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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. Very useful video indeed. Are the arms that floppy? They couldn't stay in place. Graham should put the 1/48 transformation videos in Youtube. They where sure helpful in helping me decide to get one (and many more would fall to the dark side by having them so easily accessible ).
  2. Someone made an awesome scratch build transforming Ultra Magnus based on the THS Convoy here: http://www.sgcollect.com/forum/index.php?s...ndpost&p=893422 Go back some pages and you'll see an almost step by step of the making. Like those super chunky robots in one of the recent series. Hehe, CG anime magic and all and you still couldn't get rid of everything.
  3. You couldn't have said it better. 422914[/snapback] So Kawamori's THS-2 Convoy is also a Masterpiece? Because he spots a kick ass accuracy to the cartoon over the Alt mode, great detail and it even beats the crap out of MP Prime in articulation (and it is just 4" high). It even comes with a cartoon accurate trailer full of the gimmicks the original toy had and more. The MP Prime is yet to do so. A MP is... a big and expensive Transformer toy; just ask non G1 accurate MP Ultra Magnus.
  4. Here's one, thanks for the info!! Nice ending to the T-1000 maid (although all those bullets missing targets moving in straight lines kind of pushed the whole “suspension of believe†a bit thin).
  5. The more important question is if I expected MW members to not sound like stupidly obsessed paranoid fruitcakes. (I don't, anymore) 422429[/snapback] Hush! You are destroying the purpose in life HG has given these people.
  6. Are we talking about a toy plane that turns into a robot or an exact model kit replica of a plane? There's a big difference between the two. The SS toy looks like an F-15, but he is not an F-15 (those things aren't toys created to transform into cool looking robots).
  7. You got it all wrong: People here are pouring their hate and whining over a stupid little cartoon movie in order to create a temporal shockwave that will make Macek go for a “lets just call it The Transforming Vehicles Half Hour†instead of “Robotechâ€. Thus Macross, SC and Mospeada will be shown in the 80’s in their complete forms. Macross would still be edited and made dumber to get pass the censors like before but Protoculture would not be a funky energy source (you would still get the annoying English songs though). But this master plan has a fatal flaw… What would today’s whiners whine about if there is no Shadow Chronicles to hate/whine about? Whining in the Internet makes some people happy so HG made a lot of people in this forum happy by making the whole Robotech thing. Shadow Chronicles continues that blessing.
  8. I though Prime had articulated fingers close to a PG Gundam. If not, what a waste of such big hands.
  9. YES!! We have smirk face! Hellooooooooooooo Starscream. Finally we see the chest misiles. The fingers look a little on the weird side though. The more I see it the more I want it (hope it come panel lined like in the pics).
  10. As said before, some of us prefer a Robot in Disguise (a Transformer). I don't see a Valk or a random soulless robot, I see Starscream in that pic. So I guess Kawamori and Takara did capture the character for me. Best homage of a 2D backstabbing cartoon character that magically transforms into an F-15 I can think off. One man’s Binaltech is another’s MP. Just as “G1 accuracy†is a loose term.
  11. Actually, G1 accuracy depends on who you ask; it's not an exact science like most people want to believe. In my case I find Kawamori's revision to be more accurate. And we aren’t getting a photoshoped colour scheme, we are getting this one: http://www.tformers.com/article.php?sid=6259&mode=flat Yes, not cartoon colour but very reminiscent and more realistic looking (and cooler in my opinion). If you don’t like it think it could have been worse. Had they coloured the crotch red instead of blue you would have had “Bikini Starscreamâ€
  12. The thing is that we are yet to see the second version correctly transformed. Each new pics gets closer to what I think the whole point of having hip kibble is: The tailfins go up to leave space for more G1 correct legs. This kibble doesn’t just stand there, it moves (might even be ball jointed and removable even). Moving to the back of the toy they become less visible. The wings open up to leave more space for them and that also makes the wings angle in a more menacing way (look at the first version, the wings hang down a lot). Personally I like that Kawamori went for something new instead of the old “F* it, the tailfins stay there†philosophy. When we get real front pics like the one photoshoped above of the new version correctly transformed we will see what looks more like a Starscream. Not having hip kibble also helps to make the legs more posable. Prime’s leg wheels don’t have protuberances that limit movement. Edit: This second version also deserves to be called MP because it does a great G1 SS and a great F-15. In other words: A ROBOT IN DISGUISE. (MP Prime’s disguise was a little clumsy).
  13. You know maybe, just maybe, some people actually like how this toy is turning out, and they do because they personally think it looks fantastic and not because of some irrational devotion to some guy in Japan they've never even met. Woah, crazy concept, huh? You know, finally seeing the colour scheme myself, I actually like it quite a bit. If anything, I'm horribly dissapointed that MP Prime doesn't look nearly as good next to this Starscream. You know what else? I feel this way because I actually, honestly like the design. And the real kicker, I don't like every single design Kawamori kicks out. I dislike the mecha in Eureka 7, and absolutely despise his designs from Aquarion. Finally, and this might completely blow the minds of some people, but I sincerely doubt that Kawamori is forcing this revision of the character onto Takara. I imagine, in my crazy, messed up vision of reality, that Takara is quite possibly paying Kawamori money to make this toy, and maybe even preferes this version. I also imagine, in my mind, that if Takara did not like it, they would have said "no, thank you" and stuck to the first incarnation we'd all seen. I know, I'm crazy right? 418302[/snapback] Well said Radd, glad to see others like the design as well. GASP!!! Chris 418349[/snapback] True, true. Personally I find that the Kawamari version looks great and does more justice to the G1 SS. And I even thought of holding out for a Thundercracker repaint because SS's colors reminded me of bright candy. Lucky me
  14. 418176[/snapback] The one on the left is the S.H.E and the one on the right is a non-transforming action figure: http://www.hlj.com/product/KYD01027 The Bandai will be bigger than the S.H.E. All the pictures that appeared in page 47 of this thread are from the Bandai Gunbuster. Hope this helps.
  15. This or wait for a Shin color?...... or wait even more for a VF-0D..... Come on Graham, pretty please, do you know if Yamato WON'T do a VF-0D in the near future?
  16. I feel sorry for S.H.E. They are a small company that does little works of art with resin and when they finally get there Gunbuster done, Bandai goes and uses all of its mighty resources to make their cheaper version. Poor guys.
  17. Really good looking stuff. They even look like TEENS!
  18. That color scheme is growing on me a lot. The red tone goes pretty well with the rest of the toy, to bad they don’t use it more. Hope that it still comes with the smirk face, from what I've read it looks like the crown will be included only in the club thingy version. Is it just me or those Starscream have two right hands in that pic?
  19. Thanks for making that clear. See, it isn't difficult to come up with a polite answer instead of acting like a smartass like you did before. You could have given this response in your previous message and yet you didn't. Why? Never did I say the sketch was going to be 100% the final product or called you a pervert or whatever that got you offended. I just pointed out that the comments another member did didn't have to be invalid because he is from another culture seeing as Japanese culture regards sexually insinuating dolls also as perverted. People who buy that kind of stuff represent a target market for makers of said stuff. So, please explain why talking about a possible new target market for Transformer toys can’t be considered a toy discussion? Can you only talk here about toys being pretty or not?
  20. And also it wouldn't be the internet if people didn't respond with little one liners instead of bothering to make a thought out counter-argument ... Guess that really means there isn’t one. Sorry to have bothered you with my simple argument. Next time I don’t agree with something you say I won’t waste your time typing a “long†response. I’ll just put a stupid pic or something. You’ll like it better I guess.
  21. Well, Japan is Japan and everywhere else is everywhere else. Just because something is "bloody disgusting" or unacceptable to you or your culture doesn't make it wrong in general. Takara isn't making these for the American market, they're making them for the Japanese market, which is a lot more used to and tolerant of that brand of entertainment. I guess I'm not going to pretend to understand a mindset that I'm culturally separated from, so I can't really be offended by the "Kiss" characters. Basically all I really see and care about is a Transformer that I want to add to my collection. Anything beyond that is personal politics. 416584[/snapback] Well, in Japan they may sell depictions of underage females in sexual insinuating poses but culturally speaking Otakus aren't seen as respectable members of Japanese society, quite the contrary. And having dolls that show of their panties is enough to be called a pervert there. Every Japanese cultural depiction of the Otaku that I've seen has been socially negative. Humorous or whatever but always making clear that they aren't well seen. And the adjective I've heard more to describe Otakus that like that kind of dolls is "pervert"(the way they translate hentai my not be 100% correct, but they sure as hell don’t sound as if giving a compliment when someone uses that word). So, Fit For Natalie isn’t far off in his commends seeing as even the Japanese call perverts people who like that kind of stuff.
  22. It looks like they used the Gradient Map tool from Photoshop. That tool is a fast way to color stuff but you get artificial/weird looking tones like the ones the pic has.
  23. They do appear, they are just positioned looking to the back instead of in the holster position we know (they must have erased the end of the tailfins when photoshoping because they should stick out of the back of Starscream).
  24. Concurre. To those self-indulgent critics with self proclaimed cultivated knowledge of female beauty, whom have called these fine looking ladies a whore, I sincerely hope your woman are better looking than they are….if not, well…that means you have bagged home something less than a … 415692[/snapback] Nicely put. But we all know that those fine gentlemen, that are so handsome and respectful that they can label certain styles “whore stylesâ€, would have gone bananas had they seen these girls (or even their own mothers) wearing a Slave Leia or Minmei outfit.
  25. 415695[/snapback] I’m going to laugh my ass so hard when in a few days we see those tailfins popping on and off to the legs and people going “crap, why did I cancel my preorder based on a photo of another PROTOTYPE that just showed the changes but didn’t clarify if those removable looking tailfins where removable or not… guess waiting for more information wouldn’t have hurtâ€.
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