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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. If it helps, I'd buy three.
  2. And the Raid was $1 million...
  3. Yeah, I know that, but if the people responsible for Dredd really wanted to distance themselves from The Raid, a trailer that makes you think of the other movie is not a good idea, specially when your trailer looks a lot more crappier than the other one. If they had a solid Dredd product, they would show that off. Instead we get some low budged looking stuff and bland action scenes. I wanted a Dredd movie, not the Raid with crappier action and someone doing his impersonation of Nolan’s Batman voice.
  4. Wonder if Bandai will look at the orders and say "interesting, there are more orders for this than the actual 171's we felt like making... maybe it means something... naaaaaah"
  5. The city looks like a cheap B-movie setting. Your normal big city with some fake big building painted here and there. i like the multileveled one in the Stalone one waaaaaaaaay better. This looks like "The Raid" part two.
  6. Tampo? Hello, tampo? Where are YOUUUUUUUUUUOOO??? TAAAAAAAAAAAAMPOOOOOO!?!? +-30000 yen price tag yet no splashes of the paint I see on all the line art...
  7. Well, the 80's cartoon it is not “the source” but it is the real source of the TMNT explosion of the time and the reason for the legion of turtles fans in the first place. The original comic was an indy parody of the Frank Miller-esque style of writing at the time full of mutants, teenagers, grittiness and ninjas (they even jokingly tie Daredevil’s origin in the first issue). The fan following that the indy comic got was still jack zero when compared to the real world. Playmates got the licence when then they were a small toy company and the turtles were a cheap comicbook licence. They did the kid friendly cartoon that pretty much changed everything other than the names to push their figures. It REALLY took off and now we know them thanks to that, surfer pizzas and all.
  8. You can see Chun-li in on of the pics of the gallery.
  9. My guilty pleasure movie series continues. Wonder if the cast and crew are under contract to keep producing sequels until the world ends.
  10. Yeah, me too, very very much in fact; but that doesn't mean I have to pay extra for it. On a technical level "Soundwave is inferior" ( ) . Anyways, given time I'll be able to get it for 60 USD or so thanks to Hasbro.
  11. Cute, you can show the internal frame at the same time... the one gimmick that would make me want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, sound effects, freaking big, over the top display base. It is... the Mazinger I dreamed of as a kid!
  12. I can already see how it transforms because they already have similar toys out (Universe) as well as more engineered ones to look like the cartoon (Prime)… but priced at 1/3 the cost or less. I’m not bashing the toy; it looks nice… it is just that it also screams “I’m ripping you off!”. There has to be a moment when one sets his foot down to overpriced plastic. Especially when the whole thing is done not by “a small company” but freaking Takara-Tomi.. And Hasbro will release it cheaper anyways. Look at the new MP Prime. It’s going to be a lot cheaper and have better paint apps. And now MP Soundwave. Of course it looks good. Really good. I like it better than the 3rd party one that was being made: http://www.fanstoys.com/blog/ But it isn’t that big a difference really. And since the price is freaking 160 USD for a robot that turns into a rectangle… well… Yeah birdie looks really cool but it’s still the price for a Bandai VF-25 renewal. The money spend there actually shows. And Soundwave isn't obscure character #15, he is easily one of the most remembered characters. Will wait for Hasbro version.
  13. Takara's strategy to beat 3rd party stuff is quickly making under engineered toys with cost saving few paint apps and selling them at 3rd party level prices. Genius!!
  14. So now Tony recycles old helmets as shoulders?... Or maybe he saw Gurren Lagann and wants to homage it's awesomeness by using a suit made out of Iron man faces.
  15. Ok... so live action really giant robots punching monsters... FINALLY!!! I'll be there on opening day.
  16. Awesome series. The steam punk vibe of the "New Team Avatar" was very welcomed as is the whole evolved setting. It would have been fun to have combinations of machines like they have with the animals. And next chapter is the season finale... this series is going REALLY fast but at the same time it doesn't feel rushed. A more than worthy successor to the original. "Not my cabage corp!!"
  17. The character designs remind me a lot of Phantom 2040.
  18. You got part of your wish cause Hot Toys is already making the Arkham version : http://toyhaven.blogspot.com.es/2012/02/hot-toys-announces-batman-arkham-city.html
  19. I think that Takara just wants to continue their cheapass streak and sell a classics voyager (at most looking at Mr. puny and simple) for big bucks. I know BBTS is probably guessing, but they are already asking 159$ for it: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=TAK11477&mode=retail I think they finally nailed what is their Masterpiece line: overly expensive for what you get.
  20. A lot better than the loooong action sequence overloaded sequel. This one actually tries to create characters. Loved how the train looked and worked.
  21. Since for some reason credentials are relevant, let me flash mine like you have (no flaming here, just showing that we can talk seriously in the same level ): . You say that this movie has a very flawed and generic script... well, II say that this is a very character driven and detail rich script : 1. A very tight script that takes four characters that have had stand alone hit movies (some way more than others) and makes them work together. 2. A script that not only balances the “three egos” but further develops the Nick Fury and Widow characters turning them into something more than the cartoons seen in IM2; gives the banner/Hulk character a new spin and introduces even a new Hero character that was just a cameo in Thor to a level where you actually end saying “Hawkeye is cool”. 3. Detail, detail, detail. You don’t need to turn your brain off in this summer blockbuster. It rewards the brain for being awake (I go into that below). 4. The movie is a character driven movie where the plot is the excuse to see this characters interaction and growth with each other. LOTR is about the journey of the characters, not the plot. The plot is generic, people make the jokes about why didn’t they just go flying like in the end. But LOTR is remembered because its about the journey of the characters. In Avangers we also follow the journey of a bunch of CHARACTERS. Not to somewhere far away but into a team. 5. It shows that you can make millions also by doing something with quality and at the same time not being Batman or Potter. No, no, no. That would have been a “shock dead”. That is AMATEUR writing if you don't follow it up. Here is a trick I’ve been told regarding death: many first time writer’s and director’s works revolve around a death or death presents itself at the end… like “OMG DEATH!”. Go see short films from people who want to look deep and you will find this trend. Not bad by itself because great works can come of it, but it just shows that the creative mind has just started taking its first steps experimenting with the audiovisual language. So recurring to death to make something “deep” is just writing 101 and should be avoided if its there for shock value alone and not adding to the story. Go back to comics then. The Ultimate Marvel universe (from which many of the current Marvel movies take ideas) does that. Does it ALL the time. To be precise, look for “Ultimatum”;. It is shock death after shock death; millions die… blah, blah… it is also regarded as one of the worst examples on how to trim down characters. Go watch the video reviews Linkara did on Ultimatum. Open if you want to see how “original” falls flat on its face if there is no meat to back it up (I talk about comics here, not the movie): Nope, tight and clean script: In conclusion: attention to small details and visual clues that show more than tell. The basics of doing good cinema story telling. Sure there will be extra scenes for the DVD… but it’s subtlety makes it stand perfectly without them. It will fly above some heads because… well, audiences have been shocked numb with crap like TF3. The writer/director has taken the audience seriously… even if they are watching a summer blockbuster. The Transformers / Michael Bay way of doing blockbuster is what hurts creativity in the industry, not the “good guys win” formula. This film goes to show that you can have quality with your popcorn. Nolan’s Batman has done it and the Avangers also does without the need of being so dark and brooding. About the “a hero is as good as his villain” thing: Of course this is not the greatest film ever, but I have to really nitpick to get something:
  22. Awesome. Loved how many little details were crammed in there:
  23. Damn my lazy group planning! We won't be seeing it until Monday Must fill Avanger need somehow...
  24. Considering what Bandai and Yamato are doing now with transforming toys and even what HasTak has been doing in recent years, the new "Masterpiece" SS is a HUGE letdown. I mean, the engineering on SS is years old and it shows. Neither “masterpiece” paintjob nor engineering but they sure ask Masterpiece price for it. Hasbro and Takara make cheaper TF that are a lot more complex than this old horse. Had Bandai done a similar cosmetic cheap trick for their renewal VF-25, they would have been crucified. Instead they gave us a product light years away from their first try.
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