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Everything posted by richardthebrave

  1. how much does a MIB takatoku GBP-1S cost?
  2. welcome Strike Valkyrie... just got this last night. sorry my digicam was not working so you will have to settle for two crappy phone pics. i am officially poor at this point...
  3. @MaveRick - hehehe so you're here also! i am tracking your progress on this. great work!
  4. @Vi-RS, fhrex - nice. let's show some Minmay love here. please do post pics @optimator88 - yes, Deculture emanates from this figure. @cool8or - oh i see. can you please pm or post me a link showing the variants of color schemes for this minmay? thanks! @Valk009 - haha! well the skin is still the same hue though. just the dress color scheme is different. i guess the part where the dress color was different but the skin color is still regular hue was the one that got me thinking their might be a possibility that there was no yellowing involved.
  5. Hi guys, just wanna ask if this item i just bought got yellowed or was there production mistakes when this was made: i got it LIB already (the stand and base i forgot to include in the pic). notice that the dress is marine green instead of light green, the ribbon and the sash are in deeper color compared to the pic below: what do you guys think? and just in case i do repaint this, what particular color and brand should i use? will MR.Color or Tamiya paint work for this?
  6. Hi, if there are any people interested in holding or participating in a Macross Launch in Manila on Feb. 22, 2009 please kindly pm or post here in this thread. Initial capacity planning, requirements gathering, site inspection, and brainstorming will be done on sunday in Mall of Asia - around lunchtime. There are 2 people already besides me who are part of the planning group (other board which is not macross related). We might need MOAR. Thanks!
  7. the new skin gets a AAA+ rating ()
  8. hmm same as my bedboard keychain. cute!
  9. good thing they got Manila on the map hehehe...
  10. not having a US Visa really sucks... hay, I really should get one next year or next next year for me to attend a convention. i could attend the japan con instead, but I dont know if Japan is stricter on visa requirements. bummer!
  11. Haaay, i envy you guys, you got lots of macross already and i got just a few (and small valks at that). I guess the main problem was i am not exactly a sole macross collector. I also collect other stuff which basically spreads out my expenses into different toy lines. From 2004 when i started, this is what i have collected so far for both macross and other toy items: yep, that is my bed board.. the small valks are vintage bootlegs 1/144 scale a close up you can see a SD vf1s valk and SD macross okies, this is at the foot of my bed, my display cabinet. havent canvassed yet for a glass door.. i was thinking of ripping the entire cabinet off and just buy a larger one with a glass case. All of the boxes are stored somewhere else since I don't have extra space here. the rest of my small macross collection: 1 hi-metal strike valk (red armor is what i got on the legs and right arm, a variant), 1 henkei type macross without the shoulder cannons, 1 1/100 cannon fodder (yes, the legs are bootlegs - but the upper half is genuine bandai), 2 joke machines, 1 small scale vf1j valk, and 3 cms figures well, the reasons i didnt exactly have enough money for valks are these: souchaku henshin stuff with vintage shaider items, takatoku arcadia, emeraldas, and godzilla final wars gotengo ship a billiken tetsuwan atom (quite rare for a vinyl) ah this one is an exemption, i didnt spend a dime on this robot. a gift from my dad.. this mecha was serialized on tv at the same time macross dyrl was shown in cinemas circa 1984 yep, non-japanese toys: GI Joe hehehe.. if anyone has vintage gijoes lemme know well i just hope i can get more valks, and a cabinet soon! thanks for looking..
  12. well im still technically a newbie, so here's my question and i hope i didn't miss anything in this thread before posting this or missed out the other threads: what's the difference between the TV version and DYRL versions of the toys whether its made by bandai or yamato? thanks guys and im hoping for a fast reply.
  13. como estas señor kamikase! i would like to help, but i am a novice in spanish..manos o menos.
  14. thank you too! nice toy! i played with it last night ehehehe
  15. actually the japanese version came with stickers that you can convert the 1S roy into a 1S hikaru. But the only problem is the chest color is painted on so you can't really convert it without painting the chest red. 407407[/snapback] thanks bobe-patt! i finally paid the guy for the joke machine. wow my first JM!!! hehehe <HUGS EVERYONE WITH TEARS OF JOY>
  16. hmm here are the pics, i just used a phonecam to take the images. i dont have my digital cam yet (my sis borrowed it). the thumbnails are clickable. click to see the bigger image. what do you guys think? should i offer around 30-40 USD?
  17. Hi guys, I've been recently scouting toys and I came across a vf-1s joke machine super valkyrie. the thing is im not so sure how much i would offer since this is the first time ive encountered someone selling his JM. so if any of you guys can help me make an estimate of how much to offer, please post your comments here. the things i have observed are the ff: 1. the jm is mostly colored dull-white (i guess its about to start yellowing) 2. the leg armors are missing, the rest of the armors and boosters are present. 3. minmay and the gun are accounted for. 4. jm has complete stickers and are already attached to the valk. 5. no box, styro, or manual 6. the wheels are A-OK 7. joints, 75% are pretty tight. got any suggestions on how much should i offer? thanks!
  18. we always see her participating in anime-related events here in the philippines. most of the time she enjoys competing in cosplays competitions. she regularly appears in a popular teen magazine for gurls haaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy
  19. last year we were clamoring for a december 2004 toycon after the 3rd toycon event was done. but sadly, it wasnt able to push through. im not so sure for this coming december 2005 though. as far as i know, this is the one and only toy convention here in the philippines. as for other conventions that are anime related, they already had the Anime Xplosion event but as the title implies, its more of the anime itself and the characters. not much toys on exhibit. yeah good ol megamall is waiting for ya!
  20. Hi people! Just to let you know, we are having our 4th Toy Convention in Megamall, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila. It'll be on June 26 Sunday (Philippine time) This is a strictly one day event. Hope those who are overseas and those who havent been back to the Philippines for such a long time can drop by. If you have questions, please post your questions here. Oh yeah, you may visit this site for more details: toycon philippines See you at the toycon!!! Chii is waiting hehehehe
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