whereas in person it looks much better.
  7. I bought a ton of these things. Probably around 60-80 of the 2 per boxes of them. I had a bunch of motivation back then, and time. Unfortunately I only built a handful - a spartan, a couple VF-1S and a VF-1A with a standard regult pod. The only thing I have pictures of, and the picture quality is pretty crappy, is the 1A and Regult pod. Aside from some heavy seamline filling, is the filling of the assembly screw head ocunterbores. I liked the scale for the completeness of the line, the price of the kits and the fair detail on them.
  8. You probably should have posted this over in the model section to get a little more visibility on it. As far as plastic mass-made models, the Hasegawa is in 1/72. I thought there was a resin kit of it in 1/48 though. If there is, and you find it, you can bet it will be pretty high $$. I've built the Hase, and found it to be a very nice kit to assembly/paint, and of course the Hase decals really add a lot to it in my opinion.
  9. You're right, Nichimo didn't do the monster, just all the valks, destroid and regult kits. The Monster model was available in 1/200 scale and 1/160 scale. I can't remeber if ARII produced both, or if it was ARII that did the 1/200 and IMAI did the 1/160.
  10. I'll pass on the VF-1, but I kind of like the 19. It looks a bit skunkworks-ish.
  11. I don't know - the fact that they made that 1/100 monster, which is in a scale with no other toys (not counting models) from the series would make me think they might do a regult in 1/60. At least it doesn't seem that out of reach to me, although I don't know jack-crap. I too could say if it's over $60, I ain't buying it. But truth be told, if it's out there, I'll obsess over it until I buy 1, then 2, and if I get a deal on a 3rd.... and so on. Also, Yamato could probably get some mileage out of the design. I would imagine they would release the standard regult, then a couple months later, the heavy missile followed by the light missile, and finally the scout. I can't imagine they would put all the accessories for each type in one box, as they wouldn't be able to milk us dry that way.
  12. It was either the old Revell Orbot/Axoid kits (if anyone remembers those) that I remember begging my mother to buying a few of on sale at the now defunct Zayre's department stores. I recently found one while moving with the $2.99 price tag still on it. Or, it was the old miniature die cast Matchbox destroids that were on clearance at Kay B Toys, again begging mommy for. After Robotech went off the air in the mid-80's , that was pretty much the end for me, until I got Battlecry for my XBox, then discovered Ebay, then MW, then Neova, ToyWave, BullsEye Toys, the Valkyrie exchange , and a handful of others who had Yamatos, BanDai's, MPC's, Hasegawas......that I have been signing over my paycheck to ever since trying to find that little piece of childhood happiness
  13. I just got my hands on some of these today. I gotta say I'm pretty content with what they give you for ~$5. Nice call on fixing the main gear though newca - that was pretty sad looking with the nose pointing at the pavement.
  14. Definitely throw my name on the list!
  15. Capt, What are the odds of some of these being around after the holidays? I would so love to snatch one up, but it's real tight this time of year. Santa has to come to town for my kids - so Daddy's toy purchases have to take a back seat for a bit. Have you set an ordering deadline?
  16. If they made them, I'd buy them.... because I can't help myself
  17. RT junkie

    M+ Valks

    Thunderbolt for me. I don't know why, but I've always been a fan of the underdogs.... I also like the more traditional lines on her.
  18. but you do. you have to remove the heatshield/canopy depending on the mode. take a look at it again, the heatshield and canopy designs are similar to 1/60s. you can't leave the canopy on and have it in battroid or the chest plate doesn't lock down. you can't leave the heatshield on and have it in fighter mode since it looks stupid...especially with the raised skull emblem. i know i sound like a broken record here but the reason why i'm so unhappy about the $20 price tag is simply the fact that i can get a 1/55 for $20 more. think about it, the 1/55 is far superior in every way compared to this thing, its bigger, better, more durable, bascially more bang for your buck. so how is this thing not a rip off? how can anyone justify a $20 price tag? *shrug* 421912[/snapback] You're also taking the timeline factor out of it. For $40 today you might find a 1/55, but when they came out (rerelease), weren't they more like $60-$80. A couple years from now, I'm sure you'll find the less desireable 1/100s for $5-$10....
  19. Man, I'm in the middle of this right now. Unboxing everything and organizing it. Then taking pictures of them, and composing a spreadsheet with all of them on it, including estimated value as of today..... tedious work , but in a way it makes you respect just how much these collections can grow and be worth over years of accumulating these "treasures".
  20. Man, I could just sit in that room for hours in awe . Absolutely love the weather / damage effects on your kits and replicas, as well as the level of detail.
  21. I'll post after this weekend. I finally was able to unpack all my stuff now that we've moved into a house, and 1/3 of the basement is full of my toys and kits. My in-laws are showing up Friday to spend the weekend, and they'll want a tour of the whole house......... I can hear her father snickering already. Maybe I'll put my gun collection right next to it, and pull down the AR-15 when we first walk down there...... It might either distract him, or make him think twice about voicing any negative comments .
  22. Totally kick-a$$! Really nice looking kits in the background too. Is that a scratchbuilt Imperial Probe Droid?
  23. When are you gonna list the hottie with the tiny waist and nice firm funbags???
  24. Count me in for sure .
  25. A crap shoot really.... I'd think here you might be able to get $50-$60 if it's MIB (we are a bunch of cheap bastids around here ). Maybe $40 if it's been opened and decaled. On Ebay, maybe closer to $100 MIB if the right buyercomes along?? Although the 1/60 seem to be getting a bit scarce on Ebay compared to a year ago, aside from the 1A Hiki and to a lesser extent Roy, CF, and 1A max. Maybe they'll start going the way of the MPCs in value. Demand starting to outstrip supply........... Good luck .
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