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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. Back side picture time!! http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/generations-classics-44/toy-fair-2014-generations-leader-jetfire-from-the-back-179306/ The forward fuselage is just there. Could have folded the tip of the nose or split or something buuuuuut it actually sits close to the body; not that kibly. The VF-25, 27 and 29 have the wings protruding to the back in a way more annoying manner.
  2. Love the series so far. Up to episode 7. Watching it with my brother, another Gurren Lagann geek, and we are laughing my ass off. Too bad we don't get together that much so I'll take a long time to watch it completelly.
  3. Leader Jetfire really is the best Jetfire figure to date. Glad they went with normal-ish looking jet instead of spaceship. For a Hasbro, plane it looks very nice. Rattrap is another cool figure. The movie stuff is really kid oriented. Leader Grimlock is the only one I find nice. That said, the amount of hollow parts on the toys is too much. One thing is making them more little kid friendly and another to cheap out so much on the toy. Jetfire is also sporting some heavy holes.
  4. ¡Felicidades por tu primera adquisición y bienvenido!
  5. Well, robot mode looks fantastic, you just have to live with the fake cockpit just hanging below the plane And the Grimlock from some posts back is not the Leader version. Looks like that one is the giant super pewpew verision that is close the the Unicron toy in size. The real Leader version actually looks nice: http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/toy-fair-38/toy-fair-2014-transformers-from-hasbro-event-179295/
  6. Toyfais pics of the new movie toys are up over at tfw2005. All the dinobots transform in the movie. The design for Grimlock in robot form actually looks very clean. It's the complete opposite of the train wreck shaped like a dino. Looks like it came from TF Prime. I kinda dig it. Very savage hero looking. http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/toy-fair-38/toy-fair-2014-transformers-from-hasbro-event-179295/
  7. ¡Dios, cuanto trabajo pero que bien queda! ¡Felicidades por haber hecho una maqueta fenomenal!
  8. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I've cought up. Finally!! Wow, the midseason finale was intense and this new beginning hard. Wanted to smack Carl more than a few times in this episode for being so reckless. Damn cocky postapocalyptic teens! I hated the Governor but liked what they did with the character in his short reborn arc. Made it look like it could have worked with him taking care of his new family, but when he could not avoid needing to join a bigger group he had no other choice in his crazy head than to take charge again if he wanted to keep his people alive. Too bad he didn’t believe Rick. The Governor really didn’t forgive himself for what he did before so in his head no way would anybody from the jail forgive him.
  9. No Potato Girl in any of those pics. Your post is fail!
  10. Robotkingdom says this on their FB: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=733635719988479&set=pcb.733636676655050&type=1&theater Could that be a Megs? Looking how Jetfire looks so far I really hope so! BTW, what is Megatron in the comics now? I saw a pic of him as a stealth bomber long ago and we got the sadly tiny but nicelly engineered deluxe toy in that form. Toywold is supped to be making a bigger version to go with their Orion/Prime. Hope it is a tank Megs.
  11. Them ants can keep it. TV or nothing.
  12. Great news. Hope they make it fun to transform as the Vf-1 series was. Stuff like the Vf-17 and the Bandai valks are a pain in the ass to handle.
  13. That robot mode looks super great but I wonder about the back kibble. The nose and canopy of the plane are not used in bot mode. Was going to get the 3p version called Titan but this guy will not eat as much display space as the other huge bot. And then there is the price.
  14. Gotta love makeup and puppet special effects over CG... sad thing is they look great but you hardly get to see them in that commercial.
  15. That is one thing I want to know: do they transform or not? Like skullmilitia says, they would be freaking huge. At least in toy form they look like they transform if this pic of a possible Swoop toy is real: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MzEyWDUwMg==/z/RmwAAOxyOMdS6-K5/$_57.JPG?set_id=2 Notice that it has two heads like that thing coming for BB and the toy has autobot logos. But a robot form for the toy doesn't mean Bay will transform them in the movie...
  16. Looks like Optimus gets kidnapped or something at the start and the rest go save him aaaaaaaaaaand who gives a frakk. Looks like all the others, which by now is very borring. Only part worth a crap are the gigantic dinobots. Hope they aren't just there for the climax. At least there was no Bay military porn.
  17. So is this a solid show or just to see Kawamori robot porn in action?
  18. I'm hooked to this weird show!! Episode four made me laugh my ass off. The show reminds me a lot of Aeon Flux but in an upbeat crazy comical way.
  19. .... have to say those things look mighty cool. The shells look even more noticeable and the body constitution on each one being different is a plus. Certainly not walking car crashes.
  20. Pues me he enganchado a Space Dandy. Muy rara la serie pero tiene su encanto. El atuendo del "gato" es la cosa más repelente que he visto pero por alguna razón no puedo dejar de mirarlo. Además, el final del episodio tres tiene una sorpresa genial! La de Kawamori esperaré a ver que dice la gente. Me vi el review de la temporada pasada que hizo este youtubero y también he empezado con Kill la Kill. Se nota que tiene a gente de Gurren Lagann. No paro de reírme con ella.
  21. Didn't know a bout this film but now I want to see it. Thanks for posting!
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