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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. Looks awesome with the new suit. Only sad part is that it covers those delicious wordings on the chest and legs.
  2. Ugh, Iron Man Mk VII looks off. Reminds me of the cyborg look the HT MK III had (specially on the hips).
  3. Of course he is responsible for his actions and deserves the full force of the justice hammer. But he is at the same time a product of something. A whole bunch of uncomfortable causes that society as a whole would need to address instead of skipping over. Only way to prevent more scum$hit like this guy popping up in another 24 years or less is learning and going straight for the causes.
  4. If only they would actually look beyond the symptoms and work on the causes like you say. But, of course, that would mean having the courage to actually look and rethink a lot of the pillars of the modern world instead of the usual both wing political dead horses we will get. I would really like to know how much of a nose dive have social skills taken in our present faceless and shallow internet age. They make you memorize a bunch of dates and “facts” in school but heaven forbid we actually teach kids how to communicate and solve conflicts in positive and cooperative ways. Always with the “competing” and the “other guy is the enemy” mentality. Add to that parenting is left like a nuisance instead of a very big responsibility. How was this nut treated as a baby/kid by his parents? What type of values did they instil in him? Were any of them positive? Did those values actually corresponded with the real way he was brought up? Was there a social net to actually help the parents do their work and to promote and safeguard his upbringing? Did the school system detect anything? Could they? Would they? Oh, he was shy… why the hell was that? Was he afraid to speak in his own home? Did he speak to his parents? In school? Where did he speak? On his little keyboard to faceless strangers? Why wasn’t he taught how to express himself in other ways? Why wasn’t he taught that bottleling emotions up is the worst thing you can do? Good thing they at least caught this nut alive. I’m really pissed and really sad for those poor, poor people that just wanted to disconnect with a flawed real world and enjoy a few hours of quality fun
  5. The robot from the poster looks generic but still nice.... and reading this I see we will get at least half a dozen different robots (freaking AWESOME!!) Del Toro’s words can sure make you want to see the movie.
  6. A comic book character famous for being a wife beater that constantly creates new superhero identities and genocidal robots.
  7. Fantastic scheme... for me not to care about any merchandize made out of it!!!! Mo money for valks baby!
  8. OK, now THAT is a trailer that makes me want to see a movie. Other than the helmet, it still doesn't show anything that screams "Dredd universe" but it does show the possibility of solid action.
  9. So David, you feel like picking the new Thundercracker? I remember you did a very nice repaint of the old mold. Need better picks but I'm kinda glad I past on the Igear version.
  10. Ok, before buying the Keaton Bats I see they also have Returns in the works... ok cool, I still like the organic suit better than the armored Returns version; but now this: What Batman properties ARE NOT being done by Hot Toys? LOL
  11. Comparison to the Ozma scheme: Ozma fighter looks cool with the white nose cone but battroid is more boring. Are you people sure it is a normal release? The whole 30th anniversary thing screams web exclusive... The more I see it the more I want it, damn it.
  12. Maybe if the canopy was clear... The nose looks like it belongs on another scheme. Two different schemes stuck together. The white to red of the original didn't have that even though this is basically a color swap. Colors are weird. It's growing on me. But if this isn't an web order exclusive who gives a $hit, preordering a Bandai MF is a part time job.
  13. Hot Toys Keaton DX Batman 1989: "Keaton, you look stiff. Man, you look like you have a broom up your ass!! HAHA. Ok, sorry, I know you can't move your head with that stupi... AWESOME cowl! Damn, so stiff and yet so awesome looking... that cape looks so menacing; Bale cape is just boring compare to yours... can't get into that halo/swat looking suit anyways... I just like the stiff overuseofrubber suit”. Chances of getting Keaton Batman: 75%...and growing. Way to convince myself: "It will look cool next to my Medicom RAH Spawn and Jojo!!" Medicom comic Batman looks cool too but the diaper is a bit off.
  14. Black "vest" in batroid looks really good but fighter looks weird...
  15. Mental dialogue experience with 171: "Man, turning my Vf-17 back to fighter made me want to chuck it against a wall last night, lets hope the 171 isn’t as frustrating. Damn, the MW guys are saying it’s even more complex. But I like complex (I think? I do enjoy MP Rodimus which some call “frustrating”). Let’s do it… Fighter is just so pretty, whish Yamato had used more tampo… god the 171 is pretty; My favourite fighter other than the Vf-1. Lets transform!! Looks easy. Wow this is AWESOME, a heck more fun than the 17. AWESOME shoulder design! There goes the wing pin… not that bad. Transformation process moves pieces around in such a way you… oh, there goes another wing pin… and another... and again. Toy is tight. Ok, that head mechanism is weird. Can’t lock the damn chest… can’t flip the other cockpit hinge. Can’t lock… ANOTHER PIN!!. Still looks so pretty and… again with THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKING PIIIIIIIINS. LOOOOOOCK, PIECE OF crap, LOOOOCK!! DAMN STUPID HEAD DON’T MOVE, I’M GOING TO SCRATCH MY STUPID BANDAI CHEAP PAINT!!!!! *click* oh, there we go. All locked in place! So pretty!!" Time spend: More than an hour and a freaking half. Like it? F*YEAH! Anybody tried using spray (or liquid) varnish on a Bandai? How does it look? I love the tampo on this thing and don’t want to scratch it. Another thing: Does the panel that flips from under the chest peg into the head? It has a peg and if you back the neck you get a hole but I just can’t make it click.
  16. There is also a Medicom RAH Eva-1 in the works. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-2454&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Devangelion%24pagemax%3D100%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
  17. The mini Shockwave sub included just made this an awesome purchase. Glad I picked it up. http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/3rd-party-unlicensed-41/knight-morpher-cyclops-released-and-new-pics-175395/
  18. Well, that's good. Some of bitching looks like it comes from the whole thing being a stunt to keep the licence. X-men did the same but “First Class” turned out to be very good. Hope this one comes close to that. Never was a big fan of the Raimi ones. I did like parts and the train scenes with Dr. Octupus is fantastic but never found myself attached to them. Read that the Avangers was going to have the Oscorp tower in their skyline but they didn't have it in time to include it. So cross studio universe sharing isn't that impossible.
  19. Heard they botched the "with great power comes great responsibility" part. Is that true? If any super hero carries a message that is worth something and can easily be shown is Spider-man. Pretty good advise that applies to all people and not just people bitter by radioactive animals. If people with political, economic, fan, social, community… power followed that simple phrase, the world would be better. My main reason I’ve always like Spidey is that message. He is the avatar of responsibility (even if the writers just like to sometimes torture the character with the crap they pull).
  20. Ok, now I know who Broadside is… the guy that squashed Devastator by dropping itself in aircraft carrier mode. Best use of altmode EVER. Plane mode looks really meh but there is a pic from above that doesn’t look bad. Anyways, wish some 3rd party would grow the pair to actually do Astrotrain or Blitzwing.
  21. I paid a few weeks ago when they asked for it but ordered long ago. Nippon Yasan said when I asked that it was to be shipped on the 30th. Just a few ours then… I hope… could have gotten the cheaper Hobbysearch one yesterday… Now I want more than one. The scheme really works a lot better than the M7 one for the 17. It brings out a lot of the design detail without needing to look at it from up close. Seeing they are doing a no scheme YF-29 gives me hope for a limited 171 CF. One Alto and one CF would be perfect. PLEASE!!
  22. How exactly do you do a Fokker 29? A truly Vf-1S scheme is basically just two simple stripes. Will they follow the psychedelic 29 scheme but black instead of red and the black stripes yellow? Wish it was the Ozma, the grey scheme from the videogame looked cool.
  23. Muy pero que muy bueno. ¡Quiero más! They talk on a podcast about a single 20 min short film or four 5 min episodes. Distributed sounds like free download (I have just skimmed the audio a bit) http://www.blogtalkradio.com/robotechespanol/2012/04/20/robotech-espanol-podcast
  24. The trailer tells much of the plot, but this one definitely sounds different.
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