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Gabe Q

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Everything posted by Gabe Q

  1. Sprinkle some fresh baking soda on the head. Wait an hour. Rinse. Ta-Da! Chicken head approved. Pineapple juice just don't cut it. You don't put it ON, you drink it! Vostok 7 Drink? Juice? I never made that connection. Fascinating.
  2. I've been working on this custom TV Max 1A for a while now. It's my first custom so it's coming out a little crappy. It's been done before so I don't think it's a big deal.
  3. Sprinkle some fresh baking soda on the head. Wait an hour. Rinse. Ta-Da! Chicken head approved. Pineapple juice just don't cut it.
  4. Some of these HAD to have been photoshopped. They're too funny!
  5. I figure I'll get this...
  6. Gabe Q

    Macross Jack

    Stupid math... I think your idea is genius. Don't get mad if you see me driving by with the same thing on the end of my antenna.
  7. These are some rare and pricey kits you're building. Where are you getting these? If your wife is getting you these then you're a very lucky man! What scale are those four regults you're going to build?
  8. Nice lineup Grayson. Thanks for showing off your tools, too.
  9. This is blasphemy! The 1/60s hold their own against the 1/48s. They cost less, they've got die cast, and they have more selection. I'm NOT saying they're better, just that they have their own redeeming qualities. They definitely don't suck!
  10. That insane person just got $28,000. I ask you....WTF would you want a POS like that for? It even made the newspaper. Religion is the opiate of the masses and, when you look at the obesity epidemic in america, you can see why a religious artifact combined with a tasty snack is such a hit.
  11. Building it with landing gear up is really tough. I was building a hase valk and hit a brick wall at that point. That kit's been sitting there unfinished ever since. *edit - spelling
  12. What tools do you use to rescribe the panel lines? And, where can I get 'em? BTW, great job on that valk. How about a line-up photo of all your finished 1/72 scale models?
  13. Great model Grayson. I remember seeing it the first time you posted it and I didn't post anything in the thread. Your kudos are long overdue. I am trying to get some modelling time after work so I can post something soon. Hopefully, everyone will use some of the upcoming vacation time to put some more work in.
  14. Gabe Q

    Yamato 1/48 GBP Pic

    Valks are well hung.
  15. I think that's why this thread won't be as successful as the toy one. I'm basing this on my own personal feelings but I think most people are embarrassed to show off their creations because they think they won't measure up to the WM Cheng works of art. (No offense WM, keep 'em comin!) I like the idea of this thread and I would like to encourage people to post pics of their completed works. We'd love to see them. Nobody's gonna be mean about it if they're not perfect. (I got your back if they are! )
  16. Great work! I really love that clean look.
  17. Thats cause in the TV show Max and Milia flew those. In the show, Miria never flew an A or an S. Max never flew an S.
  18. Well, the Max & Miria dual kit comes with A, J, and S heads for each kit. So, sometimes, they put in a few extras. *edit: picture This is the kit:
  19. Just like the title says, I would like someone to take us through all the intricate details of building the Cat's Eye that we've recently gotten. A step-by-step a-la WM Cheng would be ideal. I am by no means a master modeller (I'm a beginner with about five kits under my belt) and I would really enjoy seeing one done for this kit. I'm sure it would be very well received by all the MacrossWorld modellers. So please, someone make the effort. We need it.
  20. This one's easy.
  21. Pretty decent game, it is. Yup, it's worth ten bucks. I got ripped off and paid fifteen. As mentioned above, the difficulty varies wildly. You'll tear your hair out as you're stomping on the controller. It's so damn frustrating when you have to repeat earlier parts of a mission just to get to the last part of a mission. Only for the skilled and patient gamer. Pretty much the only game in town (featuring valks) for American PS2 systems.
  22. definetly i would not pay $1.00 for it, You can get those from HLJ for half the price! That's with shipping factored in.
  23. The VF-1A has the ugliest head.
  24. I don't think she says anything. Later on, after she takes a couple shots, she says, "I'm losing!"
  25. I'm gonna buy five lotto tickets every week and when I win, I will personally finance a re-animation of SDF Macross. It'll just be another remake like everybody's doing these days.
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