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Everything posted by niomosy

  1. Great to see the Beta pics. I guess I know what I'll be saving for
  2. I'd probably play games on PS3 the most. I'd probably use the Xbox360 the most but only as a Media Center system so long as it has all the features I want. Not sure how likely I am to buy any of the systems. My console gaming time this year has been a few hours at most. PC gaming, I've racked up plenty of hours. If the Xbox360 does what I hope it will as a Media Center system, I'll eventually pick one up for that. I won't likely have much use for it as a gaming system, however. I'd probably get a PS3 for games.
  3. That's funny; a lot of gamers I know are pretty cool with CoH, and is willing to pay -- there are worse/ harder games out there. I guess it's a matter of taste. Anyway, back to topic. Matrix Online? Who else tried? I was playing CoH at launch. At that point, it really didn't have the content that it seems to have now and I got bored after about 2 or so months of playing. I cancelled at that point and never bothered subscribing back up. FWIW, it's the only monthly-fee mmorpg I've played beyond free Beta stuff thus far. It takes a lot to get me interested in paying a monthly fee, though. Guild Wars looks to have what I need at the price I want. On topic: I'm not sure how well a Matrix Online game will end up doing. Had things ended with the first movie (or had the subsequent two movies been as good as the first), things might be different. It seems likely to get a cult following going, though.
  4. Monthly fee? I'll pass. Tried a monthly fee game once with City of Heroes. I might consider paying a monthly fee for a game I really like. With Guild Wars coming out at the end of the month and asking for no monthly fee, I'll probably not be bothered to try a lot of other mmorpg's for quite a while.
  5. Saw it the other weekend. Not bad for a matinee. I'd never bothered with the comi... err graphic novels. The story was a bit cheesy at times. The effects were good. Not bad. Nothing really impressive about it for me. The wife thought the story was lame but liked some of the artistic things they did with the movie (art major... heh).
  6. niomosy

    Kids and your toys

    We have some of my cousins over now and then with their kids. Usually I limit play to certain toys (ie. no one's touching my Gakken Cyclone except me ). Usually I just let them play with the newer Transformers and Bandai Valks as they're not likely to do much damage to those things. The wife likes to keep the kids out of there, though, so they don't generally spend too much time playing with them. They don't mind too much, though. We've got an arcade, 3 video game systems, a dvd player and (the fan favorite) a huge trampoline in our back yard (one of those ones you can lie across and not touch the ends). The kids usually keep pretty busy
  7. For the most part, I find the Yammie 1/60's to be similar to your description of the MPC Alpha's. Actually, my Scott Alpha manages to stay up even when I shake the desk a little when moving around. I've stopped standing my 1/60's back up as they're just going to get knocked over yet again. Once I have a better place for them I'll stand them up again. Don't have a 1/48 yet so I can't comment on those. I'd like to eventually pick one or two up but with most of my spare money going into computer and musical instrument stuff, I just haven't had the cash to spare. The 1/100 Monster looks to push out even further the possibility of me getting a 1/48 I just need to win the Lotto I still like my chunky monkey 1/55 Bandai's. Rock solid and I worry more about my little cousins hurting themselves than the valks. Haven't bothered with the MPC Valks with better options out there.
  8. 4-6 hours long enough? Not really. Get on a long flight and you'll appreciate good battery life. 4-6 hours is a bit low, IMHO.
  9. Now now, that's a bit harsh. Unions severed a good purpose at one point when the U.S. wasn't concerned too much about the workers of the country.
  10. I'll probably stay with my "wait and see" stance. I don't make enough use of my GBA as it is let alone find reason to get another hand held system. My laptop serves quite well when I want to play some games and I'm away from home
  11. yes. more pay == more effort into work. Not really. More pay means more pay, nothing else. I've seen plenty of people work harder for less money. If anything, nions encourage laziness. It's difficult to get fired while in a union (and if you get fired in a way that wasn't agreed to in the contract, unions can be pretty brutal) so why put forth any extra effort?
  12. I get to wait until next year to start getting any Alt/BT Oh well. At least the wife's getting me the Predaking reissue for Christmas That and I did spend several thousand on a Fodera bass I suppose I can't complain too much. Still, this toy line is great and I'm getting anctious to jump in!
  13. I'd say get one, see how it is, then decide if you want to get any more. Me? I'll probably skip the red/green and just get the Shadow and Beta (if they make the Beta).
  14. I'm probably going to wait. I've still got my GBA that's serving my rare needs very well. Actually, I'm more likely to get some games for my iPaq at this point since it's something I generally carry with me. I may end up skipping this generation of hand helds altogether. The last hand held unit I had before this was a Game Gear. Worked well with the Master System adapter, though
  15. Not overly interested in the altered DVD's. I'll probably look more to the LD's.
  16. I'm not expeting to at this point. The only other Alpha I'm looking to get is the Shadow. I might consider getting Rook and Lancer later on discount but we'll see how that goes.
  17. I kinda just lumped it in with Macross and thought we were talking about stuff besides that.
  18. What, "we're sorry that the QC on our products is pretty shoddy"? Not likely to happen. At least they're replacing the defective ones
  19. Transformers. Particularly the 80's stuff and the Alternators line. Other than that, I was a big G.I. Joe fan as a kid. Loved the 3 3/4 figures and, more importantly, all the vehicles, fighters, bases, etc. Other than that, didn't get into much else as a kid except the Thundercats stuff. As an adult, I'm pretty much limiting myself to transformable stuff which mostly means Transformers and Robotech, though not exclusively those two. That's giving my wife enough headaches as it is so I don't dare add anymore than that. I like living!
  20. Finally got my Alpha on Saturday. Didn't have much time to play with it but did get to transform it once and give it a once-over. Initial thoughts: -Most everything was in pretty good at a glance. Only problem I had was with the shoulder radar thingy. The swivel base kept falling off. -Damn, it's small! I knew it was going to be small but that still couldn't prepare me for actually seeing the thing... and standing it next to my Gakken. -Definitely heavy. This was impressive. -Floppy arms. I was somewhat expecting this. It still sucks to be stuck with it, though. All in all it's pretty good. I still think it was over-priced and should have been around the $40 mark. Maybe $50. I think I may end up only getting the Shadow but we'll see what happens. I know my wife would prefer me not getting very much in the way of toys but that's just sillyness on her part For now, I think I'll just save my $$ for a reissue Predaking
  21. I haven't received my first yet. I'll likely pick up the others. Part of the reason is that I'm hoping that a Beta will come out. If not, it wouldn't kill me but I'd be a bit bummed.
  22. Well, just got an email that mine's getting ready to ship. I'll pray that the toy gods smile on me. Or at least that the forces of evil become confused on the way to my house
  23. Argh! Still no word from BBTS on shipments yet
  24. As neat as the PSP looks, I probably won't be getting one any time soon. I'm not even sure if I'd get the DS. The handhelds are mainly there to keep me busy on a flight or when I'm in-between matches at a volleyball tournament. If anything I'd probably be more keen on getting the DS so I can still use my small GBA collection.
  25. Probably in the same place mine is
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