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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. Niiiiice, Just a few weeks and I'll have it in my door step.
  2. I'll wait untill I see the final product. Design doesn't look bad, and I could paint the pee colored parts if they look too tacky, but the fragility of the wings could be an issue. HLJ is betting strong on this one. 20% early bird like AmiAmi.
  3. http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2010/09/pg-strike-freedom-26250-yen.html - Will be the largest PG release in terms of volume when the Super Dragoon is expanded. - Customized display base is included. - Dynamic poses are possible using the base with adjustable angle of display. - Extra finish enhancement for the golden interior that will be exposed in High Maneuver mode and Full Burst mode. Gimmicks are incorporated for the exposure of the parts. 3 major design points: - Gimmick for the release of the Super Dragoon * Sliding action of the Super Dragoon is linked to various mechanism of the wing when it's released - Complete new mold for the movable frame * Movable joints combine with expandable golden parts * Further improvement of the slide mechanism of the interior and exterior parts as compared to PG Strike Gundam, which will effectively expose the golden finish parts. - New mechanism for the joint design * New joint design for the waist and leg to handle the weight and stress of the model. Durability of the joints is improved while posing capability is retained. Weapons and accessories: beam shield, beam rifle x2, "Xiphias 3" railgun x2, Super Dragoon x8, display base. Content: 55 runners in total, construction manual, commentary booklet, LED unit for the head, foil sticker, screw for LED lighting unit, spring x8, PET part for shield, clear sticker. Packaging size is 600mm (width) x 400mm (height) x 180mm (depth). December release, 26,250 Yen (inclusive of tax).
  4. F***ing 22% off makes me rethink my "only will get TV since I already have the movie version from Wave". Really wish Yamato would say if they plan on doing the TV version. Technically they would have to change a lot of exterior parts to make it less detailed... or just change the colors and include the battleships.
  5. It lives!! (As a model kit... but the figures are pre-painted). Fall release, 4,800 Yen (exclusive of tax).
  6. Me want TV, TV, TV, TV...
  7. Got the Bruticus add on parts from BBTS. I LOVE "Explorer" and "Munitioner". At first the plastic felt too thin but it really is sturdy. These bots are so simple and yet they surprise you. Really, I find their transformations works of beauty. I'm really having FUN with collector toys for a change. Really guy, go get them. I'm tempted to get another set. And I still haven'teven built Bruticus... pics tomorrow.
  8. Aaaaaaaaaliens!! We have the corny song from season two, tranforming robots and the aliens who we "misunderstand". Now we just need the love triangle... wait, screw a Macross 00, Mr Setsuna F. Seiei ('cause you have to say his full name everytime) chose Gundam as his love interest long ago. It was suggested since the finale but it's still so weird to finally see some on Gundam. Hope this turns out nice.
  9. So he can grow from teen to adult... and the colors look great too. I really want this now. If only the damn trailer wasn't so useless...
  10. From: http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2010/08/robot-damashii-mordred-others-from.html On the Ngeekhiong chat they are saying that Bandai is recycling the PG Strike frame again. The legs do look familiar and the December launch date is very close. I think the 00 PG (a 100% new design) had more time from being unveiled to actual launch.
  11. Is there hope yet for a Hot Rod in there? The naked car isn't shown so you could still say they are saving it (or the cab just sucks ). Do you people with the Hasbro Grimlock find the chest locking a bit loose? The legs and arms of my Takara are very stiff but the chest likes to return to dino belly if I pose it much. Doesn't botter me since Dino mode with the bow tie, apron and drinks is just to awesome to display but if I ever find a cheap Hasbro he would have to be ready to be in "posable robot mode" only.
  12. Five years ago I would have jumped like crazy for a Freedom PG. For a Strike Freedom less, but I still would be happy. Now... don't know. I'm with Eugimon on the gold; that pee looking innerframe better do something special or the diplay stand for the wing funels must look stunning. If that drawing is the innitial look then the project is already looking watered down in my book. I can forget the lack of detail on robots of the 00 universe since they don't use pistons, but the SF is from the same place where the awesome detailed Strike PG comes from and I don't see the "Strike" PG feel in that freedom drawing. Looks MG-ish.
  13. Holly $hit Batman, I want it!! I have to make the joke: this will cost an arm... and another arm and a pair of legs... and a torso and a groin. Ouch
  14. What, so if we go to space humanity will finally put aside their differences?? If Hawking is afraid of another Cuban crisis.... what the hell does living in space solve? The guys on space get saved if the Earth blows? Super great and all until they blow themselves up too. Remember that the "lucky" ones up there will be the same ones that f@ck up the world already behind their big desks. - I was hearing about solar powered cars and clean energy since I was a 10 year old. Fast forward 20 years and FINALLY I'm seeing something productive out of all of that. - Huge-ass and über expensive computers and cell phones were the most high tech. Fast forward 20 years and today’s computer/cellphone tech makes the old stuff look like the stone age. WHY so big a difference in tech evolution? Because a few SOB's have slowed that evolution. Until those SOB stop controlling and resisting change, going to space will mean crap because the cancer will still be there. When humanity changes and can coexist with its own planet and itself THEN it will be ready to go colonise space. If not, then all you would have is the same autodestructive species but in spaaaaaaaaace (and vaccinated for the next N1H1)!!!!! BTW, the mighty "free market" does crap for change and evolution unless they have no other choice or the State (as in us) pays their bills. European governments have had to give funding and other positive incentives so that power companies started going green.
  15. Wow, almost missed this! And they plan on making the three coneheads? Sign me up. http://www.igeartoys.com/?page_id=604 I really liked them as a kid for some reason. Guess it's because the only TF episode I ended up taping was the one where they go to medieval times and one of them had a lot of screen time.
  16. If you ever liked the TMNT back in the 80's early 90's you should really see this. It was a fantastic nostalgia trip for me. Heard of it's existence thanks to the Nostalgia Critic e few month ago.
  17. Only Christopher Lloyd could say "This particular piranha banished 2 million years ago" and make me laugh my a$$ off.
  18. I agree with Dobber and Mr March; the heavy story elements in the trailer could be a good sign but the costumes break the magic. Imagine Iron-Man 1 but with plasticky spandex They do look better in motion though.
  19. That trailer looks like a perfect waste of plastic in my book; same as with the Fanprojects add on set for Hotrod. Wish they did like Optimus and have one without the trailer... who knows, maybe they will down the road. Too bad that on both products robot mode looks great. Since getting Classics Hot Rod and the add on set looks expensive I might go just for the MP.
  20. Zapping, the movie. Looks cool, Kill Bill on acid kinda cool.
  21. Yamato, you pretty much nailed a design that was just pure anime magic. Congrats. Big wings look fantastic. Make a Blazer and I'll be getting it along with the Kai. To those that think a VF-17 would look like a whale or that the 19 fighter was doomed... good think yoou don't work for Yamato or any other toy maker.
  22. So it's going to be a model kit after all? Pre-painted and assembled is good but will they use normal model kit plastic or Yamatos funky superhard resin used for the bigger SDF? I'll still wait for a TV version. The fire valk will keep me satisfied until then.
  23. Thanks Save! Awesome bot . I'm liking that proto so much that I might pick any S/F variants Yamato decides to make (but do a VF-17 first pleaaaase).
  24. Love fatty boy there! Proportions remind me of the old Bandai fire valk model kit. Seeing this, even if fighter might look fat, a lineart accurate battroid VF-17 would be an instand buy from me.
  25. Looks like the actual product can stand on it's own pretty nicelly: (That or pink gives you extra stiff powers) Found here
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