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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. Didn't even remember.
  2. I'm re-reading one of my favourite comics by one of the best writers out there: Alan Moore's TOP 10. This thing is just soooo good. It's like a primetime character driven cop show but the difference is that the city where it takes place is full of super beings, robots, aliens, and everything in between. Gene Ha's art is perfect for the book. You have tons of gags all around the background and cameos of about every superhero of fantasy character you can think of. The side story with a Galactus like cat (Galactapuss ) and how he was fighting a bunch of superpowered mices is just hilarious. Too bad Moore got pissed with DC and we never got season two. The 49ers is a prequel that tells the beginnings of Neopolis and is also quite good. The only comic I grab on a montly basis is The Ultimates. Regular Marvel is just too cooky for me nowadays. I'm still waiting for the final TPB of Garth Enis Preacher (been six months since I ordered...). After that I'll continue collecting Sandman TPB's. I really like Frank Miller's older stuff like Daredevil, Sin City, Batman: Year One and of course, his DKR. The Dark Knight Strike Again was a huge let down, it was fun (and I bet Miller's wallet also had fun) but not worthy of being called "a sequel". So Jason Todd is alive? Does this mean comic's old maxim of "only Bucky stays dead" is in danger?
  3. Really like what you've done with your F2 Zaku, dj898. I just got mine but I'm afraid to paint it (the normal green colors are just so pretty ).
  4. hehe, glad you've liked it. Now comes the difficult part: having to wait for your next dose of the GATZ drug.
  5. I LOVE this thread One of my favourites:
  6. You know, watching this things has made me feel GGGRRREAT!!!
  7. Ok, new series to see. First episode was dorky but the 2nd shows promise. I really like the mech designs (can't resist combining thingies) and you guys say it's good so I'll continue watching.
  8. Every time someone mentions Harmony Gold an angel looses his wings... *oops*, sorry Mr Angel .
  9. I hope the game does well so that they might consider making a MG Zaku kai also.
  10. Nope, the good stuff is still rolling in. Now, keep reading!
  11. hehe, keep on reading, you'll see.
  12. Really impresive little HCM Pro that Z. Fully transformable... Wow
  13. Hell yeah! too bad they didn't do Astray (it already had a plot, so no problem there). C.E. 73... that's the same year Destiny takes place. We now have to see if it continues after the ending or if it's a side story.
  14. nice thanks (but they don't all have the paint so well applied right?)
  15. Is that a rotating waist I see on the MK II?? Damn you Bandai, way didn't you do that to the A.E.U.G version
  16. Very nice review, thanks.
  17. God Gundam looks really good. Hope to see soon how they pull off the Nobel. The GFFs come with dry transfers, right? Do they look that good when applied? That ZII ain't half bad either.
  18. "You scored as Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda). The universe around you in complete anarchy, but you know just how to handle it. You have a clear head no matter how dire the situation around you may be and people have a tendency to come to you for help. Now if only the Magog would quit trying to lay eggs in your stomach". Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 88% Moya (Farscape) 81% Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 81% Serenity (Firefly) 75% Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 69% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 63% Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 63% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 56% Enterprise D (Star Trek) 50% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 44% SG-1 (Stargate) 38% FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) 25% Ok, I don't even know how those first 4 ships look like . Guess I would get kitchen duty for my ignorance.
  19. Anybody know what this is about? It's supposed to start airing soon and is made by Sunrise (Gundam). The offical page is up but only shows the characters and some neon colored mecha. As always, the main character is a kid (at least he doesn't look like a crybaby). http://www.zegapain.net/
  20. hehe, poor guy. What looks like the best gig in a lifetime turns around and bites you in the a$$.
  21. Any mayor diferences between the original Gunbuster and the Gunbuster Renewal DVD? Is it just a clean up?
  22. http://www.stoptazmo.com/ You have to register to get Gantz, but its quick and you also have tons of other manga. The manga is just too intense. It's not just mindless violence (Elfen Lied looks like it just has too much red paint when compared), it's how emotionally abused the character get and how you get to care for them and the relationships they have with each other. This thing has a love story more believable than most "serious" things out there. For all the insane action it has, Gantz ir really character driven.
  23. While I worked on a parking lot on Sundays during collage I got to watch tons of morning anime. Out of boredom I got to see One Peace, Shin Chan, Bayblade, Pokemon, Medabots, Monster Rancher, Digimon, Yugi-oh, Medabots... even Hamtaro (*pukes*), so I can say I've seen my fare share of funny, nice, not so good, crappy, boring and just plain $#itty comercial anime. Hamtaro and Medabots come of as the most painfull. One Piece and Shin-chan were fun and others got me hooked in a sick way like Yugi-oh (12 hour cooked up in a parking lot make you seek every distraction you can find, stupid as that distraction may be). I really like comedy mixed with drama and can handle slow pacing in a story, so Trigun was a really good watch for me. It's also nice to see a thing that doesn't have a 15 year old as the lead. I still like EVA, even with it's flaws. GITS is nice because they try to make complex storylines and the CG doesn't look like crap but I've grown a little tired of it. Many episodes just boil down to using hacking as the magical solution to the story. I know it's part of the universe but it gets repetitive and smells like an easy way to explain all sometimes. SEED Destiny in the end felt like such a train reck... It had it's good moments but after all those recaps, the sence that they didn't know what to do with the new cast and wasting space when your almost on the last episode to develope a stupid character... well it just makes you go "way to screw something that had potential when it started". I liked SEED but I'm tired of shiny MS's and kids piloting them. I remember watchin Spriggan and going "nice animation but what a brainless piece of $#it". I'm affraid Steamboy is going to be the same.
  24. The VF-0S looks g-o-o-d. The antennas are the only things I don’t like. They look a little too fat and catch to much attention from the overall design. Have to hold on until VF-0D….
  25. A longer trailer is up at the official site http://www.z-gundam.net/special/index.html Looks like it isn't 100% new animation. At least a scene looked to me like it was from the original tv show.
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