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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. Never had a reason to see the Passion. I’ve known the story since I was a kid and there are a lot of documentaries and other movies about the subject, so no interest there. And if you add that the great majority of the commentaries about the film are about it’s violence or the Jew thing then that means there isn’t anything new or groundbreaking in the movie worth seeing. Wonder how much historical accuracy he’ll go after in this one. The lead doesn’t look very Mayan so well have to wait to see how ethnically correct the rest of the cast is.
  2. How about you use a cigarette lighter to melt some of the edges? Those PG in the background of some of the shots look incredible. How much does it take to paint them that good? Do you use an airbrush to get that weathered effect?
  3. Merry X-mas boys and gals!! Got clothes, a Viceroy watch, some nice books and... A Miria Q-Rau (damn you brother, that thing is huge)!
  4. Stupid dialog and questionable ending aside, the fight was freaking awesome!!
  5. I’ve only seen ten episodes but I must say I really like it, designs and all. The whole Industrial age like society being colonised by a foreign culture instead of the other way around cracked me up. Now that I finished the whole core UC stories (0079, 8th team, 0080, 0083, Z, Char’s CA) I’ll continue with the moustached warrior. Being the thing that got me into Gundam, I hold SEED in a special place (but yes, the classic stuff in general is better). SEED rehashes a lot of UC but I appreciate there not being Newtypes. Coordinators seem better explained (genetically engineered better humans which generate prejudice among normal people). You don’t see much prejudice against newtypes in the UC (spacenoids yes) nor get a good understanding on how much power they have (I get the empathize with others thing, which I like, but I find that that is downplayed for more mystical or über living weapon things). It’s no surprised that so far I’ve enjoyed 8th team and 0080 the most (no super people nor über MS). BTW, just saw Char’s CA yesterday and… liked it but not as much as I thought. It’s like Z mostly didn’t exist. Miss Super Newtype Quess didn’t help much in the way of enjoyment and Amuro could have used more characterisation.
  6. You sure there wasn't at least a scene with them in chopper form?
  7. True, true (but to each it's own )
  8. True Lies, now that was a fun film to watch with great action scenes. Whatever happened to those kinds of movies? We seem short nowadays.
  9. Very mayan looking artwork... Conan: Red Nails or Conan goes to Mexico (didn't A1 have a story about a trip to Mexico?) Conan looks kinda muscular but... doesn't he look like he needs a few meals to loosen that belt of his?
  10. You mean this one Nice. Wonder if this one can move the waist part better than the MKII. The grenade gimmick is nice (the PG didn't have the grenade pack detail right?).
  11. Real funny series with good action, characters and a nice plot (I specially liked episode 33). I’ll keep on seeing it if continues this way. BTW, what fansub do you people follow?
  12. Good comic stories are either two short, too long or too much back story heavy to be directly be made into films, at least in the way Hollywood thinks. Personally, I think the main problem on comic based movies lies on the way these movies are thought out. Movies have an Introduction, climax and an ending (as almost all narrative). The difference is that comics are an ongoing thing; they don’t have a real ending, plots do but the universe in which they take place is a result of older plots. So what happened on another plot conditions what future plots will have and so forth. Readers of the x-men, Hulk, whatever, have at least an idea of what went before and understand what goes on in the issue they are reading, why things are the way they are. They also know that things that are foreshadowed will start or resolve future plots or subplots. Now, movie audiences have had little if no contact at all with comics. General public wouldn’t like to be in the middle of a story they don’t understand so…… We get the “origin†movies which are an experiment (in order to see if they can later make a franchise). This origins concentrate on one single thing, there’s little or no room for future subplots (the best you can hope for is an open ending). If this works, we get the sequel, which is like starting again (one plot that ends with the credits and if it does well, you get another sequel). Sequels take things from the previous films but concentrate more on the story they are telling this time, no room to foreshadow anything. Hollywood needs to think long term with this things. Like with the Lord of the Rings, which was, since before it started shooting, going to be three movies that made up a whole big story with little subplots running along. This wasn’t like Matrix, where the studio wanted one movie and later made it out a trilogy. The first film can stand perfectly on its own, just like Star Wars. The second film ends with a cliffhanger so you’re at the edge of your seat until the third part . Imagine having this sensation from the very first film (not a “I want more†but a “What happens next!!!†just like a good comic must make you feel). Some good stories could be told in just two or three movies. X2 did a good job at foreshadowing a decaf Fenix Saga (at least events that can continue evolving in the next movie). But imagine this since the first movie. Other players could have been briefly introduced and later been fleshed out on the sequels. But what I’m talking about is really risky, making movies as if you were doing an ongoing or mini comic series (but they could also make more money if they took the gamble). Well who cares, I want to see BIG sentinels
  13. It also comes with a pair of PG like articulated hands. Nads need not be sucked
  14. Underworld 2?? That dog crap of a movie has a sequel??? I thought it even sank on the box office.
  15. Are there going to be any sentinels? Read some time ago that they would appear but the trailer doesn’t show what could be one of the coolest special effects. Unless they appear in crappy puny human sized versions, looks like there won’t be any sentinels. I really wanted to see them in this movie (now that the franchise is strong there wouldn’t have been any budged problems). Imagine hundreds of giant robots walking around New York rambling on and on "halt mutat" (I really loved the sentinels that tended to talk a lot ).
  16. If instead of “witchcraft school†they called it “angelic school†I’m sure they wouldn’t bitch .
  17. Couldn’t they use more pieces? Recent stuff by Lego looks so simple. This are anime robots Loved my Legos when I was a kid. Best toy ever. Too bad they are running out of ideas (if kids today had more imagination they wouldn’t need these gimmicks to sell the blocks though).
  18. Ok Agent Two, if it makes you happy: "Yeah Harry Potter is based on Kids books. Go ahead make fun I'll enjoy it anyways" (But please, be original and funny next time). You sound so bitter… You need to cheer up man!! Don’t let hype suck away your happiness!!
  19. Considering how many things go on in that fat book, I’m not expecting more than a Mad-Eye class Rowling didn’t even mentioned Halloween in the last book. Better to cut on the repetitive stuff that doesn’t help advance the big plot. The 7th book will be a weird read though. The Scottish backdrop was really nice, gave the castle a more needed ancient flair. The thing I didn’t like was that the backgrounds tended to make the images look cramped, there wasn’t much air space for the picture to breath. This made things look smaller IMO. Need to go to Scotland though.
  20. Played a Dead or Alive something demo in a tech Fair last weekend. Graphics looked pretty: some background where really beautiful (really liked one where you kept climbing down the stairs of a mountain temple) and hair moved a lot (must be compensating for the toned down boobs movement). I still see the usual glitches found in 3D games: hair and other body parts merging in and out with clothes or stairs while moving.
  21. Wait for them to apply the obligatory CGI. Wonder if cheap CGI boobs would look less natural than implants...
  22. Jesus. Not the one you're thinking of. I'm talking about the other one who sells rugs in that empty lot behind Burger King. Flame bait? Agent One's club. Please I was greater then he'll be. No it's simple confusion on the whole Harry Potter fad. Grown men talking about Robot I can understand. Most little boys go nuts for robots, war and killing. What kind of man buys his son a toy gun, sword or truck? A good one. What kind buys his son a magic wand? Why grown men are going gaga about something that isn't traditonal boy stuff is beyond me. Haven't I read or watch Harry Potter. Don't understand hub bub about it. Yet some here are clearly touchy on the issue. While I think the current Star Wars movies were lacking I could feel for those who kept defending it. What real man wouldn't have a soft spot for Star Wars but a kids story about boy wizard at wizard school? Isn't that for your sister or the kid next door whose cries at a drop of a hat? On E's (talk) Soup, a poll was shown. Will you see the new Harry Potter film? 50% yes, 25% no, 25% which answer won't get me beat up. 346727[/snapback] Thanks for your intelligent and constructive arguments Agent Two, but I find A1’s bashing to be more colorful and original. Nevertheless, you make a fantastic job keeping the boards clean of Stealth threads, so of you go. Looking forward to this movie. I didn’t like the first two much; I felt that a lot of the school aspects that were in the books got lost (this being one of the things I really like about the books). I just loved the idea of going to school and living in a big castle full of people your age at the same time. Good old school years . The third one surprised me because of the sift in mood. The castle teleported to Scotland or something: lots of mountains and old stones in comparison to the grassy planes in the first two. The backgrounds got a bit repetitive though. It’s always interesting to see how a movie based on a book turns out, specially in this case, where we have a series of books and different directors. Seeing how they cut corners and patched story arcs up to make it fit two hour and a half is very instructive if your interesting in writing or movies. I remember going “why did they have to cut this and waste time on that?†or “thank god they chopped this and good going explaining that!â€. Anyways, if you liked the movies, read the books (you’ll appreciate or understand better some of the little things). The third book is a good jumping on point.
  23. Wow !! Really like the colors on the Gunncanon.
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