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Gabe Q

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Everything posted by Gabe Q

  1. Looking good so far! Are you gonna build one of them gear up?
  2. @peter please let me know if no one else can accommodate you. I won't charge you. I'd be happy to help. I'm not sure if I have three though.
  3. I love using this technique but @MechTech is right. You have to give plenty of drying time. It's a tricky process and I'm still learning but so far I'm pleased with the results. The first time i tried it, I had a seam that looked perfectly sanded flush. After a few days though, the seam developed an indentation all along it where the "glue goo" had evaporated. So yes, lots of drying time.
  4. I can't believe it's only at 4000 yen. Really nice find.
  5. Looks like HLJ's not taking any more orders for the Low Vis.
  6. That's awesome! I've never seen someone build that scheme yet. I've only seen it in Model Graphics. It looks great!
  7. @peter I'm surprised you had good decals from those older Hasegawa kits. Maybe I'm not storing them properly and the decals are degrading? I'll have to look into this. I'll be sure to avoid that AMT Star Trek kit. That little Enterprise B kit you're working on looks challenging! All that prep work would scare me away. Thanks, @Thom This is the 1/72 Strike/Super Gerwalk kit. Today I got more decaling in. Finished them all but will hit them with more decal softener tomorrow to get them to really sink in. I got some panel lining in, too. All that's left is a gloss coat to level everything out and a flat coat to seal it in. I may do a bit of dry brushing on the edges of the armor after the flat coat but no weathering.
  8. Got more work on the Super Gerwalk today. Decals on the fast packs. This is a newer kit so it was a pleasure to discover that the decals behaved nicely. On some of the older Hasegawa valks, the decals just rip apart no matter how careful you are. I bought some Micro Set but haven't had the chance to try it yet.
  9. Got mine today! BBTS for $349.99. After tax and shipping, that'll be about $380. Really happy with that price.
  10. You guys are displaying some amazing creativity! With @pengbuzz's diorama and @peter's custom wing damage. And @Thom, your Ampere looks like it's coming along nicely. All these StarTrek builds! You'd think I was in the wrong place! Maybe I need to check out some episodes and see what all the popularity is about... Anyhow, I just finished a paint sesh. Got my clearcoats in, some base white sections, and a bit of blue and aluminum for my R2.
  11. Every collector should have a separate room for each genre of figures. I'm thinking my 5 bedrooms may not be enough! Time for a bigger house! I love that whole Carbon Freezing Chamber setup there. I'm realizing you need to add backdrops for your displays or else it just looks bland.
  12. @MechTech I have the polishing compound and the future floor product. It's just that my canopies never come out that good. I guess I'll have to keep practicing! The decals look painted on. The gun barrels look like polished metal. All the details just look right.
  13. Dang it... Saw this too late. Sold out there too. Thanks anyway @mikeszekely I'm gonna keep looking!
  14. Super frustrated I didn't get a chance to pre-order. I'll keep looking but I refuse to pay scalper prices.
  15. I would 'like' and 'subscribe'!
  16. Will this be a regular release? Will it be available on Amazon Japan?
  17. This is great news. I've been wanting this one for a long time.
  18. How do you get a canopy to that level of shine? Wow, after checking out the photos more, I'm realizing how nice that build is.
  19. Only $3,750! What a bargain! Seriously though, it's a really nice build. I wouldn't pay that but I guess factoring in the time it would take to build that, it comes out to maybe 30 to 40 dollars an hour? That's definitely not a quick, 10-hour build. You'll never get rich building model kits for resale.
  20. There's a lot of good stuff going on around here! @derex3592 Your Runabout is looking awesome! Those figures you painted came out nice. I suck at hand brushing so I'm super impressed. @electric indigo The Mig has a very smooth paint job and the decals look painted on. I want to get to that level of skill! What's next for you? @peter Great job with the extra weathering. It made a huge difference and now I'm wondering if I should pick up a set. As far as getting into airbrushing, I'd say it's a steep learning curve but absolutely necessary if you want to get to that next level. Currently working on an R2. Getting rid of the nasty seams on the dome. I've got about 4 or 5 other projects going as well but it's hard to stay focused on one.
  21. Very, very tough seams on that Battriod kit. The legs and chest are brutal. I'm working on one right now as well.
  22. I'm not sure I agree about the Hasegawa spares on these. The styles clash. The old kit has the straight from the line art look while the Hasegawa is trying to look like real aircraft. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix the nose on these old 1/72 kits? They're in need of some serious rhinoplasty!
  23. @Hexi thank you for taking the time to post your collection. I enjoyed looking at all of your completed builds. I can't wait to see all the other stuff you're gonna build. Please post when you do.
  24. She looks great! All the hard work pays off on the end. Love the paint job. What colors did you use? About the canopy. It's all a learning experience. Focus on the positive aspects of your build.
  25. Really cool Macross logo on the bottom right. That'd be great to put on a stand.
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