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Gabe Q

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Everything posted by Gabe Q

  1. Gabe Q


    The lights are off, the keg is empty, and...
  2. First of all, I'm glad the Cap has taken on this project. A huge thanks to him and everyone else involved. You guys are true fans. Anyway, what kind of time frame are we talking about until completion? I need to start saving up for a 1/48 and, since I'm dirt poor and have a crack habit to support, this requires financial planning on my part.
  3. You big tease...
  4. Look closely... I think the pants are leaking.
  5. This is soooo UN-Funny...
  6. Gabe Q

    Global Unity

    Egad! Are those Power Puffs? That VF-1D chunky monkey makes up for it, I guess. JK Nice collection.
  7. Amazing work. I know, a little late.
  8. Gotta be my 1/60 Yamato VF-1J Miria version. This was the first Yammie that started my valkoholism. I never had a chunky monkey as a kid but wanted one so bad. I remember the feeling of inspecting (playing) with my new Yammie and that's the closest I've ever been to feeling that pure childhood excitement of a new toy. I stand up... ME: Hi, my name is Gabe and I'm a valkoholic. Everybody: Hi, Gabe!
  9. Gabe, That rules! Thanks. You made my day. Another scene I get a kick out of...
  10. You could rob a bank or something with that thing. Everybody would be terrified.
  11. I just realized that this Macross is half french. Whoops, forgot to hairy up the other side. Good thing the lower half of the ship is in the crater.
  12. Great thread. I always loved this scene...
  13. I'm glad everything is ok now. Hope everything stays ok.
  14. You know, I have that same problem. I'm 27 but I look like I'm 18. You can imagine what it's like for me to hit on women my age. OTOH, I do hook up with my fair share of younger girls. You know, around 18 or so. I like my girls mint with mint box. Oh well, maybe my age will catch up with me when I hit 30 or so.
  15. He is... The Master. My inspiration to keep building.
  16. Maybe his face got all squished from wearing that helmet. Then, he took it off and had that picture taken before his globular head could reform into its natural shape. Pretty scary pic, BTW.
  17. That's a great answer! I guess that makes me a CF pilot too.
  18. A 1/72 scale SDF-1. Asking price: $4.2 million Size: 50 feet long Then they'll come out with the optional wharehouse to house it in for only a few hundred thou... Far fetched? It has a better chance of happening than a Regult or destroid.
  19. I've got some for trade in the trade section. I don't know if that helps. (Actually, you reminded me that I wanted to do this trade.) My two DYRL pilots for your two TV ones
  20. I downloaded all five episodes using edonkey. The quality was top notch. I don't see why they don't just give us an R1 release. I would buy it.
  21. Just looks weird to me.
  22. That paint job is perfect. It's obvious you're a pro. One observation and it's not a negative one. It looks like it's gonna fall over. Maybe the angle of the shots has something to do with it but the center of gravity seems to be slightly behind the back legs. Does it stand up easily on its own? Sorry if it's a stupid question...
  23. I seem to recall that there was release of some 1/100 valks with Mikimoto art on the box. I remember thinking to myself, "How can such a beautiful box contain such an ugly kit?"
  24. This is the best I can come up with. The DYRL head is leaner and more angular versus the TV head which is rounder.
  25. I love looking at everybody's valks. Thanks for posting your pics! I thought I'd post a few pics of my VF-1J.
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