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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. Looks like Fewture received a lot of preorders for their super expensive non transforming Ultimetal Optimus because it hasn't even been released and now they are showing Megatron http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/generation-1-1/fewture-ultimetal-um-03-megatron-179488/ Not sure about the proportions; they don't look as cool as Primes.
  2. Well, that NotSkyfire was designed for classics so technically it is not competing with Kronos since it is aimed towards people that collect classics/universe...
  3. Count me in as another dino fan feeling “meh” about Scoria. I’m keeping a very close eye on the Gigapower dinobots. Hope they play it smart and put out a lower price. Their Snarl bot mode looks powerful and letting the dino legs hang in bot mode could help make the altmodes look better as well as be more cost effective.
  4. This week's episode made me laugh my ass off. That Ideon/Guntak reference from the begining is also why I'm loving this show.
  5. Read a rumor that part of them jumped ship some time ago to create Evolution Toys. http://evolution-toy.com/index.html The designs are also action figures and magnet joints for stuff that combines. The product pics with the grey textured background also reminds of the style CM used.
  6. A company that was so closely related with overpriced QC ridden and badly design/unfinished toys couldn’t hope to stay alive in this day and age. Their releases had long been associated with clearance sale fodder. You can’t expect people to pay 15.000-20.000 yen over the years for products that more often that not ended up on a 70% sale a few months later. CM had a lot of potential, and were there before the marked became as saturated as it is now but they blew it by cutting corners in their releases. How they handled the Mospeada license is a clear example; their Legioss & Tread only had the hated Toynami Alpha and the at the time vapourware Beta as competition… and they made a Legios with weird legs and without a single locking part that could not attach to the Tread beyond a half assed trolley… for freaking 28.000 yen. Not to mention their fiddly and crumbling ride armors. When it looked like they were starting to get their crap together it was too late. And the QC control ridden Grendizer was the final nail on their coffin (for gods sake, damn thing even came with rusted screws!…). It’s a wonder they stayed so long in business but their luck had to run out some day. Really sad that the lasted this long chucking out soso action figures when Beagle had made a near perfect product with their ride armors and folded soon after. Today small companies better make high quality products for the high prices they ask or get sucked under; Fewture is making better products and Sentinel, a very young company, has been knocking every one of their Riobot line releases out of the park since day one. Now it's their time.
  7. For a G1 toy faceplate maybe? The upper legs are still skinny looking...
  8. Easy to confuse fan speculation photoshops with the real product when TFC likes to keep their customers in the dark as to what they are actually buying. The second member for Ares is due to be released this month yet there are only TWO pics showing how the hell the parts look combined. One is a tiny blurry POS and the other one is this one with the crumbling resin proto legs: Here is Nemean in torso mode over the Feral Rex legs: In other words, Ares will be just a bit bigger than FR. A bit more compared to the UT Predaking. Nothing to write home about. Now here is the coherency of the FR members: They look like a team. Not like a giant with some kids by its side. Here is Nemean next to the other two limbs: Perfect Effect's Warden looks the part of a big robot. Very nice finish and doesn’t have huge lion leg kibble hanging off its arms or meat fists with holes like a dinky deluxe does.
  9. So the set looks really great and the colors are fantastic but man, those eyes ... only Flanders makes the transition to minifig without looking so disturbing.
  10. Where I saw it online it did have it. Next episode looks like it was animated by another studio though.
  11. ... *hits head a few more times and harder* Anyways, loved the little Fabuland nods in the movie. Loved the line. The steam ship was my first lego: The little wire fence pieces made for great weapons batteries or starship engines if you added a brick behind. Some of my best pieces came from the Fabuland sets.
  12. So in this video Moviebob talks about who is who in the trailer, not just the main characters: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-big-picture/8818-Who-Are-The-Guardians-of-the-Galaxy ... and that is a lot, and I mean a lot of weird characters and concepts Marvel is trowing around. One can't help but admire the set of balls required to try a weird movie like this. Hope it is good and does well.
  13. I was told the trailer just looked like a boring disaster movie with no kaiju, just a bit of Godzilla.... and then I watched the trailer myself... sorry, have to go give my brother the atomic level wedgie he deserves.
  14. Between my lego collection and my comicbook collection, what did I choose to take when I changed continent? The comics of course!!! Instead of my space Monorail Transport System or my original Pirate Ship I now have a mint Battle Chasers #2 and some McFarlane figures… JOY *hits head on wall*!! Damn comicbook crash of the 90’s had more casualties than those recorded…
  15. Ok, now this one I want... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!
  16. My god, this is the PERFECT commercial!! For years I’ve been put off by the newer Lego sets with all those huge premolded pieces but this movie was the right nostalgia trip to my golden years playing and creating Lego stuff. Now I need to hit a toy store… should take my kid too And all the posts with the classic space toys in not helping guys! This, this, THIS!! I loved this toy!! I had such wonderful adventures with the little guy while I drooled over the space parts of the catalogues back in the day.
  17. I approve of your devotion to the Sasha. You even show prove of the first ever live action version of a chibi style drawing.You have bleed well this time
  18. I miss Droids, the cartoon series from way back, and even the Ewoks toon. They didn't need lightsabers to tell a story. They just explored the corners of the SW universe. No need for political crap. Think they got better the idea of having a whole universe to play with back then.
  19. That is some awesome work!
  20. My most favourite Inbit in the whole wide world? frakk YES!! Put me down for 1 Blueberry Crab.
  21. BTW,the official photo of this guy wins Toy Fair: Meet Umbilicaltron Maximus!!! Sadly the deluxe version does not have such unique awesomeness: http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-movie-toys-products-30/toy-fair-2014-age-of-extinction-generations-deluxe-class-images-179305/
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