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Gabe Q

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Everything posted by Gabe Q

  1. That refueling shot! It's awesome! I love that clean build.
  2. Sorry, I've already made arrangements with another member. Thanks for the response. Also, I'm not sure when registration ends.
  3. This is fantastic news! I've been waiting a long time for this!
  4. I'd like to share a table w someone. I want let go of some of my nearly 200 Macross model kits
  5. I really love the one where he's scratching his head! Really great work! I've got one like 75% built. This should motivate me to finish it.
  6. To actually get Tenjin to acknowledge your work is incredible! I'm beyond impressed. Please tell me you're bringing this to the MW Con.
  7. Amazing work!
  8. Beautiful, just beautiful! Your work always impresses me. I like the little the way the feet are weathered a bit more than the rest of the destroid and you painted the hydraulics inside the back of the foot! Just amazing... If only we could fly you and your kits up here for the convention in October! That'd be awesome to see in person. Anyway, one question, where did you get the pilot figure? The Moscato destroids don't come with pilots.
  9. The little valks are a great addition. That's just awesome attention to detail. I'm really loving your project!
  10. That looks awesome! Great job. In a few years, when all this 3D printing hits the mass market pricepoint, we should design a printable version of this at about this size. It would be a collaborative effort.
  11. Great work, detective LeDude! How'd you notice that? I'd pick up set of M&M super versions if they release them!
  12. Do you think we'll ever see a super pack for these? I mean, wouldn't they have been released by now? It's been a few years now that we've been waiting.
  13. That's really great work! I haven't seen many of the 1:48 scale built up. I look forward to more from you...
  14. I really like it. I'm a sucker for those old kits! Great contribution!
  15. She's not lookin' that bad after all. I might have to pick up one of these.
  16. I have the 'Destroido Spaltan Destructions'. Just PM me and I'll send them.
  17. I'm not too excited about this. I've got a bajillion and one model kits and 99% of them are Macross. I just don't like the design they've come up with. I'm not able to articulate why, but the design just doesn't 'feel right'.
  18. That's some amazing work you've done! I'm really impressed!
  19. OK, thanks for the reply. It looks freaking amazing. The huge scale of that thing really shows next to that battroid. She's a big machine!
  20. ¡Sweet Jeebus! That's lookin real good! How are you reinforcing the joints on that? It seems like it would fall apart under its own weight once the arms get put on.
  21. I'm very interested in this! Please do.
  22. Can anyone recommend a good site to order the new Macross Chronicle from? I don't see it listed at HLJ.
  23. Nice! I love those little kits! I have a small collection of those myself. I just need the Glaug in 1/200 and I'm set for a killer diorama.
  24. I saw it in person! That is just phenomenal work! I was really impressed with the quality of the custom decals. Definitely inspires me to get to work on my kits.
  25. Gabe Q

    Kit's Power

    The pic, just take it down. Way to offer free advertising for them...
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