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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. The Shinn one is right on the money *please, pretty please, die next episode you whiner*
  2. Hey!! No fair, where are the Gundams?? Thanks for the VF-0 pic. I don't know if it's because of nostalgia or what but I agree with you. The VF-0 is cool looking but I wouldn't change my VF-1J for a VF-0.
  3. I really like how the arms look. But I'll wait for a VF-0D though.
  4. ... like the pic of the resin prototype of the VF-0 in Battroid mode EDIT: ... of a company that ain't Yamato... poo
  5. Wow, looks real nice.
  6. Here'a promo of Nintendo's new controler in action. To bad Nintendo is the only company that tries hard to innovate this sequel plagued industry. But due to low third party involment the idea will probably see little development. Making a sequel is more profitable (and safer) than trying something new...
  7. Thanks for the information. I loved the Foundation trilogy and wanted to read more. I bought a magazine that came with Foundation because I had nothing to read that day in the subway. I was lucky to find that book because the magazine was packed with a random book. Someday I'll get around to reading Dune; at least the original.
  8. This series is going for the Guiness Record in recaps Good thing my brother was always whyning about all the reused footage: In the end I was expecting so much of it that when I actually saw all of it it seamed like less Regarding Cagalli: I still like this character. IMO the reason she didn't take some time to speak with Athrun was because she had to address a crisis. Her country had just been atacked and being the leader of a nation means she has to dedicate herself first to Orb. Even more so when you consider that she has been abscent for a long time. You can be cocky when your out there in the desert playing hero but when your an eighteen year old that has the responsibility of an entire nation's well being in your hands I doubt you can have much confidence in yourself. She's too young and inexperienced to notice she was being manipulated by the Sarans. Things where just too much for her. Too bad the Dom Trooper pilots are going to kick it without even being fleshed out a bit (47 episodes and only one real appearance)... . I really liked how they looked. Well, the original Black Tri-Stars only appeared in two or three episodes. Who knows, maybe Rei misses and we see them again in GSDSomething. The only thing left is the 360º cockpit (strange they haven't used this one) and moving the Gundam directly with your mind.
  9. Ebichu is one of those sinfully funny shows you just can't miss. The guy with the rodent fetish was priceless
  10. I miss my Dreamcast. Have to get it back.
  11. wow? serious? that sucks. mad is so not the right guy for the book 326125[/snapback] Yeah, mark Millar isn't coming back to write it either, Jeph Loeb will be taking on scribing duties after the Millar/Hitch team leaves. 326128[/snapback] hmmm, I guess I won't be coming back either than.. too bad. I like both jeph loeb and Mad... but I just don't see them working out for this book unless they really change the tone... 326211[/snapback] The Ultimates works so good because of Millar's charactezation and Hitch's incredebly detailed and epic pencils. And this is in a comic that has very little fights. I mean, it reads so well and the art is so spot on that you feel like your watching a really good blockbuster. Another good thing is that is based more on reality, not hockey comicness. This is a really dramatic change for the comic. I agree with eugimon.
  12. Come on guys, this is some crazy otaku fun! Sure the animation sucks but moments like when Bobobo merged super robot style with two hitech gadgets, a pig and a coffe table are priceless.
  13. Really nice!! The face looks a little to blue IMO. Maybe if the mouth piece was grey or another shade of blue... but you like it and you did a fantastic job so who cares Wish I had the courage to paint my PG Strike
  14. Mostly liked it so far, I've seen some really good moments in the series (I've only seen 38 episodes), but looks like people aren´t to happy with the current episodes. I still find the SEED characters more interesting though, I can't stand Shinn.
  15. If they kill Shinn I would be so thankfull as to not complain for even the worst possible ending.
  16. So purrty, me want
  17. I liked the fights (some really dynamic) but the story is so freaking flat that I stop watching it almost 100 episodes ago. My brother still watches it, but he's also getting bored. He's starting to hate the kid (no wonder: "Hokage this and that" all teh time). The manga at least is evolving (Naruto has grown up a bit) and the enemy isn't boring old Orochimaru.
  18. I remember watching the animated series before the movies. It was bodaciously silly fun The second movie was really dark-wierd. The part where they are in hell reminds me in some weird way of the movie Cube.
  19. 323410[/snapback] The Acguy is just one of those great life's mysteries 323561[/snapback] But it's so cute
  20. The colors look real nice. Almost makes me want to paint my PG Strike that way.
  21. Nobody did a timed fansub for the R1 release? I don't care very much for Ending/opening, anyways what is included in the dvd? The american opening/ending? I can guess how much it sucks. 322570[/snapback] As was stated earlier they couldn't license the original Opening and Ending music, so Bandai instead used the same animation but used an instrumental song. 322574[/snapback] This is the version I got from e-bay. Better to have a sub based on a crappy dub than a HK sub. The only thing that got me through MS "Gaoda" 0079 was that the series was really good. One 43 episode run of retarded subtitles is enough for me though Are there many differences between the original script and the english sub? EDIT: Said Korean instead of HK sub
  22. Wow !! I wanted to get a PG MK II (seeing Z now and have fallen in love with the design LOL), but Bandai has just saved me a lot of money That MG kit looks jaw dropping. It even has movable armor plates (bend leg shot) and a base!! MG's are sure getting better. Thanks for the pic
  23. I've just seen the review of the MG Acguy on Dalong and... that kit is incredible, I want one!! Acguy And the extras are kickass Action
  24. I remember another Captain of the 80's: Captain N!! loved that belt of his with the pause button and who can forget the dwarf Mega Man, Simon Belmont the jackass and the huge Game Boy. Yay Nintendo!
  25. Well, here are the links from 1999 of the normal PG Zaku: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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