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Gabe Q

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Everything posted by Gabe Q

  1. Yeah, I was thinking maybe I should go with a lighter color. Thanks.
  2. I use Tamiya acrylic paint and Gunze Sangyo Aqueous Hobby Color for painting. Thanks, I'll try the Q-tip.
  3. Here is the oil paint:
  4. Here is the thinner:
  5. I need help! I'm trying to get this panel lining technique down before I attempt it on my other models but I keep making a mess. I've done plenty of searches but I can't seem to find anything that helps. I'm using an oil paint thinned with odorless mineral spirits. My problem is, the part gets too dirty and doesn't wipe off cleanly. I've got a coat of future over the part and I let the future dry overnight first. Then today I tried to panel line and made a mess. What am I doing wrong? Here is the part:
  6. Yeah, that stance... It kinda looks like he has to go to the bathroom.
  7. Where the heck is WM?
  8. I gotta give you a lot of credit, Grayson. That's pretty far up there on the difficulty scale. It came out great.
  9. Induced Hibernation on Demand Maybe we'll be able to take years long naps sometime in the future. I used to be able to sleep for 20 hours in a stretch when I was a teenager, so I'm not that impressed.
  10. Maybe we do have some alien technology that's been reverse engineered. Maybe it has been kept secret all this time. Maybe that could explain the exponential speed at which technology development has increased. Or maybe not...
  11. Gabe Q


    Wow, that is some nice customization there on a Hase kit. Excellent work. I love the color scheme. BTW, it looks like your battroid has a limp noodle.
  12. Can you imagine where this will be ten or fifteen years from now? You can just put on a suit and be ten times stronger.
  13. Haterist, Just get two and, if you don't screw up the first one, you can sell the second one if somebody needs it. That way, you have an extra just in case.
  14. I drink Guinness. Good stuff. I've never tried Japanese beer.
  15. They're releasing a whole new kit just to throw in a couple of little boosters? Ridiculous. This one takes the cake.
  16. WM, you never posted any pics in battroid mode. Puh-leez!
  17. Nah, it's cool. Nice pic.
  18. Misa is my favorite character! Why the heck did you do that to her? Anyway, I think he has a VF-4 model on his desk in the series too.
  19. That is some teribble news. I've been lurking in this thread and enjoying all of your work. This really sucks.
  20. Awesome pics. Can you make a full size wallpaper of the F-14? I love that image but I don't have a PSP. 1024x768 would be great.
  21. If I had mucho moola, I'd get three. One for the orange and beige, one for the virgin road, and one for an Angel bird #6. I'm scraping for dough though, so I will take only one.
  22. email sent...
  23. I'm glad you're back to work on this sucker. I'm impressed with those missiles. Great work.
  24. I wanna stay out of this. I really do. But, something isn't quite right. You say you have an advanced degree, a house, a family, and a $75,000 a year career. BUT Judging by your posts, you have the maturity level of a 14 year old! I smell bull***t. I don't know that anyone could accomplish all that before they finish puberty. BTW, I've been around for a while. I used to lurk on the old boards but now I post from time to time.
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