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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. I remember the animated version. Never heard of the books but reading about the movie made me recall watching the cartoon. Are the books good reading for an adult?
  2. 346152[/snapback] Didn’t know anything about the story (the crap that we get today has made me loose interest in Hollywood). At first I thought that this was the Superman version of Batman Begins, which placed the film on a respected corner of my head (I though this wouldn’t be just another boring origin movie). Reading this thread and finding out the story made me go “Danger, danger!!â€. But if this are really Bryan Singer’s words then this might turnout good. At least it sounds more interesting than a “Well, we retell Supes origin for the billionth time and then have him fight a really bad bad-guyâ€.
  3. The only FPS I’ve found fun to play all the way though are HL and Halo. Halo has a nice story with a good cinematic feeling to it. Things like having only two weapons at a time and having to engage the enemy in small groups if you want to live makes the game something more than mindless shooting. Controlling the vehicles was fun (controlling a tank full of marines is just plain cool). The things I didn’t like: little enemy diversity and some of the later levels tended to have zones that looked the same. If you find it cheap, get it.
  4. You may be interested in this, then... http://agtp.romhack.net/valken.html Patch to take the original japanese game to english without the massive cuts made for the official US release. Sidenote: Konami was merely the US publisher. 344428[/snapback] Thanks JBO Came across his patch when searching for the game (didn't remember it's name and a friend told me the Japanese title). Always tough the animesque image found in the background of the option screen looked out of place. Now it makes sense. Guess back then puny western children’s brains might have exploded if in visual contact with character faces and more text.
  5. Guess it’s because you don’t need to spend a lot of time in it. If it was harder, like I hear FF is, casual players might be turned off. In WoW you can go mining for a while and have a nice catch, in FF your mining pick might break in the middle of nowhere. To some players this is part of the adventure, to many others, who are there to just gain EXP or make gold, it’s something that wastes time. Also, it doesn’t excel in any specific aspect (like economy, jobs, gathering…) like other MMORPG, but keeps a nice balance between them all. If you want to PvP, it has it, if you want to explore, it has a big world, if you want to party quest, there are a lot of people, if you want to sell… To some it up: WoW caters to a really wide market. And all the backing by Blizzard doesn’t hurt (they have promoted the game A LOT). Were I to play an MMORPG again it would be Dark and Light. It sounds like I game I would enjoy.
  6. Haven’t played it, but after reading a review about it I though it would play much like a Halo clone: open spaces, you can use vehicles and AI controlled marines help you out in spots. But anyways, I’m busy replaying old SNES masterpieces to worry about today’s boring games. Now Konami’s Cybernator gave you really good shooting action
  7. Buenas Manu Looks like this country isn't reserved only for Saint Seiya/Dragon Ball fandom . Any more Macross fans from Spain? Germán
  8. Will Murphy be encased in a black leather outfif or will he be CG... or both?
  9. No. The series takes place after T2, so it's about Sarah and John thinking they've averted disaster and live a normal life. 343869[/snapback] Even worse. 343870[/snapback] Get ready for some funny antics with this fall’s premier of “Meet the Connor'sâ€.
  10. Hope that this movie has a funny Spider-man. In the first the one doing the wisecracks was the GG. Shitty normal life compensated by making fun of villains = Spider-man.
  11. Meh… I can’t trust Fukada after Destiny (unless he takes a year off and gets a divorce ). They should do an OVA and forget about the 50 episodes thing for the next Gundam. Bandai can still shove a lot of MS/toys in an OVA series. Just seen 0080. Now that is good.
  12. I remember the episode with the underwear stealing gnomes. I almost wet myself every time they started to sing . There was also the one with the pot smoking talking towel .
  13. Don’t like how modern films look. The images look to “clean†(even when your supposed to see dirt); it makes them look less life like and more artificial. It’s like 80’s anime compared to recent shiny anime.
  14. Totally agree. The thing I like is that if you take the shock value it still has things to say (well, at least in most episodes). "Hey, it... still beats what you go through at the airports."
  15. First the retarded Predator remake thing and now this crap... Why don't they go remake Casablanca and stay the F*CK away from videogames until quality films win over cheap easy to make post Matrix films. If only people stopped paying to see this kind of poo…
  16. I had forgotten all about this kick ass anime!!! I feel ashamed Must get!!
  17. I dont know why, but i got kind of mad by this. I think the music and song and dance was VERY important to the themes of macross. If you look at the the symbolism behind the anime. The music and the love triangle was clearly repesentative of "love" and the zentraedi and fighting were represented as the theme "war". And altogether Macross whole theme was "love AND war" Not just the fighting as Robotech would have liked. Why would you even be asking the SINGER that? Pfft sorry im done ranting. 340363[/snapback] I'm starting to wonder, maybe in a VERY limited way, Roy was right. I'm not sure some of those people get the point of Macross. They look at it as a mecha-fest when it was actually a bit more philosophical that robots waling on each other. 340365[/snapback] Gazzards. Macross is so much more than that. 340372[/snapback] Yeah, but when we were kids we liked it especially because of the cool looking robots waling on each other. Many of us didn't even know what the word philosophy meant. Years have past and people see more meaning in Macross whereas stuff like GiJoe and Transformers just pushes the nostalgia button (if anything). As time passes some new fans will get it others will not, just as it happened with us.
  18. Hehe, funny . Nothing beats picking on poor Minmay. I never thought about the whole giant women thing until this week, when I read a post somewhere on this forum where someone talked about two horny meltrans and a valk’s nose cone. There went the last bit of innocence remaining from my childhood.
  19. If they made decent subs for the ADV release I might pick it up. How decent were the AnimEigo subs compared to Anime Fiends fansubs? And, was AnimEigo’s remastering worth it?
  20. Nice You also did this when you were 18? I never could make myself draw more that two panels… Drawing pinups is one thing, narrating something using images is another. Doing both right was my dream. Got any recent work to show?
  21. Wow, freaking great work you guys are doing !!! This MOD is looking so good I can't believe my eyes. Take as much time as you see fit, it'll be worth it.
  22. Jesus, this forum sure it bitchy over nothing. If you guys get so worked up over someone’s name then a real world problem would surely kill you. Here's the place to talk about the HG/Robotech thing, no? And it’s not like the guy is forcing you to buy from him. As for top 5… My holly grail was a decent VF and I got more than that in my 1/48 but that SW-XAII sure looks hot. There was also the red and white valk I had when I was a kid (I think it was a small bootleg) which I would like to find again someday. 1. Decent VF- Done 2. Nameless bootleg valk 3. Decent Alpha (not yet invented, the soso MPC is overpriced) 4. Decent Southern Cross hover tank (not yet invented) 5. Decent Beta (not yet invented)
  23. Same thing goes for most imported Anime. Now the problem of making Macross or Anime in general more main stream friendly is that you are shaping it towards their wants or what you think they want. Where is the limit on compromises in importing something over? If left unchecked to import for the sake of making it more friendly to the masses it could led to a product that is quite different from the original. Some might say new Macross is good no matter what. I say that if you cater to the wants of the masses you'll might end up with is something that is not Macross. They already did that, it’s called Robotech and thanks to this series I discovered a series called Macross which I greatly enjoy. The same can happen again to other people. Do I think people who like dubs and main stream anime that you can find on Cartoon Network and Mass Retailers are beneath me? Why yes. Have you seen that crap that is avaliable. Well, if you're comparing yourself to kids (the primary target of main stream anime) then its normal to feel superior because they're just immature kids and your a grownup. There has to be a difference after all, if not, what would be the point of growing up? I wouldn't brag about knowing more that a kid though. And even then your just superior in the knowledge of 20 something cartoons, in other things you might be inferior (I know kids that can swim or run faster than I can or that can memorize more stuff).
  24. Whats wrong with Paris? 338697[/snapback] Socialist weaklings live there... They are annoying with their pussy positions on just about everything the US does, they just get in the way of progress. 338702[/snapback] Progress? Haven’t seen much “progress†in this planet in the last few years. That must mean that this "socialist weaklings" are not so weak and are the true masters of the world, no ? Do muscles falter at the sight of a tinny croissant?
  25. Old school animation IMO feels meatier whereas new animation looks more like a tofu based substitute.
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