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Gabe Q

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Everything posted by Gabe Q

  1. I was able to view it pretty quickly. Here it is but the original is much bigger.
  2. 1/72 = 0 1/60 = 4 1/48 = 0
  3. It's you...
  4. Bad ass...
  5. It's simple, you just go pick up a few kilos for him and...
  6. What movie? The Paris Hilton Act?
  7. Thanks for the suggestions. I'm gonna try Grayson's suggestion about the epoxy clay. I'll post some pics of my progress cuz I got nothin better to do. I just wanna mention that I still consider myself a beginning modeler and I can't stress enough how helpful the step-by-steps are. I really appreciate it as I'm sure many others do. If anyone has a different suggestion, please post it. I really want my valk to look its best. Thanks!
  8. How do I get the doors to fit in here?
  9. Hi everybody! (You respond, "Hi Dr. Nick!") Anyway, I've been inspired to start building one of my many Hasegawa VF-1s. Thank you to WM for his really great build-ups. My problem is, I want to build the valk with the landing gear doors closed. I'm having trouble because they don't fit quite right. Also, I don't think they will be supported very well. Any suggestions? I tried this so far. I just tried to glue a spare piece of sprue to the back of the door to attach them to.
  10. I think Mr. H. Kakizaki here is a true fan! Good for you! From the looks of your Max & Kakizaki customs, I'd say it would look awesome. Don't let the fact that some of them don't exist in 1/48 scale stop you.
  11. Gabe Q


    I can't wait for someone to make a custom TV one.
  12. Well, I don't know about Minmay and Hikaru but I know Max was a Catholic. He did the sign of the cross when Kakizaki bit the dust. Poor Kakizaki...
  13. YES! The TV Max & Kakizaki VF-1As don't get enough love around here. It's great to see your valk. You did a great job! You're working on a Kakizaki next, right?
  14. Gabe Q

    My Regult

    That is an awesome job. I'm so glad everybody's been contributing their work lately. It has really inspired me to get off my arse and work on my skills. I have one of those kits and I know how tiny some of those parts are so I give you lots of credit. Please, keep it up!
  15. Gabe Q

    The 1/60 Monster

    Maybe I can get two? And breed them...
  16. I put my hideously ugly mug up for everyone to gawk at...
  17. Gabe Q

    Gualg CG

    You are gifted...
  18. Those are beautiful. I like the really clean look. You had to give it to us all in one shot? You couldn't of spread it out a little? Some questions if you don't mind. What pilot figure did you use for the Miria kit? Is it a modified Hasegawa VF-1 pilot? Also, I think you used the perfect shades of color on every valk. I'm starting my max & miria kit and I would really appreciate it if you could tell me exactly what shades you used. The brand of paint and the exact mixtures of shades? I really, really, really, and most definitely like your work.
  19. Gabe Q

    Cheap(er) Ostrich

    Oh yeah, welcome to Macross World! I'm not a prolific poster but I've been around for a while and I can tell you these guys are great.
  20. Gabe Q

    Cheap(er) Ostrich

    HLJ Sale again! It's been done posted...
  21. Can you believe this guy? He's selling cheat codes! The most horrible part is that people are paying so much for them. He has a long winded description of the game Sonic Heroes then, at the end, he warns that the auction is only for cheat codes. Rediculous Auction If you check his feedback, you'll see that he's already ripped off a few people. How can eBay let this go on? It looks just like any other game auction. BTW, the only reason I came across this auction is because I'm selling a few copies of Sonic Heroes and I wanted to check out the competing auctions.
  22. It has a picture of a DYRL Max on the flap but those are TV valks... OK, I'm just jealous!
  23. Cannon Royale, you're a genius! Okay, my new wish is for a 1/60 Kamujin and Britai! They'd have to be posable so Britai could swing his pipe and Kamujin could play "ride em cowboy." (Did that last sentence sound dirty?) By the way, how tall would they be in 1/60 scale? I think Britai is as tall as a valk battroid, but Kamujin is a bit shorter.
  24. My dream would be a 1/60 Regult with removable pilot figure.
  25. Guys... You always remember your first. The original, and still the best, VF-1. Still does it for me...
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