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Gabe Q

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Everything posted by Gabe Q

  1. Yeah, but would she keep you?
  2. How do you collect on a man's soul? Just take his manhood...
  3. I was disappointed as well by the lack of photo-etched parts. I hope this picture helps…
  4. Hasegawa just keeps repackaging these suckers... 1/72 VF-1 Super/Strike Valkyrie It says July release. Hasegawa needs to quit doin' this repackaging crap and get to work on a Regult or a Q-Rau! Not likely, I know...
  5. Gabe Q

    1/60 Gbp

    Can't resist... must buy... damn Yamato...
  6. I laughed and laughed. How rare is it for a sequel to live up to the original? Shrek 2 definitely lives up to the hype. GO SEE IT! I command you. Or else you have to help me swab the ARMD deck.
  7. I guarantee this thing is gonna be a stinker. I'm so dissapoinnted in Bill Murray. I first saw him in Groundhog Day and I've been a fan ever since. Why did he agree to do this movie?
  8. That is one sweet custom. I like the green you used. It's not too light or dark, just right.
  9. If anything, it's the title that's gonna kill this movie. Give it a catchier name and somethin' might happen. Hydrogen bomb?
  10. The man is a genius...
  11. Body Armor I can't believe all the advances in modern technology. It's simply amazing. I'd love to have a full body suit of that stuff...
  12. I'm just like ewilen. I want a TV only collection. I just need a custom TV Max & Kakizaki. Oh, and of course, a TV Q-Rau.
  13. latitude 33.7677585772477 longitude -117.900840320549 United States: California, Orange County, Santa Ana
  14. Great work! That thing looks sweet...
  15. For that price, those mother f****rs better light up and start meltin' stuff.
  16. Gabe Q

    yamato sdf-1?

    Man, a 1/48 SDF-1 would be about 75 feet long. Even in "crappy" 1/60 scale, it would be about 60 feet long. That thing wouldn't even fit in the garage. You'd need a warehouse! But you were just joking, right?
  17. I would be so happy if Yamato released a Regult in 1/60 scale. How likely is it to happen? I wouldn't hold my breath... It is better not to hope for something if there is no chance of realizing it. Why set yourself up for the agony of disappointment? I imagine a Glaug is much more likely but probably that ain't even gonna happen.
  18. Gabe Q

    CF VF-1A

    That is some great work! Keep it up! I can't wait to see the group shot.
  19. What does 'porked' mean?
  20. ha ha, that's really ugly, maybe you can use another point of view to look at this stuff~ OK, I stood a few feet away from my monitor and did a handstand. I realized that, no matter which way I look at it, that thing is ugly. Hey, I'm not tryin' to be mean. I'm just playin' around. I can appreciate if you have some sentimental attatchment to it. The last thing I wanna do is upset Mr. Kakizaki because I know he's a true fan.
  21. I'm from Orange County, California. This is the setting for that TV show Arrested Development. They also have a TV show and a movie named after it. Anyway, I live in the crappy part of Orange County, which is Santa Ana. The movie and TV shows are portraying south Orange County where everybody is rich. I live in central Orange County where it's gang infested and the schools suck. Actually, besides the drive by shooting about a year ago in front of my house, things have been getting a lot better.
  22. OUCH! That thing is just too ugly! I'm gonna have nightmares now.
  23. Wow, that thing is shooting up in price! The amazing thing is that there's plenty of time left. Maybe there IS a market for the green TV Q-Rau? If I wasn't a poor, unemployed, worthless sack of excrement, then I would bid to win on that Bad Girl. BTW, great work!
  24. So the VB-6 is coming out! Thanks, G!
  25. I chose the 1J. Who knows what I'll pick the next time a poll like this comes around? They come around pretty often.
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