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Gabe Q

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Everything posted by Gabe Q

  1. I second that. A TV 1A head is distinctly different. I want it. I must have it...
  2. We should call it a VF-1S with a VF-1J paint job.
  3. Mr. HWR MKII , I really admire your work and I would love to see a build up. I've never done a resin kit and I want to start on the Cat's Eye recast that I recently got. So I really, reeeeally want you to do a build up so I can apply what I learn to my kit. Mr. Scand, it looks like you really know what your doing, too. Thanks for the buildup. I will be watching with great interest.
  4. That thing looks shweeeeeeet! I love it. Great job.
  5. Read the product reviews! They're hilarious.
  6. Sold for $275 shipped. You bastard ! Sheesh I had a hard time unloading these last year for $55 shipped here on the boards. TIme for evil bay before their prices go up in February ! The funny thing is, I bought it for 60 bucks shipped back when they were all over eBay. I seriously cannot understand the appeal of the MPCs.
  7. 1A TV heads would be awesome. I want the TV 1A head...
  8. Where is the highest concentration of members? Southern California?
  9. Yup, that's mine. I'm relisting because some deadbeat won my auction and never paid me. He kept stringing me along, telling me he was gonna pay me. Anyway, I hope I unload this on somebody cuz I'm broke as a joke.
  10. Is it just me seeing an optical illusion???, or does that Valk's ass on the boxart look weird?? I dunno know about the ass but, on the actual toy, it looks like they gave the skull one a VF-1J head with some VF-1S type lasers. Just a craptacularly executed toy production from an american company trying to make a japanese toy. The real crime is the price someone just paid for it.
  11. I can't wait to see the 1D! Great work!
  12. That wookie rap cover is super funny. Comedy gold WDC. I was bustin up. Why did they pose like that?
  13. Amen to that. Very well put. I whole heartedly agree. You have very clearly stated what I feel but was unable to articulate. We are very lucky to have Hasegawa Macross kits.
  14. Gabe Q

    Old Models

    Do you remember this thread? He had a lot of people fooled. I had to change pants after I saw that thing. Rodavan's Q-Rau
  15. That was disturbingly funny. Thumbs up.
  16. Thanks, Chuey. I guess if I have to go shop at the evil retail empire's store, then so be it. I knew they'd get my money sooner or later.
  17. You know, I went to go buy it at Fry's and it was sold out. Then I went to Target, it was sold out. Anybody know where I can get this for 79.99 or less? (I'm talkin brick n mortar store not online stores)
  18. Thanks a lot, Spacy. Now I gotta go to Fry's and buy it. Man, that was just the little push I needed. Spendin money like there's no tomorrow...
  19. I totally, 100%, agree with Graham.
  20. Is it possible to survive that type of injury?
  21. I can imagine what a disaster Toynami's upcoming Cyclones are gonna be. We all know their track record and, with the much more intricate design of the Cyc, there is plenty of room for error. I predict a floppy pile of mispainted parts masquerading as a toy.
  22. How much is it to get an item laser engraved? Where can you get it done?
  23. Damn, I just sold mine and got only 175 bucks for mine. I guess it's a lesson learned that you have to present your auction professionally with lots of detail and nice photos. Oh well...
  24. Ha Ha Ha... Check this out! That oughtta get a few bids. Chi-Chis Christ! Lego Set Auction
  25. Absolutely beautiful max custom. Gotta hurry up and finish mine.
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