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Gabe Q

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Everything posted by Gabe Q

  1. Did you do that yourself? We should just pool our money together and pay you to reanimate it.
  2. I'd be all over those destroids. But we're dreaming. The likelihood of a destroid release from Yamato is very low. (Screams out in pain...) YAMATO! Where is my Regult! Where is my Glaug! Where are my destroids!
  3. I paid 200 bucks for the whole set a little bit after it first came out. It's much cheaper now, but you know what? I don't regret it for a minute. SDF Macross is my favorite series of all time, bar none. I mean, Earth is nearly annihilated during the course of the series! Some of the characters die. This is no kids show. The series dares to devote entire episodes to character development and it pays off. Then there's the mecha design. The series features THE best mecha design of all time. The VF-1 is a timeless classic. The only drawback is the craptacularly bad animation in some of the episodes. Don't get me wrong, the series has its moments of beautiful animation sequences, but those animefriend episodes need to be redone. While the animation in Macross can't hold up to modern animation, the quality of the production still keeps it among the greatest series ever. In a nutshell, it's a great series that raised the standard of animation when it was released. It still evokes feelings of awe when I watch it from time to time.
  4. It's more fun if we lock him away as an enemy combatant cuz then we can electrocute his nipples, put him in a human pyramid of naked detainees, and make him 'service' other detainees.
  5. I think he's a covert agent sent by the goons a RT.com. Espionage is a serious crime and should be dealt with harshly. I say we classify him as an enemy combatant, take away all his rights, and lock him away for good.
  6. I've got a lotta love for my chunkies! The chunky is a classic and always will be.
  7. I am waiting for the green overpriced-chunk-of-immovable-transformable-plastic rau. I will definitely buy that one.
  8. Street Fighter II Turbo. It's the best version of Street Fighter. I never get tired of that game.
  9. Simply put, they've been inspired by all of the designs we grew up with. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...
  10. Don't look like Spock to me...
  11. You might as well shoot 'em dead. No one could survive that. As for my choice, I choose TV for all the the reasons ewilen beautifully articulated earlier in this thread. You DYRL lovers are choosing flash over substance!
  12. NEVER use Krylon on models. It dries into a thick skin. It's totally unsuitable.
  13. Shammy is Finnish, Vanessa is French, and Kim is from the "South Asia Federation". Now, where in the heck did you find that out? That just seems like it's too obscure to be common knowledge.
  14. That's one down and eleven to go! Congratulations!
  15. I think the most impressive part of all of this is the fact that they're not fans of the show. Excellent job!
  16. It took me about 30 seconds... PM me for the solution.
  17. Oh, sorry. Forgot to check the main site. He he...
  18. I have the Bandai 3rd mission set and it's great. I'm wondering if there are a 1st and 2nd. I've never seen them anywhere.
  19. OMG, so funny... I haven't laughed this hard in weeks, thanks!
  20. That's what the cigarette is for. Great work!
  21. Yawn... This one just doesn't do it for me. Where is my green TV Q-Rau, Yamato?
  22. Hey, how come this one's cheaper than the Milia version?
  23. Gabe Q

    1/60 Gbp

    Damn you, Yamato! (Shakes fist in the air) Now they include a TV Hikaru pilot! I don't think I can justify buying the valkyrie inclusive version just cuz it comes with the TV pilot. At least, I think that's the TV Hikaru I see... (This is a crop of one of $im@n's pics)
  24. I think they use the five digit numbering for limited releases and the sequential numbering for regular ones. All of my kits with five digit numbers have a little red limited edition box on the corner.
  25. That's a sweet poster. I'll show up for that!
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