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Gabe Q

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Everything posted by Gabe Q

  1. Nightmare indeed. If it was me, I would just throw a coat of silver over the gummed up vents and call it a day. Oh well if I screwed up one small detail.
  2. I'm glad to see another build-up. I will be watching closely. One thing I really hate about the Hasegawa Battroid is the two-piece chestplate. It creates an unnatural seam across the airbrake. Aside from that and the hip flaw, it's a great kit.
  3. Well, I had a little bit of time today. Here's a shot of the wing with that nasty injection mark filled and sanded smooth. Here are the 'biceps'. One of them cleaned up easily but the other one is taking a little bit more work. Seams! You can barely make them out but here I've scribed recessed panel lines over the raised panel lines. I used some label tape and a photo etch saw. That's it for tonight. It may seem like I'm working at a snail's pace but modeling is a time consuming task. Unfortunately, my time is limited.
  4. I put those away. You're right, wouldn't wanna lose those!
  5. Well, I put in a couple more hours today. It was pretty much a lot more of test fitting and gluing. Boring... Next time, I'll move on to fixing seams and sanding and prepping for painting. Here's a shot of my gunpod. I try to spend a little extra time getting the fit just right when I glue. I find that well lined up pieces need less prepping work afterwards. You want to glue the pieces so the seam is filled. Too much glue and you make a mess. Too little glue and your bond isn't strong enough. You want it just right...
  6. I was building on the business section. I didn't know what the heck you were talking about at first!
  7. That's a kick ass job. Very nice!
  8. I joined a one-month group build over at the Samurai-Monkey boards. I will post progress here, too, from time to time. I had a little while to work on my kit today so here goes... The wings have injection marks that will need to be filled and sanded. I circled the most prominent one... From test fitting, I find out the arm halves don't line up properly. I remove the posts shown to achieve the proper fit. I circled the first removed post. Here are the arms glued together. I tried my best to line them up straight. See the sink marks? I only circled one but they'll all have to be filled and sanded smooth. More to come... Please post comments, criticisms, tips, etc...
  9. Fantastic work. You are an enlightened engineer for making this all come together. I love checking in on this buildup.
  10. I never understood how anyone can make any real money from building kits. If you factor in the amount of time it takes and the cost of materials, you end up making about $4 an hour. Seriously, the people that build kits for money must do it for the love of building.
  11. I'm definitely in. If it was anyone besides you tackling this kit, I would be worried. You bring up the points of the higher center of gravity and the very narrow missile pod attachments but since you've tackled these issues, I'm in. I'm definitely in.
  12. Chalk? Wow, that is definitely a technique I will have to try. Very nice.
  13. You did a fantastic job. She looks great. What method did you use to bring out the panel lines? Panel lining is my modeling weakness...
  14. Hmm, I never did finish that kit...
  15. I think the seller is a member here. He's obviously in the know...
  16. Oh, that was good. You got me real good...
  17. Bastards!!! You got me...
  18. Has anyone tried denatured alcohol? Works pretty good for me.
  19. She looks good. Any pictures of her with the matte coat yet?
  20. I'm impressed. It's a very professional looking site with well written descriptions. I love the clean images. Overall, I give it an A.
  21. I'm a WoW widower. I tried it and got my undead mage up to level 15 but got bored and stopped playing. Got tired of it, then my GF says let me try it out. Next thing you know, I never get laid anymore and she has a level 56 tauren something or other...
  22. It might be that he was taller before and he's just shrinking a little due to age.
  23. Is anybody else excited about the Final Fantasy Tactics sequel coming up? I played the original one for months. I might pick up a PSP just for that title.
  24. I'm 6 feets tall. Arnold's about 5' 11'' cuz he had heels on his shoes that day.
  25. I might bring a few of my completed model kits. I have a few I'm working on right now that might be done in time, too. Here's an example of one: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=14367
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