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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. Oooooooooooooooooooooh, work that hammer hunk god !!! If I were a girl I'd pick Thor boy over the Twilight guy anyday... or any other guy if I had to really, Mr vampire's face shape freaks me out a bit.
  2. Looking veeeery good. And if the batroid is this nice imagine how cool a VF-17 anime accurate batroid could look
  3. Saw the 2008 European Nations Cup between Spain and Germany and it was epic (and this comming from someone who doesn't like the game). I'll be watching this semifinal in hopes of seeing a redux of that fantastic match.
  4. Love those new features. And the pic of the Monster aiming up is awesome. Ngeekhiong has a rundown on the gimmicks in english: http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2010/06/dx-chogokin-konig-monster-introduction.html
  5. OMG, smoking does KILL!! Ok, that was over the top but fun. Sounds like it's dead in the water though.
  6. 2.22 is just epic... and we still have two more movies left. Felt this one was making more sense than the series (in Evangelion "making sense" is a very loose term though ). Hope they keep it up and don’t pull another über crazy ending. Love how they have weirdedup the angels. The original series had weird enemies for its time and now they are raising the bar again. Now THAT was a very interesting part. Are they saying Rebuilt is truly a sequel?? Or was that just fanservice?
  7. Saw it yesterday. I must say I loved the movie. While the comic turned me off because of it's violence, the movie came as less gory version. Well, it's still one of the most violent things I have seen The story was done very good but by the midle it turns into a "what the Punisher movie should have been". But who cares, I had a ton of fun watching this. And, yes, Hitgirls is awesome (Nick Cage does a fine good job too).
  8. Went for free to see this. Meh. A lot of nice stunts but by the midle of the movie they get boring (too much action makes the action look less special). Not putting the movie down, but it is nothing special. Certainlly a lot better than Clash of the Titans (a hell of a more Epic movie compared to that boring mess). Looks better with the black hair.
  9. Looks like a cross between the Ultimate version (no helmet and leather) and the normal Marvel version (arm chainmail/padding and cape). Hope they do the Ultimates take and have Thor look like a mental patient that just stole a very powefull weapon. In that comic universe he was a hippy New Age spokeperson that thinks he is a god but the rest of his hero friends just laugh off his stories about giants and trolls and all that magic as crazy talk.
  10. But since The Hobbit only has ONE Hobbit, the movie would be missing the key sexual tension between little people with hairy feet that made the LOTR such a hit... wait, The Hobbit does have lots of Dwarfs, maybe Lucas could be lured to direct it then.
  11. Thanks! Until now I didn't understant how to get the heatshield to lock in place; on mine sometimes it would sometimes it wouldn't.
  12. Source I really like the black stripe that runs down the nose (which the SP box art does not show...). Heck, I think that if given the choice, I would pic up a no shark teeth version; looks better all clean. And to the "what does each version have" just look at the poster. The pink 1 to 5 squares show the five extras of the SP. The brown show the normal version (the display base is just that little peg). That huge display base holding the gerwalk monster is the SP base.
  13. +1 TV-style all the way.
  14. That would be the humanoid figure to the left of the pod, right? Cool, Max mandollrobot here we come!
  15. Almost half the zise. Would that be like a 1/48 tall or a bit more?
  16. We got CAD! From: http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2010/05/yamatos-160-fire-valkyrie-others-from.html Is is me or do I see a nice thin neck (as in "no gullet") or did they just drop the nose like the Bandai 1/100?
  17. Twoducks

    SCOOP thread!

    From: http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2010/05/yamatos-160-fire-valkyrie-others-from.html http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32377&view=findpost&p=850303
  18. Now THAT sounded interesting.
  19. Thought about it the next day after seeing it. The first one had them but this time nothing.
  20. +1 Geeky Avanger foreshadowing/nice touches people are talking about:
  21. Aaah, look! Starscream is pregnant!
  22. Good god do I love that song! And, no, you can't beat the 90's Marvel shows (although Sensational Spiderman was nice).
  23. July 27. Will it live up to the original??? *mistery music* http://www.gamespot.com/news/6260963.html Did anybody play the beta?
  24. If I go to see a 3D film I expect to get a different experience than in 2D. So far I've only seen Avatar and Clash of the titans. The first one was really nice but the second one was a rip off. You had elongated backgrounds and that was it... the real 3D was with the ending credits... One problem I have, and maybe it's due to having to wear the 3D glasses over my normal ones, is that I can't focus as good or I see choped motion blur. Also, the darker image you get kills some of the color. Avatar in 2D stands very well and looks much more richer in colors.
  25. Don't know if the comments about it being less fresh than the first movie lowered my expectations but I F** LOVED THIS MOVIE!! This IS a comic turned into a movie. I feel there is a universe bigger than the main cast thanks to all the foreshadowing going around about future events, characters and plotlines. The first one had Tony shining but this time all the characters get their turn. The villains shine too. I thought Whiplash was a dumb baddie to chose but, again, this movie has turned comic cheese into awesome. Hammer is also a joy to see. What a great douche. Now this isn't perfect. The whole are really stupid. But since everything else is so good, you let it pass. The action was great. The was my favourite fight. The set up was great (you could feel that it had to be done or someone ). And this time the climax really is a climax. As it has been said: Stay until the very end of the credits.
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