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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. The thing I didn't like at first about TC was that it felt like they where in a small town, not a planet. Only one group of bad guys and some supporting characters over and over. When they added the three new guys and the Moonatars (or something) things picked up. The new group of bad guys was a let down though; they started as super awsome breaking Lion-o's sword on there first meeting but then they where just ordinary. The last thing I remember was their homeplanet reconstructing itself. The TC, a handfull of cats supreme rulers of two planets Well, you can't denny that the show evolved.
  2. I remember as a kid that Thundercats was the coolest thing since He-man where I lived. The toys with the glowing eyes where the best thing since sliced bread. Haven't seen them since. Speaking of oldies; there was this show about a sherif in a planet that was the new Texas or something. His partner was a horse that could talk and transform into a biped and had a kinky relationship with his bazooka. I also remember a show that was abaut a guy trying to find his father and fighting the plant monters that his idiot dad created. He led a band of freedom fighters around the galaxy battling in robot cars. It was really neat how the plant creatures turned to cars, with all the internal organs showing. I feel old
  3. Check out Vandread. It's defined as Macross meets Gundam with comedy mixed in. I've only watched a few episodes but I find it quite good and fun.
  4. $30 PG Zakus... I hate damn Amazon. Why wont they ship internationally? Well, screw'em, in two weeks I'm getting my PG Strike.
  5. Thanks for that excellent post A1!! Now I like (and understand) M0 a lot more. I downloaded a fansub instead of buying the HK version (was very tempted). Luckily I didn't, the HK sub on MS Gundam 0079 is painfull to read. I'm only on disc four and Amuro has had 3 different names (as well as Zeon, Char, the Gundam itself...) not to mention some absurd sentences here and there. Good bless fansubbers
  6. Love the improvised "beach ball"
  7. The manga is one of the best I've ever read. The story is really hard on the poor characters. You never know how things are going to turn out so your always at the edge of your seat. If you can, pick up the manga.
  8. Untill I saw the series again I always thought that it was Miriya who killed him . They aired that episode cut when I was a kid (including the fight inside the ship between Max and Miriya). Poor Miriya, I hated her for nothing.
  9. Well, this thread was fun until the flaming and the.... *shudder* man-thing...
  10. Ok, just finished MZ. The battles where incredible but the story needed more episodes IMO. Feels really rushed at the end. Kinda sad when you see the episode with the ocean floor in it. A few years later all that is vaporized by the Zentraedi. What's the story behind the whole UN-AntiUN thing? I never heard or saw anything about MZ until I found MW. This was not the case with M7. Did MZ do bad in Japan? Only now are we seeing images of a supposed toy in production.
  11. Another license down the crapper... When will they screw up Silent Hill?
  12. what is? 315237[/snapback] I am sorry but I need to do this: Just to help Kin out, if the female robot has a hole... I think I said too much. 315243[/snapback] Seduction: thats their evil plan!! "Plugging" that fembot could get you electrocuted. Not exactly Terminator but efective.
  13. Well, my childhood reached it's peak of turtleness with the first film. Gotta love how they translated cowabunga in Spain: "¡de puta madre!" (kinda like "F* great!"). When your a kid and your heroes use cuzz words you laugh your butt off
  14. Tell me you just made this up. Super-jerk-Kyle in a fighter? Does he use Kung-fu while in Valk mode ?
  15. Well... It took a long time to paint ! The Strike Aile is more than worth it. If I didn't just buy the 1/60 Gouf I'd buy another Aile Pack just for the Skygrasper. I think best PG Gundams are the Strike and the GPO1/fb. I just got another GPO and I plan on getting another Strike. If you look around you can get a PG Zaku for a little more than $100. That is really worth it. 314079[/snapback] How are the PG Zakus? I've read that the joints get loose very easily. You had a couple of PG MK II's, are they better than the Strike?
  16. The trailer looks like that of an action film... Hope they don´t screw the comic to much.
  17. I've only seen two episodes of Macross Zero and love the VF-0. The 1/100 looked nice but this! and PV!!! Really hope they make a VF-0D
  18. Looks great!! And that base is perfect! How long did it took you to paint the Strike and the Aile? I have some questions: Is the Strike+Aile worth it? What's your favourite PG and why (can't decide wich to get)? Congrats on a great model
  19. "Extra finish version" means that it´s metal plated like some HGUC kits? Whatever it is, it ups the price of the MK II 10,000 yens. This means that the Rouge Strike is the las PG of the year?
  20. Great, the world is now safer . BTW, saw a video of said mod and what you see is no worse than what you can see on an R rated film (and some PG-13) only with crude polygons. T&A´s and some postures, nothing more. The male character is always with his clothes on. Light years away from an NC-17 rating IMO Such fuzz over something that is meant for mentalities AT LEAST 17 years old is really retarded (IMO anyways).
  21. I also consider this one of the best fights ever. It had the added tension of the battery count down versus all the oponents. Very kinetic and viscelal (with all that blood and gore it looks more like a battle between giant beings instead of mechs... are Evas considered mechs or bio-mechs?) There´s also one at the back of my head but I can´t remember it now
  22. I really liked the first episode; great action (loved all that cannon fire and the space fights). Hope someone subs it soon, can´t wait to follow the story
  23. Whatever they do, let it not be wacky. When I first saw images of Wing I thought the mech designs reaked Power Rangers. So I passed. Last year I saw an episode of SEED just to see what stupid new designs they had, then went to see gundamofficial and found out about G Gundam and that mobile suits where able to turn into windmills and bull heads or have horses With all these goofy images in my head I labeled Gundam as an over milked franchised. My brother convinced me to give SEED another try and now I can´t wait to see all UC related material. Don´t know how many people that could have gotten hooked to Gundam have turned their backs becasue of the sillyness.
  24. Well, just bought Z and 08th MS Team. I´ll have plenty of UC to go around with this and the original. Plus I´m downloading Igloo and Turn A. Man, with all this to watch I´m gona get sick of Gundam
  25. Ok, so if a kid is capable of applying the mod to his game, the chances are that he is also mentally cualified to search the internet for all the real porn he wants and of downloading all of the most twisted porn he wants with a P2P program. I don´t see the fuzz. It´s rated M (17+), right? If you can play such a violent game without a problem then you can stand some cartoon porn. Other things happening in the world that deserve more attention.
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