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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. Just blame everything on Minovsky Physics. But they did go a little overboard with those exploding pods (guess it was too samefull to have a bunch of balls killing everything so they had a few of them exploding on their own).
  2. I'm using this codecs and they work for me. The only thing is that since installing them I've had trouble while closing BS player and directories with video files. Episode 3 was a nice one. At times I felt I was watching a WWII film because of all the propaganda and just the general feel of things. Really like how they show the MSs moving and navigating around in space. Just one thing: If this first and second generation MSs are so agile and fast, how would a Igloo Nu Gundam or Sazabi move? Would it be invisible to the naked eye ?
  3. The Spirits Are Always With You! BWAHAHAHA! 370843[/snapback] You said it!! BWAHAHAHAHA!
  4. The boring filler is over? Woohooo!! Hope the next filler is decent or I wont download it either.
  5. See, when you type that word, it summons me. 370679[/snapback] But will it also summon the Rick Hunter doll ?? Back on topic: Is this the one? Looks like it was a drawing for the old 1/144 model kit. Found it here along with other nice looking drawings for the other 0080 kits 0080
  6. This is what Amuro pilots in the novel version of Char's Counterattack, Beltorchika's Children. This was the story that was supposed to be in CCA. The main difference is that Beltorchika (who appeared in Z) is still Amuros girlfried (instead of the girl we see in CCA) . Also, instead of the Char's Sazabi you have the cool looking Nightingale (I sooo much want an affortable model of this thing...).
  7. :o I want one!! That thing is just beautiful!!!
  8. They have safe webway roads that only they know how to find or open and that were build a long time ago.
  9. It's going to be hard to hold my wallet for the VF-0D. Thanks for the picks Graham.
  10. The mighty Colossus ponders: "mmmh, squish puny capitalist head like a grape fruit or not... Gee, this is a tough one"
  11. I second that!
  12. So now he has an Iron Man/Spider-man suit... guess the giant transforming robot will someday be a reality in the comic.
  13. Guess the Wasp showind horny Hulk her "headlights" to distract him like in the comic is out of the question
  14. The trailer is up: http://www.ultimateavengers.com Looks like the movie covers the first 12 issues. Animation looks good... for a Saturday morning cartoon.
  15. Thanks for sharing. So, someone in Japan paid Marvel a lot of money just to use the name and the suit in a series that has nothing to do with Spider-man? They where either afraid of a lawsuit or in those days dressing a sentai hero like Spider-man equaled big Yens
  16. The Legion of the Damned was a "cursed founding". They were made long after the Horus Heresy: In the year 963 of the current millennium, Space Marine chapter 'Fire Hawks' was ordered into the Crows World sub-sector. Crows World and adjacent planetary systems had fallen into anarchy following heavy raiding by Eldar Pirates. The 'Fire Hawks' intervention would drive the Eldar from the human worlds, restoring Imperial rule and teaching the alien invaders an important lesson. The entire chapter-fleet, including the chapter's mobile space-fortress, made a successful warp jump from the Piraeus system a mere 120 light years from Crows World. The five ships, over eight hundred brethren, and two thousand other personnel expected to reach Crows World years after the event the chapter was officially declared lost in the warp and presumed destroyed. The great Bell of Lost Souls tolled a thousand times, and it said that the Emperor himself ordered a Black Candle to be lit in the Adeptus Chapel of Fallen Heroes. On 9667986.M41 a routine Imperial patrol passed through the Ork held system of Jakor-tal. The squadron uncovered altogether unexpected scenes of devastation. The limited facilities available to the patrol could uncover no clue to the identity of the attacking forces. The incident was noted and passed into the everlasting record of the Administratum. A rash of similar incidents within the same and adjoining sectors soon began to arouse the interest of the Inquisition. Squadron commanders throughout these sectors were reinforced and ordered to double their routine patrols. The incidents continued pace, increasing rather than declining in frequency and destructiveness. Even so, no sign of the 3628987.M41, a patrol ship in the Maran sub-sector narrowly avoided a collision with a space-craft at the Cift jump-point. The patrol ship was entering the Cift system as the unidentified craft was leaving. Alerted by the close encounter, the patrol crew scanned the entire jump-area and discovered two long cylindrical objects within the intruder's projected flight-path. These were hauled aboard and proved to be standard space coffins without identification markings. The coffins were shipped back to earth and opened by the Adeptus Mechanicus. The coffins themselves were identified as belonging to the Absolute, one of the spacecraft from the vanished Fire Hawk fleet. Inside were the armoured remains of two Space Marines. The unconventional armour colours and unofficial insignia puzzled the investigators, but serial numbers tallied with equipment made by or issued to the Fire Hawks. The armoured suits were expected to house members of the lost chapter, and were carefully broken open. The bodies within were human, but further identification proved impossible due to their advanced state of decay. The full truth would not emerge until almost a year later when a besieged Imperial research station received unexpected help. The garrison had been attacked suddenly by Ork pirates. After three hours of fighting the situation looked hopeless. Then, without warning, the Orks found themselves attacked in the rear. The ferocity of the fighting appalled even the station's defenders. Within half an hour, several hundred Orks had fallen to the mysterious, power-armoured figures. Then, as suddenly as they had appeared, the warriors vanished. This time they left behind a banner - the gnarled chapter flag of the Fire Hawks - and inscribed upon it was the motto In dedicato imperatum ultra articulo mortis (For the Emperor beyond the point of death). As well as the banner there was a recorder and sundry other sealed items. These were immediately shipped to Earth. From the data contained in the recorder the Administratum was able to determine exactly what had happened to the lost chapter. Following their warp-jump the entire fleet had been caught within a warp-storm of terrific intensity. Stunned by the power of the warp, the chapter was forced to endure the attacks of powerful warp entities. Ship after ship was destroyed and absorbed into the fabric of the warp. Soon only one craft remained. By a daring warp-exit maneuver the craft burst out of warpspace, emerging far in the galactic east, thousands of light years off-course and beyond even the psychic light of the Emperor. The original survivors numbered two hundred brethren. All gene-seed had been lost, all initiates killed, and most of the chapter's masters were gone. None of the ordinary human staff have survived at all. To make matters worse the brethren had changed. This change became more obvious over the next few months. Skins began to blacken and blister, flesh began to fester and putrefy. Slowly they began to die. Within days of the transition into normal space it became obvious that the chapter had been exposed to some form of dangerous mutation or disease. It took many years to navigate a way back into the Imperium, during which time almost half the brethren succumbed to the malady. Those who remained were no longer sane. Pain and despair had driven even their hardened minds beyond the point of rationality. Doomed to agonizing deaths, they gradually became obsessed with their fate. Now they only wanted to die. But they were still marines, still loyal to the Emperor and humanity. They would not die without purpose. So began the unstoppable war of the Legion of the Damned! The marines elected to remove all insignia from their armour. Instead their armour would be black, decorated by each brother with whatever emblems of death he chose (the accompanying illustrations show some typical variations). Most brothers employed a similar theme - skeletons, bones and skulls. All ranks and companies were abolished, most of the chapter's officers were already dead and the remaining warriors were too few to make up a fully functional chapter hierarchy. all brothers were to be equal before death - leveled by the certainty of their assured extinction. The warriors decided to expend their lives attacking enemies wherever they could be found. The disease had robbed them of their sanity, but not their loyalty! And their condition gave them powers - powers that endow them with incredible fighting abilities. As the fatal malady takes a firm hold, the victim begins to degenerate and putrefy. However, even as his body decays, he grows in supernatural vigor. Even though the marine's limbs become rotten and twisted he gains strength far beyond that of a normal marine. These powers heighten as the disease rages through the victim's body. At the moment of death, each brother reaches a peak in power, at which point the raw energies of the warp transmute the death throes of the doomed marine into a berserk orgy of destruction. These changes are reflected by the profile and special rules given later. Make no mistake - the Legion of the Damned may be few in numbers, but their powers are awesome! Just as their bodies are changed by contact with the warp, so their minds are hardened too. Brethren are completely immune to all forms of psychic attack or interference. They cannot be affected by the special psychic attacks of warp-creatures - although they may be harmed physically by physical attacks that such creatures may have. Astral specters and other immaterial creatures cannot harm them in any way. Space Marines can't reproduce. They do contain two "geen seed" thingies (the basic thing to start making a normal human into a Space Marine). Stracting this things are the only way to have gene seeds to make more marines. Each chapter donates part of their gene seeds to the Adeptus Mechanichus (the faction of the Imperium that knows about technology only in a mistacal/religious kind of way). They check their health (mutations are constantly controlled), and use them also to make new Chapters.
  17. The background section in the Warseer forums has all the information you could want. A member named Brusilov knows a lot. If you want fluff regarding the 40k universe you have this: FluffBible. I think I still have the elusive bigger version of the FluffBible. PM me if you want it. It has A LOT of short stories and descriptions for every race.
  18. Cross-dressing Gundam Fight-o Readyyyyy GO!!! Well, for me G Gundam was the reason not to try Gundam in the first place. But after getting in to Gundam I finally gave it a try... and I liked it, for all it's silliness it had some very likeable characters (especially when you compare it to SEED Destiny). Heck, in some places I even liked it more than Z. Yes, U.C. Gundam is deeper, but this thing was made to have fun. Tequila Gundam and Matador Gundam (among others) where so culturally offensive that I laughed my ass off.
  19. Is it just me or did they get better at blending the CG with the animation on the last few episodes? Yes, I also feel the ending was a bit rushed, leaving some things in the air (does someone now if they wrote the story as they went along like in SEED Destiny?). I've seen better things, but I've also seen far worse things. A lot of the 8 final episodes where really good. The dead angel the vampire girls pull the Vector out off was the gorilla looking shadow angel, right?
  20. Hadn't seen that video before. It's great right down to the intro and ending music (love the classic song)
  21. There's always ebay. They have a couple on sale now and some of them by good reputation sellers. Might be a little more pricy though
  22. Rainbowten has it listed for re-stock on feb 27. Good service, lower prices than HLJ and fast shipping.
  23. Well, Gundam was made in the first place to sell crappy toy lines to stupid children. They have just gotten better at it.
  24. Nah, that's too intellectual for my brain.
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