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Gabe Q

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Everything posted by Gabe Q

  1. Gabe Q

    Hi-Metal R

    Got mine from HLJ!
  2. They were nice it's just that they were so expensive for the size. I only picked up the 1J because it was on sale.
  3. Your builds are always so clean and professional looking! I always enjoy everything you post.
  4. joscasle, that's a perfect looking valk! I'm lovin' it! What'd that take? Say about 40 hours or so? I just can't get around to finishing mine. I'm inspired by how good yours looks but I'm also discouraged because I know mine won't turn out as good as yours.
  5. You're absolutely correct about the poor 3D model. I missed the point of The Capn's post. I was commenting purely on the potential that 3D printing still yields for the future. The Cap should show us, not tell us, just how great a hand molded-cast series of parts would be! An SDF-1 mastered by Mr. Cap'n would be amazing. We can all dream, can't we?
  6. You're absolutely correct! But... Give it 5 years and the quality of the prints will increase and the cost will decrease. Eventually, we'll be able to cheaply print these (and other models) with incredible resolution and in any color and finish. It's been the trend of any technology adoption to follow this trend of increasing quality and decreasing cost.
  7. Aaaaaaaand it's gone! I got my preorder in if it's of any consolation.
  8. From the article: “Even though we are re-releasing the movie version of the SDF-1 Macross, we do want to do the TV series version as well but that is still undergoing approval from the copyright holder. Personally, I really want to do it.
  9. Around the 6:30 mark is where you'll find the relevant backpack part. They even display a big red X over the wrong way to fold the backpack!
  10. Did your VF-11B have the same problem with the decals that mine did? I posted pictures earlier in this thread.
  11. That Elint looks perfect. It really deserves a nice photo shoot.
  12. Kylwell! That is just amazing level our skill there! Looking real good!
  13. Yeah, you guessed it. Here's some more progress on the big bird. I'm finding the grey from the instructions is lighter than I expected.
  14. I dunno if you can guess what I'm working on but one of these took longer than the other three put together to prep! I was careless glueing the parts together on one of these I guess.
  15. Yeah, the Hasegawa Battroid needs lots of clean up to look best. There are lots of seams to fill and sand smooth. The plastic is softer than a typical Gundam kit. I can imagine the builder's frustration if they're not used to traditional style assembly kits. I just built my first Gundam kit a couple weeks ago and had the opposite experience. After building Hasegawa kits all these years, the Leo I built went together like a dream. It only had two visible seams but they required no putty because the fit was perfect. I agree that the builder probably is experiencing a build that involves more work than they expected.
  16. Looking forward to watching this. Thanks for posting it. The disclaimer at the beginning is a little disheartening: "Warning for Macross fans: This is a fun project... There's nothing on this video about Macross."
  17. What are all the different kits you have available?
  18. Thom, looking good. What kit is that? Anyway, I'm making some progress on my VF-11B and I saw the decals are a little outta whack! Anything red or grey on the sheet printed a mm or two to the right. Shame on you Hasegawa!
  19. electric indigo, that's some nice work. It's a shame it will be hidden in battroid mode. Can't wait to see the finished product. Urashiman, that Elint is coming along nicely. Ten years is a long time but at least you're working on finishing it. I've noticed the same thing about mold degradation with my vf-1 kits. It's gonna get worse now that they're kit bashing the molds for the Gerwalk kits. sketchley, I'm glad you're ok. I was in Osaka this time last year. I'm also working on a VF-0 battroid except I'm on Urashiman's schedule with it. Hervé! Wow you are a model kit building god among men! That mustang looks amazing! I'm currently working on a VF-11B and just finished up a Leo. I'm building it 'gear up' and it's taking some time.
  20. They put the nose cone on upside down in those photos. I'm currently building this kit and I'm glad to report that the fit is great!
  21. Open the pod bay doors, HAL.
  22. Same here. Literally the day before. Now I have to wait 60 days to see my kit.
  23. The Cap did such a great job on this one. It's a such a beauty. If only he would breath life into one more design... Cap, please make a Q-rau! We want Q! But yeah, put me down for one. Hopefully, you'll include the pilot and decals.
  24. I see it. I want it. But the sticker shock tho... I guess I'm not getting one. Maybe they'll rerelease a fighter w/ booster combo. I might be persuaded to jump on that.
  25. It's destined for the bargain bin.
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