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Gabe Q

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Everything posted by Gabe Q

  1. The layout of the missiles in the launchers gives it away. It's the wave version with a custom head.
  2. That is a stellar build there. Great paint application and the decal placement is perfect. Great job bringing her to life!
  3. Couldn't you make a copy of the destroid pilot from the Wave kit? Would that work?
  4. @TMBounty_Hunter Thanks for the news! Part of me is happy that we're getting new releases of SDFM related subjects but part of me is upset that they keep screwing them up. First, they screwed up the TV version of the SDF-1 and now they release a battroid with the arm armors still in the wrong shape. Also, the hands need to be "beefier". They're moving in the right direction, though. I guess I shouldn't be too critical. The waist rotation feature looks pretty cool to help with the poses. I'm surprised it's not an either/or release of Max/Millia. That seemed like it would've been a given. Some of those rereleases look pretty tempting as well. I wonder if the 1D gerwalk rerelease will include the little resin figures.
  5. He messed up! One for each mode and one to keep MISB.
  6. I was looking through the beginning of this thread and I noticed quite a few posts about how the earlier releases of these were shelf warmers. They were being heavily discounted and then, fast forward to recently, the prices for these on the secondary market were very high. Seems like we might see the same thing this time around? I mean, if I wait, will I get a better price? I only mention it because I see some people saying they'll pass on this release. I guess I'll never understand how the market works on these.
  7. I think a PF version would have some brown ink panel lines and way more tampo printing. They could throw in a bit of subtle weathering as well. They markup the price on the valks pretty good for the PF versions so who knows if they'll want to cash in on that.
  8. Great timing for you but bad timing for that seller that might not get to unload his valk at that high price!
  9. Does anyone know if they'll release a PF version of this shortly after? I just saw this on HLJ and I've been wanting one for the longest time. I will hold out for PF version if I know it's on the way. https://www.hlj.com/1-60-scale-perfect-transformation-vf-19-kai-nekki-basara-special-with-sound-booster-reissue-aca82165
  10. It looks like a modified Hasegawa Vf-1 Battroid kit. Looks pretty cool.
  11. Hopefully, you can bring back a truckload of vintage kits to sell at this year's convention.
  12. @arbit You just keep getting better and better! Those figures look great! They're getting more natural looking in their poses and you're absolutely nailing the likenesses!
  13. She's really coming along! Great work on those HUD panels. I'm not sure people realize how involved this whole project is.
  14. The caution sign on the ejection controls is hilarious, "Make sure your @$$ is firmly strapped into seat before ejecting. Have a great trip." This is canon, right guys? I think I saw this in the line art somewhere! @Palantirion Much respect to you for all the hard work and dedication to this restoration. It looks like quite the project! @jenius is a great guy and I'm glad you're helping him out with this.
  15. I guess the book is selling well and a follow-up book is being considered. I'm still waiting on mine to ship. Order status says I'll get it around March 8th.
  16. Those look great. I'm still waiting on my book. I ordered mine through Amazon Japan.
  17. @Big s Ok, thanks. That makes me feel a bit better about the whole situation.
  18. @Shawn I still haven't gotten mine in either. I'm no hurry but it'll be terrible if I get stuck with a set of decals with no kit to put them on.
  19. Hey, you guys found my backlog of kits! Nice!
  20. Not only does the yellow return quickly, the treatment also weakens the plastic as well. Of course, that's only what I've heard.
  21. I'm in the same boat. The decal sheet landed in my private warehouse but the kit didn't. I figure not as many people ordered the decals as the kit so there was no problem completing that part of the order. I hope they get some more stock soon.
  22. Gabe Q

    1/55's revisited

    So cool! But I'm not knowledgeable enough to play.
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