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Gabe Q

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Everything posted by Gabe Q

  1. That must have been an ordeal... Seems like a massive undertaking preparing all those kits.
  2. Payment sent. I'm hoping to get mine sent out Tues.
  3. I'm wondering whether having the 1/48 Hasegawa VF-1 *possibly* on the horizon will deter people from supporting this project. As nice as I know yours will be, I'm kinda hesitant to drop a few hundred on it for that reason. I think 1/32 is kinda big for me. I would love to see you build it though. I would be checking the buildup thread everyday...
  4. That's a nice flyer. I wish I could go see your models in person. Now that would be something...
  5. Cool I might pick this up. Thanks...
  6. Does the set include the original opening two part miniseries?
  7. She's coming along great! Thanks for the update.
  8. Hey man, lay off. It was brought up in another thread. I missed it the first time around, too.
  9. I'd be interested in a TV version with daedalus and prometheus.
  10. Wow I thought you only built little stuff! You're very talented. I'm sooo jealous...
  11. Two months! It would take me about two years! 28 trees...
  12. I never would have noticed that half the pilot was scraped off. I was sittin there staring at that picture for like 10 minutes! Oh well...
  13. Yeah, he might as well be naked...
  14. A thread like this pops up every once in a while and we always fantasize about how cool it would be to have Regults in scale with all our Yamato valks. It seems to me that it is much more of a possibility now. With the recent retooling of the 1/60 and all the destroid love (and not to mention the SuperDamnFreaking huge capital ship in the works), we have a real fighting chance. Wouldn't it be nice for them to improve the Qrau a little and put out a TV version of it first? It seems like they could test the waters on the enemy mechs with this one first.
  15. That is some fantastic work! If you lived just a little bit closer, I'd buy you a beer for all your effort. I love the subtle differences in the panel colors. Your weathering is never overdone, just right. And the canopy, it looks great with just a slight hue of purple, also not overdone. All around great work.
  16. I always wanted a set of those little 144th scale destroids. Do you happen to know where I can get a set? I love the little assemblyline process you got going. Be sure and show us the final product. Thanks
  17. OMG, how many trees are there in that last pic? That seems like it'll take forever to assemble!
  18. Thanks for the update. What are we supposed to be noticing?
  19. This is great. I'm really excited about this year's con. It seems to get bigger every time I go.
  20. How are you guys able to throw a con without charging admission? Seems like you could get away with charging five bucks or so.
  21. What did you use to fill in the seam lines on that chara works?
  22. Very, very impressive so far. You nailed the proportions, as always.
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